After solving the zombies easily, Alice took them to the subway station to find her daughter.

After seeing the little girl Becky, Becky fell on Alice like a tired bird and called out "mother" in her mouth.

Luther looked at Alice with a confused look: "Mom?"

Alice had a helpless smile: "it's a long story"

after seeing Becky, Morgana's eyes flashed. Then she walked over with a smile and picked up the little girl: "it's a beautiful little girl. Alice is so lucky"

after being picked up by moganna, Becky suddenly got uneasy and stretched out her hand to Alice to hold her.

Alice seemed unable to bear Becky's fright, and rushed up to hold her.

However, Morgana turned her body and blocked Alice's hands: "what's the hurry? Such a beautiful girl, give me a little more holding"

Alice hesitated and said to Becky, "don't be afraid. This sister is my good friend, she won't hurt you"

and Becky seems to be scared by something so scared that she can't even speak I'm looking at Alice with tears in my eyes.

At this time, the clone of the female mercenary couldn't look down. She wanted to come up and grab Becky. However, after being glared by mogana, she flew upside down and directly hit the wall and fainted.

"What are you doing? 'Alice felt something was wrong, and she could not help holding the gun in her hand.

"What, of course, is to let our lovely Becky show her real face." mogana's smile and sweet teased Becky in her arms.

The helpless little girl Becky is like a wolf cub held by a lioness. She can do nothing but cute and cute.

After a while, Becky realized that it was not difficult to break away from mogana's arms, and suddenly fell silent.

"What's the matter? Don't you disguise it? Keep on pretending. I'm having a good time watching it." mogana's smiling face turns cold gradually.

Alice also knew that Morgana had all kinds of magical abilities. She couldn't help frowning at Becky.

For this poor little girl, Alice's heart is full of pity, especially the sentence "mother" let Alice's maternal love overflow into a river.

If the world had not been destroyed and she was an ordinary person, she would have had such a big child at her present age.

It can be said that Becky's appearance represents the softest part in Alice's heart, and it is Alice's most longing for the future.

In the face of Alice's gaze, Becky's hazy tears gradually become cold, and a temperament that doesn't belong to Becky gradually spreads from her small body.

Looking at the familiar look in her eyes, Alice's eyes gradually showed a look of hatred to the extreme.

"The Red Queen?" Alice grinned at Becky.

"You don't have any way to live. Surrender. There will be a place for you in the garden of Eden in the future." after Beiqi's cold voice without any feelings, Chen Xiaoming and others immediately took a cold breath.

"Is this the incarnation of the Red Queen?" Luther and others in fear, subconsciously raised their arms at Becky.

"To be exact, every clone and mutant zombie produced by umbrella company is the incarnation of Red Queen. The red queen can replace their personal consciousness and occupy their bodies in an instant."

"therefore, the Red Queen has successfully implemented all kinds of intrigues and successfully dragged the whole world into hell in recent years "Right, Red Queen" mogana looked down into Becky's eyes.

Red Queen: "your existence is the most incomprehensible place for me. You are not in the past and the future that I calculate. Foreign visitors here are my world. If you interfere with my world, you will pay the price"

"ha ha, if you can make me pay the price, let me go. I just want to see what the master of the world has." mogana heard red After the Queen's threat, an indescribable domineering force suddenly rose from her delicate body.

Beiqi, or the Red Queen, who was held by her, was shocked by the domineering momentum to the extreme, and fainted very simply.

"It's up to you. As long as the Red Queen doesn't die, her clones won't be free. As long as she thinks about it, she will become another red queen." after mogana gives Becky back to Alice, she doesn't say anything.

Alice held Becky in her arms, and her tears ran down.

"Why, why"

Alice, whose defense lines were broken, burst into tears, holding Becky's tiny body.

Five minutes later, the tears of Alice finally made a decision, her eyes become more strong, also become more cold.

A strong breath of planetary beings rose slowly from Alice.

"Let's go." Alice tenderly placed Becky's body in a hidden place, and once again became the enchanting goddess of war in the biochemical crisis.This time Alice will be the real nemesis.

The next journey is more difficult to walk, it should be said that the Red Queen's trick was found out after becoming angry.

All kinds of zombies and super ability clones that Chen Xiaoming did not see appeared on the stage one after another, leaving a deep impression on them.

"I'll tell you why Alice was able to escape successfully before. It turns out that the Red Queen wanted to use Alice's hand to insert Becky and other spies into the building"

"now when the plot is discovered, the Red Queen turns over and doesn't recognize anyone. What's more, it's really a woman's watch." after Chen Xiaoming spat out blood foam, Chen Xiaoming raises her heavy arms again to face the corpse in front of her FireStarter.

The power of Chen Xiaoming's mechatronic armor is very good. All kinds of performances are enough to fight against the cultivators of the one star realm.

In particular, the advantage of being able to fly for a short period of time is enough to make the practitioners of many planets and one star encounter a wall to eat.

However, Chen Xiaoming's mechanical warfare armor has a very obvious disadvantage, that is, the designed semi mechanical biochemical heart needs to consume his own strength, so a long time of fighting is very disadvantageous to Chen Xiaoming.

So far, Chen Xiaoming has been fighting for more than three hours in a row. In half an hour or so, the mechanical warfare Kai designed by him will drain all his strength. By then, this heavy mechanical warfare Kai will become Chen Xiaoming's iron coffin.

"Where have Li Xingyun brothers gone? How come they haven't come back? We're going to be unable to hold on." Luther and others are also struggling to hold the line.

After Alice got angry, they quickly passed through the tunnel of Moscow experimental field and came to the submarine area.

It's just that this place has been guarded by the army arranged by the Red Queen. It is obvious that the red queen who has been found out of the scheme has no intention of letting any live person go out alive. , the fastest update of the webnovel!