"Alfa Weske, you're really crazy. You've done a lot of things like nuclear explosions." Li Xingyun looked back at the huge crater not far away, and her face turned pale.

"So alpha wesk is a crafty guy. As the commander-in-chief of the umbrella company, it's not easy for us to take him down." mogana came out and stretched lazily, as if he didn't care about it. He almost died in Alfa Wisker's hands.

After Morgana is mo shaocong with a black face.

He made that layer of burnt eggshell.

After Dr. William has been transformed into a super tyrant, Mo shaocong has many unexpected abilities.

One of them is a large number of value-added cells to form a huge meat egg to protect itself perfectly.

Giant meat eggs are extremely strong in protection, and ordinary nuclear explosions have nothing to do with them.

It can be regarded as Mo shaocong's life-saving card at the bottom of the box. It will take more than ten years to recover after using it once again. During this period, Mo shaocong's strength will always be in a weak state.

Mo shaocong's own did not expect that he would be unlucky to this extent, just won the life card has not been able to make good use of it was so inexplicably consumed.

After Mo shaocong came out is Chen Xiaoming.

Mo shaocong's ability is only to stop a nuclear explosion. Chen Xiaoming is the real hero who makes Li Xingyun and others survive.

Chen Xiaoming's mechanical armor research is not very perfect, but it is enough to put together a protective egg temporarily.

It was Chen Xiaoming's metal eggshell that isolated a lot of high temperature and heat from the nuclear explosion, otherwise Mo shaocong's meat and eggs would have been burned to fly ash.

As for Li Xingyun and moganna, they attach their energy to the metal eggshell and coat it with powerful energy.

While holding the metal egg and transferring to the deep underground, it resisted part of the explosive force.

Under the joint efforts of the four of them, they managed to survive the difficulties.

The price is that Li Xingyun's energy is exhausted, Chen Xiaoming's mecha is scrapped, and Mo shaocong enters a long-term weak state.

Among the four, mogana was the only one who maintained the best fighting power.

In fact, mogana's strength has not been fully exposed. Li Xingyun and others have a kind of intuition. Even without the three of them, the strength of mogana alone is enough to withstand the previous serial nuclear explosions.

After Chen Xiaoming, a series of people came out.

Alpha wesk's clone, Alice's body, and the Tokyo headquarters of several lucky umbrella companies also came out.

In this series of nuclear explosions, except for a few of them who are close to Li Xingyun and others, all the remaining people were killed.

The clones, including Alice, and the tyrants all died in a series of nuclear explosions.

But apart from Alice's body, which has been enhanced by T virus, and alpha wesk's clone, the rest of the lucky ones are not in good condition.

Li Xingyun is the only one who can tolerate the super radiation of nuclear explosions.

The rest of the ordinary people will not survive for a long time after being "taken care of" by such a large amount of nuclear radiation.

"Let's go, a new round of war begins again"

by the time Li Xingyun and others returned to the North American branch of umbrella company, the place had become a ruin.

All kinds of mutilated bodies and blood smeared all over the Institute.

"This place has not been bombed by a nuclear bomb, but it has been attacked by some monsters, some of which I believe everyone knows." after Li Xingyun kicked the licker's body at the foot, everyone realized that it was attacked by alpha wesk's super zombie troops.

"The South American branch can't be contacted. It seems that this time alpha wesk is a broken man and has been completely wiped out." mogana picked up a communicator and stirred it twice, shrugging at Li Xingyun and others.

He said he couldn't get in touch with the puppets in South America.

"After looking for equipment that can still be used, let's go to Alfa Wisker himself, hoping everyone's alive." Alice gritted her teeth at Carlos's mutilated lower body, and her eyes were almost angry.

Now they can be regarded as a return to understand before release, all the bases under control have been broken.

Li Xingyun and others set out again after staying in the North American headquarters of the debris like umbrella company for half a month.

This time they took everything they could take from the entire North American division.

Although there is not much equipment, it can cope with low-intensity combat.

What's important is that they get a lot of supplies that haven't been destroyed by the mutant zombies, which is the real solution to their urgent need.

Chen Xiaoming, Mo shaocong and Alice, who had been transformed by T virus, all became "big bellied men.".

Without that food, they would have starved themselves out of their way without Alfa Wisker.However, after such a long time of fighting and training, Li Xingyun has finally mastered the heterogeneous energy in her body. She can make up for the consumption of her flesh by training, and her appetite is no longer as terrible as before.

As for how to find alpha Wisker, it's not a question.

After being "tamed" by mogana, alpha wesk's clone has lost its cool.

It can be said that he knew everything and said everything about Alfa Weske.

The fact that Acadia in Alaska is a bait trap has also been said.

Li Xingyun and others have analyzed that alpha wesk's ontological eight achievements presided over these unseen studies in Acadia.

In fact, in the biochemical crisis 4 movie, alpha wesk also captured many survivors in Acadia to serve as experimental subjects.

Li Xingyun, who has seen the movie, naturally knows that the so-called Acadia is a giant cruise ship floating on the sea. It is not easy to find the specific address of Acadia.

And what really worries Li Yun Yun is, what if the previous serial nuclear attack was not done by alpha Wisker himself?

If he remembers correctly, the biggest boss hidden in the biochemical crisis is not alpha Wisker, but the Red Queen of artificial intelligence.

Red Queen used t virus to cultivate many clones, as well as many super zombies with various variations, which showed great charm in the fifth biochemical crisis.

"Find the alpha wesk body first, then, it's useless to think too much. If the former serial bomb was really lost by the Red Queen, we would be further away from the truth." mogana seemed to see Li Xingyun's worry and gently comforted him.

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