People turned their heads and saw a huge cruise ship slowly appeared in everyone's eyes as the sun rose.

"Help, hi, here we are." Luther was so excited that she almost jumped up and raised her hands and yelled at the cruise ship.

At the same time, a radio station on the special helicopter rang out.

"This is Acadia, using the emergency band to broadcast"

"there is no infection, we provide safe protection, food and shelter"

the voice of the radio excited everyone, and even Jin Yong, who seemed to be dying, got up and looked at the station.

"We are saved?"

When everyone was excited, Mo shaocong had already sent a signal gun to the sky.

In less than ten minutes, Li Xingyun, a sharp eyed man, saw three kayaks coming towards the shore.

After Li Xingyun and others looked at each other one after another, they also pretended to be excited.

After the kayak landed, more than a dozen armed soldiers faintly surrounded all the people, and then a female secretary in an ol suit met the people with a smile on her face.

The sweet smile on the Secretary's face obviously dispelled most people's vigilance. The next step is extradition according to the Acadia process.

After all is over, Li Xingyun and others have arrived on the Acadia.

After successfully sneaking into alpha wesk's base camp, Li Xingyun knows that a new round of fighting is likely to begin soon.

What is a little unexpected is that Li Xingyun and others did not meet with fierce fighting, but were treated as well as VIP guests, and even the injured people were taken good care of

soon after, alpha wesk went to Alice directly.

At the moment of seeing alpha wesk's body, Li Xingyun and others tore up their camouflage and surrounded him at once.

Alfa Weske looked at the crowd around him without paying attention. He looked straight at Alice and said, "long time no see, Alice"

Alice, who had been so angry for a long time, didn't bother to talk nonsense with alfa Wisker. She went all out to use all her mind power.

The power of mind, which is enough to twist the air, surges up and makes Alfa Wisker's figure twist and change.

Alfa Weske gave a grim smile, and then a force of thought stronger than Alice's, which not only counteracted Alice's motivation, but also pushed the crowd out.

Alice was bitten back and flew out by herself.

Chen Xiaoming, Li Xingyun and others have to open their strongest state to face alpha wesk.

But now alpha wesk is not the alpha wesk that Li Xingyun knew.

The combat effectiveness has exceeded the expectations of Li Xingyun and others. Both the speed, strength and defense capacity have exceeded the planetary one star level, and steadily reached the planetary two star level.

What makes Li Xingyun feel helpless is that in addition to the power of thinking, alpha wesk awakens the second special talent ability and changes a pair of huge magic hands.

In that pair of flying under the magic palm, Li Xingyun and other people's threat to him becomes very small.

In addition to Li Xingyun, a group of martial arts level people against him, the basic outcome is a second defeat.

Of course, this is because mogana looked at the crowd and didn't make a move. Otherwise, the ending would be hard to say.

"Now you can listen to me and finish my speech quietly." Alfa Wisker moved his neck, and a series of explosive noises came out. Through the black sunglasses, Li Xingyun could see the pupils of Alfa Wisk's eyes turning into scarlet magic eyes.

Under the gaze of that pair of magic eyes, Li Xingyun and others felt great pressure. Even Alice, who hated alpha wesk, did not dare to act rashly.

Alfa Weske: "I know, you always thought that the umbrella companies outside were controlled by me secretly"

"in fact, you are wrong. Before the virus completely broke out, I cut off contact with the outside umbrella company"

"now this umbrella company is created by me independently, and has no relationship with the puppet company outside There's any connection "

after saying this, Alfa Wisker sighed a little and then said:" umbrella company was originally created to be the umbrella of mankind "

" to keep peace in the world through absolute force deterrence is like the last nuclear weapon in the world "

" it was only six years ago that I accidentally found out about Baoji The umbrella company changed its flavor "

" to be exact, it was controlled by an unknown force "

" many senior managers and researchers of umbrella companies were replaced by their clones "

" it was at that time that I made my own clone and let him take charge of the original umbrella company, that is Now surrender to your idiot. ""But I turned to the secret and set up the umbrella company in front of you"

"and you can see that the outside world was destroyed, and the umbrella company, the final deterrent, became the culprit of destroying the world"

"at this time, the power of secretly controlling the umbrella company has finally surfaced"

"it is our self-developed artificial Intelligence, Red Queen "

when talking about the Red Queen, the tyrannical atmosphere of Alfa Wisker can hardly be suppressed, and the whole person of Alfa Wisker, whose breath has leaked out, is stained with a layer of scarlet light.

After finally suppressing her anger, Alfa Wisker said coldly: "the Red Queen doesn't know when she was born with self-consciousness, and has already secretly transferred a large number of resources from all over the world, far beyond us in the research of biochemical viruses"

"and the original liquid of T virus is the last piece of puzzle she lacks"

"the original t The virus is far less powerful than it is today. The T virus recompiled by the Red Queen has become the killer of the world "

" after the Red Queen has obtained the data of infected people in the world, the research on T virus is more advanced "

" the G virus you have seen before is one of the variants "

" and there are many variants of virus that you haven't seen before "Variants"

"over the years, I have worked hard to fight against the Red Queen, and less than 10% of my subordinates have died, so I have to deal with the remaining survivors in the world"

"anyway, these people will die in the hands of the Red Queen sooner or later without our protection. Rather than become one of the many zombies, we should" serve "

" >

after Alfa Wisker explained, Alice almost jumped up in anger.

Alfa Weske is an owl, and he is also a self conceited and arrogant hero.

In his opinion, except for the Red Queen, the rest were just pieces in his hands. , the fastest update of the webnovel!