"This secret place is really big, but it took more than three months to get on the way." Li Xingyun flashed across a canyon with a speechless face, and finally saw the Tianzhu Mountain mentioned in the intelligence, a strange high mountain like a pillar straight into the sky.

Li Xingyun has just run out of the canyon, the canyon immediately spread a gust of wind roaring like strange roar.

Then a strange looking, with a rock body, the elements of the flame head of life to the Li Nebula quickly flew over.

Seeing the group of elemental monsters behind her, Li Xingyun's face turned black.

she flew forward in a hurry. Who knows how far it was, there was a strong and irresistible pressure in the air.

Li Yun Yun, originally still flying rapidly, is like an eagle with folded wings and a fallen sky.

"Boom" in the fierce explosion sound, Li Xingyun severely hit the ground, four smoke and dust soared to the sky, more than 10 meters high.

After the smoke and dust disappeared, Li Xingyun climbed out of a hole 10 meters in size.

"Bah, bah, bah, it's good that the Thor armor has increased a lot of defense, otherwise this hit will have to suffer." Li Xingyun was embarrassed to climb out of the pit, and those elemental monsters also chased him in front of him.

"The inexplicable air ban, coupled with the skilful hunting tactics of these guys, looks like a trap in any way." Li Xingyun coldly watched the elemental monster catching up and no longer ran away.

Just fell that fall almost did not break the neck, Li Xingyun's anger was also successfully hooked up.

In addition to these elements, the monster chased after him, which made Li Xingyun more angry.

"Since you want to fight, I'll fight with you enough." Li Xingyun snorted angrily. The powerful force of thunder surged out, and a flying sword composed of thunder appeared in front of him.

"Ten thousand sword and thunder net"

ten thousand thunder flying swords flew out in Li Xingyun's fury.

Flying in mid air, the flying sword will eject a piece of arc, tens of thousands of electric arc connected with each other and become a big net of thunder.

The group of elemental monsters with flame on their heads were not willing to be outdone. They opened their mouths and spewed out turbulent pillars of fire on the way to running.

After hundreds of pillars of fire meet Li Xingyun's ten thousand sword thunder net, fierce energy fluctuations suddenly spread.

Li Xingyun's ten thousand sword thunder net is obviously not a good match.

In the arc jump, the fierce flame and flame column are suppressed, and in the blink of an eye, hundreds of elemental monsters are wrapped in the ten thousand sword thunder net.

After the dense arc catapults onto the body, the group of elemental monsters immediately send out a shrill howl.

Seeing this, Li Xingyun not only did not have the color of joy, but looked dignified.

He knew that these elemental monsters were about to show their cards.

Sure enough, the elemental monster of chicken feather and duck blood that was electrified by wanjianlei net changed in the howl.

The body of stone began to break down quickly, and quickly combined.

The head made up of the flame is directly transformed into a flash of fire and mingles with each other.

Finally, a huge stone monster with a big face and a flaming chest appeared.

Li Yun Yun's ten thousand sword thunder net that is enough to bind the strong star realm is turned into an arc all over the sky by the giant stone fire face monster.

It's not the first time that Li Yun Yun, a giant stone fire face monster, has been seen.

Li Xingyun had suffered from the giant stone fire face monster when she was fighting against these elemental monsters.

Li Xingyun thought she had won after defeating the elemental monsters last time.

Who knows that in a blink of an eye, elemental monsters will become the pattern of giant stone fire face monsters.

Li Xingyun, who didn't notice, was nearly blasted by the giant stone fire face monster.

"Little mouse, where to run?" the huge stone fire face spewed out a series of strange syllables. It was strange that Li Xingyun had not heard this language, but clearly understood its meaning.

"Mixed with the characteristics of the ghost language of the soul, it seems that the elements of life in this world are not mindless monsters, but also absorbing the advantages of the ghost civilization to evolve itself." Li Xingyun, as soon as the idea came out, felt a heavy weight all over her body, and a hundred times the gravity was oppressed on her.

The 100 times gravity field is the sign of the giant stone fireface monster. Before, it was this powerful field ability that made Li Xingyun's proud speed drop, and was beaten by the giant stone fireface monster.

"Here's another move." Li Xingyun quickly made a seal and summoned the black flaming dragon to help. At the same time, he also wore a pair of boots with small wings.

This pair of shoes is Li Xingyun spent a lot of money to buy the nine star magic weapon, step shoes.

This magic weapon has only one ability, which is space shuttle.

This kind of space shuttle is not like the space gate talent obtained by the nine star realm, but can continuously shuttle through the space cracks. Flexibility and the space gate talent of the nine star realm are not the same.

It is also the existence of this pair of shoes that gives Li Xingyun the courage to fight. Otherwise, Li Xingyun would have run away."Step into the sky" Li Xingyun pulls out a long sword of thunder light, which radiates electric light, and then disappears in place.

In the next second, dense sword marks appeared on the body of the giant stone fireface monster,

between the rocks flying, a little electric light suddenly appeared, forming a thunder suit that wrapped the whole body of the monster.

This is a move developed by Li Xingyun with her own speed.

As long as the speed is not more than twice the speed of Li Xingyun, it can not stop Li Xingyun's attack.

Moreover, the high voltage mine clothes can paralyze the opponent and greatly slow down the enemy's action.

In the face of Li Xingyun's fierce attack, the huge flame face of the giant stone fireface makes humanity show a sneer.

Then the blazing high-temperature flame spurted out from the crevice, covering all the surrounding space without any difference. The thunder clothes woven by Li Xingyun were submerged by the flames.

Hundreds of meters away, Li Xingyun stumbled out of the space.

Even if Li Xingyun wears the Thor armor, the whole person is still smoldering. Even a faint blue smoke rises from his hair.

"Shit, with fire and earth attributes, they are also strong. Their defense and range attack are better than those of the common people in the state of Chu Yang. They are more than one notch better than the strong people in the ordinary state of Chu Yang. It's almost perfect to restrain me." Li Xingyun's blood flame flashed for a moment, and after recovering the dark injury on her body, she scowled again.

In the secret world, the star level destructive power is greatly suppressed, and the battle is no longer as earth shaking as on ordinary planets.

But it doesn't mean that Li Xingyun's attack power is weaker. On the contrary, in this secret place, Li Xingyun's chopping power is more concentrated and its lethality is stronger.

But even so, Li Xingyun still didn't break through the defense of the body surface of the giant stone fire face monster, and really hurt his core.

This makes Li Xingyun very hard to force. His attack power is really hard to hurt the big stone fireface monster.

The difference is that Li Xingyun is easily humiliated by the stone face monster attack.

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