In the face of the big five and three rough Chen Xiaoming, Freddy almost no resistance, was beaten life can hardly take care of themselves, Chen Xiaoming this just stopped.

Chen Xiaoming took the iron bar in Quentin's hand and cut off Freddy's arm with steel claws. After that, he put down his mind and walked to Li Xingyun, who was seriously injured.

At this time, Nancy Li's injury has been dealt with.

The broken right foot was pulled back to its original position by his bare hands and fixed with two wooden strips.

the bloody wounds on his body were also bandaged after being washed with alcohol.

It is difficult to deal with the three bloodstains on her face. I have to use Nancy's hand to clean the wound.

Li Xingyun's simple and harsh but effective treatment method makes Nancy and Quentin's eyelids jump.

At this time, the two of them knew that Li Xingyun was ten thousand times more terrifying than Freddy in reality.

it seems to ordinary people that the wounds that hurt so much that they couldn't breathe were nothing at all in front of Li Xingyun. In the face of those wounds that all hurt, Li Xingyun was able to deal with them without a wrinkle, as if they were not on his own.

"Finally, we have caught this guy, and then we can find moganna and they will meet"

Li Xingyun looks at the life and death of Freddy, and his injuries look terrible, but actually there is no fatal injury.

In addition to the broken leg affects the action, for Li Xingyun, there is no difference between this injury and not.

Chen Xiaoming nodded and didn't say anything. He took Freddy, who had become a soft legged shrimp, and went out with his broken hand.

Nancy: "what do we take him for? Why don't we just kill him"

after Li Xingyun motioned for Quentin to help him, she said to Nancy, "have you forgotten the mode of Freddy's existence? As long as someone believes that he is real, he won't die. If you kill Freddy in reality, he will be reborn in the dream world"

"with this The best way is to seal him permanently in reality and memory, so that he can completely become a forgotten existence.

"only in this way can Freddy not continue to do evil"

"if we find a way to permanently eliminate Freddy, it is better, but not Li Xingyun's words made Nancy nod her head and didn't say anything more.

In the original movie, she thought that if she killed Freddy in the real world, everything would be over.

It wasn't long before Freddy was reborn in a dream and killed her mother in front of her.

It's impossible for Freddie Lee to know the ending of the movie.

Ordinary death is just a way for him to return to the devil's arms.

As long as his soul can't be destroyed, Freddy can be reborn in his dream infinitely.

In order to avoid this situation, Li Xingyun and Morgana decided to pull Freddy into the real world and limit him by physical means.

Using memory seal, Nancy and others completely forget the existence of Freddy and return to normal life.

Under double insurance, Freddy has no chance to do evil again.

After arriving at the scheduled location, Li Xingyun and others also met mogana and Chris.

After getting off to inquire, Li Xingyun four people know that Mo shaocong, who has been silent for a long time, was killed by Freddy in his dream in order to protect Chris.

After sighing, the six people began to arrange and seal Freddy.

To the surprise of Li Xingyun, after studying the parchment, Morgana found a way to seal Freddy permanently.

In addition to the memory seal, they can use the reverse magic array to send Freddy to the God of death by burial.

As long as Freddy's soul belongs to the God of death instead of the devil, Freddy will not be able to make trouble in reality.

Three days later, with the full efforts of Li Xingyun and others, the characters' memories of Freddy, including their parents, are sealed perfectly.

Freddy's soul was also given to the God of death by Li Xingyun, so far Freddy was completely eliminated by the three.

Li Xingyun's three figures also began to fade out of the world.

This time, the principal did not transmit Li Xingyun and them to a new world, but directly ended the assessment.

Originally, at the end of the second mission, Li Xingyun's score was high enough to serve as the monitor.

It was only because of the existence of Mo shaocong, a competitor, that the third assessment was opened.

After Mo shaocong's death, Li Xingyun became the only candidate to serve as the monitor.

The principal also defaults to the end of the assessment.Back in the black prison University, the cold voice of the headmaster with cold and gorgeous female personality began to ring.

"1024 class monitor position evaluation examination has been completed, grade one student Li Xingyun won the position of monitor, open special permission"

"grade one student Li Xingyun, this assessment and evaluation score is 150 points"

"grade one student Chen Xiaoming, this assessment score is 120 points"

"grade one student Mo shaocong, this assessment score is 140 points"

" >"First year student Li Xingyun (monitor)"

"task world: Nightmare reincarnation"

"complete the main task content of three nightmare reincarnation. The reward is increased by three times "

" for twice solving the mystery of the nightmare world, the reward is increased by two times "

" the reward is increased by two times for finding the secret agent twice "

" for completing three main tasks, 300000 students are awarded, 45 credits * 3 "

" completing two main branch tasks (solving the mystery of nightmare world), 100000 credits and 20 credits * 2 "

" end For two major branch tasks (looking for behind the scenes), 100000 credits, 20 credits * 2 "

" for completing the secondary branch task (protecting the protagonist from death, at least two characters in the plot survive), 50000 credits, 10 credits "

" completing the secondary branch task (killing Freddy), 50000 credits, 10 credits "

" first year student Li Xingyun (monitor) ), a total of 1.6 million academic points and 235 credits were obtained. The number of credits obtained in the first task world was more than 100 points, and a free resurrection was awarded "

" first year student Chen Xiaoming "

" task world: Nightmare reincarnation "

" complete the main task content of three nightmare reincarnation ". The reward is increased by three times "

" for twice solving the mystery of the nightmare world, the reward is increased by two times "

" the reward is increased by two times for finding the secret agent twice "

" for completing three main tasks, 300000 students are awarded, 45 credits * 3 "

" completing two main branch tasks (solving the mystery of nightmare world), 100000 credits and 20 credits * 2 "

" end Two major branch line tasks (looking for behind the scenes) will be awarded 100000 credits and 20 credits * 2 "

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