The Red Queen has developed a technology that does not belong to human beings by using biochemical technology and her own special technology. At this time, the Red Queen has a real incarnation of intelligent program for a zombie emperor who commands hundreds of millions of zombies.

"I can't destroy your program, I'll destroy your main brain"

Alice bit her teeth and started shooting at the biochemical brain container.

The container that can hold the biochemical brain is obviously not ordinary glass.

After Alice's straggling bullets hit the transparent container, they were shot out one after another, without even a trace of damage.

Red Queen: "it's no use, Alice. The container that holds my head is a super nano polycarbonate that I independently developed. It can withstand even a nuclear bomb explosion. You can't break my defense."

after Alice finished shooting the bullets in her hand, the voice of the Red Queen appeared in her ear.

Then Alice saw an entrance from the ceiling above her head, and a pretty little Lori flew down.

"Hello, Alice, this is our third official meeting. The first two times were not very happy. I hope you can like it this time." the red queen in Lori looks at Alice with a smile on her face.

Alice looked at Lori's face, and her eyes twinkled with grief and anger, for it was Becky's body.

"I thought you'd like this body better, because half of the genes in this body come from you," said the Red Queen with a lovely face.

"Ah..." Alice, who was completely infuriated, burst out a burst of hurt mother beast like roar, and the power of reading broke out unprecedentedly.

Like the essence of the power of thought, a huge storm came to the Red Queen's petite body.

"You haven't changed at all, Alice, you're all going to die here." after restoring the mechanical voice, the Red Queen was not pretending to be cute, and looked at Alice with a cold face.

But he didn't look at the motive force that attacked him.

The next second, Lori's body was ravaged to the extreme by the power of thinking.

Alice couldn't help panting after the full burst.

At this point, the ceiling above her head opens again, and another Lori flies in.

Red Queen: "as I said, it's useless. You can't kill me. Every zombie and clone here is my new body. Unless this place is completely destroyed, you can't hurt me a cent"

"and even if you destroy this Taikong fortress, I can be reborn in other places on the earth"

"my plan In the calculation, you don't have a chance to win "

" shut up. "Alice jumped up again, and the Nepal Army knife in her hand was attached with a strong power of thinking, and then she cut into the new body of the Red Queen.

However, Alice was knocked out of the air.

The Red Queen coldly looked at Alice, who was curling up in the corner of the wall in pain, and said, "I said that half of the genes in this body now come from you. Naturally, I will, and there will be many skills that you can't master."

just after the Red Queen's words, a pair of burning demonic hands appeared behind her.

At the same time, the Red Queen's petite body exudes a tremendously powerful momentum, a pair of big eyes drenched with water has turned into scarlet devil's eyes. At the moment, she has completely surpassed alpha wesk-1, the planet's two-star combat effectiveness.

"This is one of the strongest states in my clone. Let's have a good experience of despair." with a little wave of the Red Queen's hand, a devil's palm flew out and slapped Alice in the face.

"Rapid" Alice's pupil instantly enlarged, reading power does not overflow, but extremely astringent, attached to her legs.

After the powerful thinking power covers her legs, Alice is endowed with powerful strength and speed. Just like the Li nebula that opened the first dragon flash, Alice disappeared into the air.

If it's Alice in the movie, she can't do this kind of action at all. But Alice in this world has met a noble person.

Under the guidance of Morgana and others, Alice's development and application of thinking power has not been able to match before.

Now, after breaking through the planetary stage, Alice has become more powerful than ever before. Even Li Xingyun is not sure that she can only use Chu Long Shan to defeat Alice.

At present, Alice is not inferior to the speed cultivator of the three-star realm of the speed shape.

after flashing the devil's hand, Alice ran up against the wall, and the Nepalese Army knife in her hand also shot a series of mind chopping under the stimulation of reading power.

The piercing sound of the air burst through the room.

"Even if you get the training of those people, you can't beat me, Alice." the Red Queen's cold eyes moved with Alice's movement.At the moment, the Red Queen, who opened the devil's eyes, saw Alice's every move in her eyes. After adding huge data calculation, Alice's tactics were deduced by her.

It can be said that she knows exactly what action Alice is going to do and what moves she is going to release.

"Mindfulness entanglement" after the Red Queen used a devil's hand to protect her petite body, the power of thinking, which was even more powerful than Alice, spread out like a spider's web.

Contact Alice in the gallop, immediately entangled up.

In less than three seconds, Alice's speed dropped.

And now the devil's hand, which was chasing after Alice, came to her.

"Sure enough, as the master said, the strength of the Red Queen is really unpredictable." Alice did not panic, but sighed slightly in her heart for the magical plan of mogana. Alice had secretly worshipped mogana as her master long ago.

Under the guidance of Morgana, Alice's strength has also shown a leap forward increase, from meeting mogana to now, but only about half a year.

But Alice's has broken through many limits and grown to the present situation.

It's not only the development of thinking power, but also her physical fitness is stronger than before. I don't know how much. At the same time, Alice has learned a few tricks that the Red Queen has seen again.

"Crazy thinking" Alice's blue veins on her forehead suddenly protruded, and the powerful power of thinking poured into her brain in a moment.

The next second Alice's pupils become extremely red, an unprecedented force filled the body, Alice's strength and speed suddenly turned several times. , the fastest update of the webnovel!