Not to mention, Quentin's necklace really has a great effect. After holding the necklace, Nancy's fear was dispelled a lot.

When Nancy was not far away, Freddy appeared behind her.

"1, 2, 3, guess it's for you"

Freddy's sudden appearance startles Nancy.

When Nancy looked back, Freddy, who was still a long way from him, suddenly moved to her.

Nancy looked at the ugly face so close that her pupils contracted violently.

Freddy's mouth with a strange smile: "Hello, little Nancy, now you are caught by me, what game do you want to play next time"

after panic, Nancy's heart was replaced by endless anger: "fakew, Freddy"

Freddy put on a frightened expression and said with a strange smile: "Oh, it sounds interesting, but it makes me a little sick No, how about hanging it up first "

after Freddy finished, he grabbed Nancy's head and told her to look back.

Where a row of mutilated bodies were hung on a water pipe, Nancy could vaguely recognize two of them, Dean, who had been "killed" and Jesse, who had lost his head.

"No, it's not true, it's not true," Nancy cried out, holding the necklace in her hand and crying as she saw the bodies.

I don't know whether Nancy's self hypnosis or the necklace played a role. The "wall" of the body in front of Nancy gradually twisted and finally disappeared in front of her eyes.

Seeing this, Freddy quickly pulled Nancy down in front of him, put the ugly face burned by the fire up, and yelled at Nancy close by: "it's true"

"I'm also real"

Nancy smelled Freddy's body more and more strong, knowing that Freddy was going to attack her, she pushed Freddy away and ran back.

Who knows how to turn her head, Nancy ran from the horrible basement of kindergarten to the second floor of her home.

Nancy was stunned for a moment, and then she heard heavy footsteps coming from the stairwell.

Nancy pushed the toilet door and found it couldn't open, so she hid in the closet next to her.

Through the blinds of the wardrobe, Nancy saw Freddy come up, scraping the wall with his scissors.

"Where are you, my little Nancy"

Freddy looked around with a strange smile and finally looked at the wardrobe.

In Freddy's deliberately exaggerated atmosphere of terror, a strong fear came out of Nancy's heart.

Under Freddy's construction one after another, Nancy's defense line gradually collapsed.

Nancy in the fear of the trend, hastily back, dare not watch gradually close to Freddy.

After waiting for a while, the footsteps outside the wardrobe gradually disappeared.

When Nancy looked at the crack again, she found Freddy had disappeared out of the closet.

Just as Nancy was surprised, Freddy showed up at her side.

Freddy: "I found you"

Nancy screamed and pushed Freddy out of the closet.

It turns out that even girls can be incredibly powerful in life and death, and the wooden closet door is directly smashed into a big hole by Nancy.

After Nancy rushed out of the closet, she ran upstairs in a hurry. As she passed a red carpet corridor, she was caught in the ground.

At this time, Nancy found that the red carpet under her feet had turned into a stinky pool of blood.

Freddy stood by the blood pool and looked at Nancy with a sneer on her face and said, "now, what about a dream legacy"

Nancy, struggling in the blood pool, her reason has been completely submerged by the emotion called fear, completely forgetting Li Xingyun's explanation to her before she fell into the dream.

Freddy couldn't wait to see what he had created.

Under Freddy's control, Nancy completely sank into the blood pool. Two seconds later, Nancy fell through the floor upstairs to the bed in the room downstairs.

By this time, she had completely changed into a light blue dress.

After getting rid of the pool of blood that was suffocating her, Nancy looked at her dress with a look of stupidity, and her heart was filled with horror.

Before Nancy made a move to escape, an invisible force kept her in bed.

"Well This dress has always been my favorite "

" do you remember, Nancy "

" of course you remember, you remember everything now, don't you "

with Freddy's guidance, the memories in Nancy's mind began to reappear.

The memory of being sealed as a child came back to her mind slowly.

With the emergence of Nancy's memory, Freddy showed a look of great enjoyment: "it's this feeling, your memory has given me strength, Nancy, you are my favorite, little Nancy"

while speaking, Freddy came to Nancy's side, and the sharp finger knife swam on Nancy like a lover.Nancy cried: "no, please, don't"

Nancy's crying made Freddy more excited: "your mouth said no, but your body said yes"

in the trend of extreme fear, Nancy closed her eyes.

"Look at me, look at my face, see what you've done to me"

Freddy pulled Nancy out of bed, forced her to open her eyes to look at his horrible and ugly face, and then said with a strange smile, "now, the game begins, enjoy yourself"

just before Freddy is about to insert his claws into it While Nancy was in her body, the glass window behind Freddy suddenly broke open.

Li Xingyun is the shadow of Li Xingyun after countless flying broken glass.

After flying into the room, Li Xingyun gave Freddy a series of kicks without saying a word.

Like Foshan shadowless feet, the same serial kicks on Freddy, kicking this abnormal guy straight out and smashing through a wall.

After losing her bondage, Nancy scrambled to her feet from her bed.

"Are you ok?" Li Xingyun asked, looking at Nancy's broken face.

Nancy wiped the tears on her face and said, "it's OK, but Freddy's power has become more powerful"

"interesting little fellow, do you want to participate in our game

Freddy grinned, and the big hole in the wall came in again, and by the way, pulled out the debris that had been inserted into his body.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, you can't hurt me here, but I can play with your body at will." Freddy's words just fell and quickly moved to Li Xingyun's eyes.

Li Xingyun with this extraordinary emergency response, quickly pushed Nancy out, and then pushed Nancy's power across the past.

Li Xingyun and Nancy just separated. A cold light flashed between them. A wisp of Nancy's hair and Li Xingyun's cuff slowly fell to the ground. , the fastest update of the webnovel!