The little robot looked up at Li Xingyun and her face was shy with two blushes.

“……” Li Xingyun covers her eyes and shakes her head. Ignoring the hot eyed robot, she walks to her room.

Chen Xiaoming also a little embarrassed to ignore the robot, followed Li Xingyun.

When entering the world of apocalypse, the headmaster has put Li Xingyun's identity into this world.

At the same time, he also generously gave them some basic equipment, such as the watch with wisdom on his wrist.

For the operation of these technology products, Li Xingyun has long been familiar with the operation of these products. After finding his own room easily, Li Xingyun takes Chen Xiaoming into it.

"I have just looked at the time line of this world. In this world, the fourth act of revelation has reached the end"

"at this time, the Terran army has started a full-scale war with the GUI people who have occupied the Terran territory and the alien forces under the GUIs'

" under the leadership of Xuanyuan Qiming, the Terrans are becoming more and more powerful Today, the 107th front battlefield has been opened up "

" if the Terrans win in these battlefields, the Terrans can not only recover the lost territory, but also make the Terrans have several times more territory than before "

" this is the biggest opportunity for the rise of the Terrans "

" so far, most of the Terran resources have been invested in the war ”

"the super city we are now in is an important city that supplies soldiers and supplies to battlefield 107, and its prosperity ranks in the forefront of many Terran super cities"

"the whole city of Boyuan is constructed by a super alloy called the stone of sages. The whole city is a huge and unimaginable fortress of war ”

"in this city, there are more than 1 billion people living in this city all the year round, and one third of these 1 billion people have planetary level soldiers"

"it can be said that a Boyuan city is the cornerstone of No.107 battlefield to fight against strong enemies"

"at the same time, it is also the eyesore of the GUI people"

"since the establishment of Boyuan City, the ghost tribe has attacked and invaded five times After passing through this city, all of them were defeated in the end "

" and Boyuan city also paid the price of blood. It can be said that every inhabitant of Boyuan city has a real blood feud with the ghost people "

From Chen Xiaoming's chatter, Li Xingyun is able to understand the current situation.

At the same time, we also understand the real significance of the headmaster's giving them the status of pioneers.

Pioneer is a very important role for Boyuan city and the whole Terran.

They are responsible for the unconventional tasks of intelligence collection, destruction behind enemy lines, beheading in the battlefield, and spy assassination.

The reason why the Terran army was able to gain the first opportunity in the front battlefield with the GUI people was that the pioneers exchanged blood and tears for the results.

Generally speaking, the role of pioneers is not much different from that of Li Xingyun's previous earth special forces.

They carry out extreme tasks that the conventional army can't do, and the death rate is several times higher than that of the general army.

"So far, the Terrans and the ghosts have started a full-scale war, and almost all the front battlefields have been fought together, and a large number of soldiers have been on the battlefield one after another"

"and our pioneers have been put into the hinterland of the GUI people in order to obtain the first-hand intelligence and destroy the logistics of the GUI people"

"we want to participate in the war of killing the gods, The first step is to have a voice at the top of the Terran, at least not to be consumed by politicians as cannon fodder "

" so for us now, military achievements are very important "

" just as the pioneer provides us with a good opportunity, as long as we have obtained indelible combat merit, we will have the opportunity to participate in the killing together with Xuanyuan Qiming After analyzing the situation, Li Xingyun frowned again.

The mission of this entrance examination is so simple that Li Xingyun has a bad premonition.

The main task is to let Li Xingyun participate in the battle of the gods, and the degree of participation is not clearly defined.

The maneuverable space of this kind of task is really too large. It is participation to oppose the spirit of the ghost family in the front. It can be said that it is participation to fight the ghost God painlessly from a distance of 18000 miles. Even if he does not show up at all and hide behind the rear to give advice.

If there are no other conditions, the main task is really simple to Li Xingyun.

However, no matter how Li Xingyun is calculating, the first step to participate in the war is to force out the ghost God who controls hundreds of millions of ghost troops behind the scenes.

The only way to make the ghost God appear is to help the Terrans win over the powerful ghosts.

This time, the two of them completely stood on the side of the Terran, and never died with the ghost clan.Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun rehearsed their plans for the future in their room. After finding out that there was no big flaw, they could rest assured that they could cultivate themselves in the building dedicated to serving the pioneers.

The high-intensity training in the black prison college really changed the two people, but also made them feel exhausted in their hearts.

So after entering the world of revelation, the two of them are less anxious to finish their task.

For the first time, Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming chose to have a leisurely holiday.

Let the nerves that are stretched to the extreme relax.

Li Xingyun's and Li Xingyun's practice is also correct. Relaxation is the real way to practice.

If you keep on practicing with high intensity, even the iron beating people can't stand it.

Only by combining work with rest can practitioners go further on the road of evolution.

Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun started their journey again after a full month of cultivation.

Through the interstellar transmission array of Boyuan City, Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun arrived at the No. 107 front battlefield tens of thousands of light years away from the Terran hinterland in a blink of an eye.

"I didn't expect that space wars and other games didn't play much, so I personally participated in them." Li Xingyun wore a set of special armor and hid in the center of a small meteorite with tears and laughter on her face.

After Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming came to the No. 107 battlefield, they were warmly received immediately.

However, the two of them received a series of task lists from the Terran military that night.

Naturally, Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun had nothing to say. They all took it down.

When the war between the two races broke out to this extent, the war was no longer limited to the ground, and space became the territory for the two races to fight. , the fastest update of the webnovel!