"Since I have to work hard, I'll fight with you." Li Xingyun gritted her teeth and took out a pill with continuous rays of sunlight. This pill immediately had a series of visions, and the strange scene of trees shading and desertification turning into forest appeared around Li Xingyun.

Li Xingyun swallowed the pill with a little pain. All of his injuries and missing energy were replenished. Even the ten years of life consumed before had been recovered.

Li Xingyun's spirit and spirit all at once reached the peak of her body. The black flame on her wings expanded several times, forming a flag like a fluttering in the wind, which was not powerful.

Li Xingyun resisted the sharp pain on her wings and raised her purple thunder burning sword.

The gorgeous arc also began to beat on the sword, but compared with the strange black flame, the arc without any special attribute is extremely ordinary.

This is enough, if the thunder attribute power also becomes strong to be difficult to control, Li Xingyun can not be distracted from the condensed arc of two uses.

"Thunder flying in the sky and dragon twinkle"

in the roar of Li Xingyun, all the strength was condensed into the purple thunder burning sky sword.

The purple thunder burning sky sword at the level of nine star magic weapon makes a roaring sound.

As the sound of the sword reached its peak, it gradually formed a continuous sound of dragon chanting, and the dazzling rays filled the sky and earth.

The shadow of the Xiaguang Li Nebula disappeared. Instead, a 100 meter long double winged dragon swayed its head and tail.

The breath was so strong that the two winged dragon Mu Lu quickly approached the space crack. The two dragon horns twisted and entangled into a sharp sword, and then they fiercely pushed it up.

The collision between the tip of the needle and the wheat awn began. There was no dazzling glow, and there was no thundering sound. However, the space of more than ten kilometers was like a mirror with countless cracks.

Both the rocks and the soil were sucked in.

In this way, a huge pit with a diameter of 10 km appeared above the height of Tianzhu Mountain.

If someone looks at it from a distance, they will find that Tianzhu Mountain seems to have been knocked out of an obvious dent.

This kind of great damage to the "environment" seems to have infuriated the powerful existence on Tianzhu Mountain.

Once again, the fierce pressure was several times stronger, and the whole Tianzhu Mountain was shaking wildly.

The dense space cracks quickly closed under the pressure, and the Li nebula, which lacked a small half of the body, also fell out.

The broken and shapeless shadow of the ten mountains and nine rivers flew back to the master's hand.

The spirit and spirit of the whole human being was put to the extreme.

In addition to the powerful pressure came down to his body, he could not fly any more. He sprayed several mouthfuls of blood and fell into the dust.

The great general of the ghost clan has been badly hurt in the process of fighting for Lingbao, which is even worse.

Even the tattoo of the eyes in front of the chest with the divine power became blurred and thin.

The ghost general looked down at the tattoo on his chest, and for the first time, his frightened expression appeared in his eyes.

If this tattoo disappears completely, the magical effect of sacrificing the same clan will also disappear.

It is a question whether he can walk out of Tianzhu Mountain alive or not if he changes back to the cultivation of the former Chu Yang state.

"That boy should be dead." the ghost general looked at the place where Li Xingyun had fallen. Before that, he had seen Li Xingyun's appearance before falling. It could be called a corpse. More than half of the upper body organs were missing, and even the head was missing.

Just as the ghost general guessed, Li Xingyun stood up again with a cough of blood.

The breath of vitality again emanates from the body, which stimulates Li Xingyun's super regeneration talent, and the incomplete to exaggerated body has recovered at the speed visible to the naked eye.

"The thief's life is so big"

the ghost general watched Li Xingyun's injury recover quickly, and his face became ferocious again.

Losing the battle for Lingbao is a big crime. If you can't carry Li Xingyun back, the chief culprit.

I'm afraid that even if he returns to the clan, he will be sentenced to death. Therefore, for the ghost general, he has no way out. If he can't kill Li Xingyun, he will die.

Li Xingyun looked at the ghost general like a mad dog to chase up again, sneered and ran quickly towards the rear.

After being hit hard continuously, the speed of the ghost generals is far less than before.

However, Li Xingyun's state is getting better and better with the recovery of magic pills. Especially after using Tianxiang Longshan again, the speed has reached the level of yaoyang.

The ghost general can't catch up with Li Xingyun.

With such a chase and escape, Li Xingyun and the ghost general quickly left the valley and came to Tianzhu Mountain ten thousand meters.

Beyond this height of 10000 meters, the strange pressure of Tianzhu Mountain will disappear, and Li Xingyun and they can also offset the air prohibition of element secret realm.

After the sky is high, Li Xingyun can escape in more directions.After coming to the place where the trap was set, Li Xingyun looked back at the ghost general who was chasing after him, and gave a sneer.

Just after getting rid of the pressure, Li Xingyun and his pair of Dragon Wings immediately played their due role, and their body methods became more dexterous and fantastic as their speed soared.

Seeing that Li Xingyun was about to get rid of his lock and escape, the ghost general was in a hurry. He bit his teeth and feet, and once again mobilized the power of the divine tattoo.

The speed of the ghost general also soared in an instant. In the blink of an eye, he would catch up with Li Xingyun.

At this time, there was a sudden change. Under the feet of the ghost general, a continuous array and the glow of the boundary covered him. All kinds of lightning, thunder and flames appeared in front of the general.

These arrays and enchantment powers are not strong. They may be able to deal with the people who are cultivating the nine stars of the planet. They can't hurt a single hair of a ghost general at this level.

Although the power of the array and the boundary is not powerful, but looking at the solid bluffing, all kinds of flaming attacks are flying all over the screen.

This sudden glow really scared the ghost general.

The speed of the ghost general dropped by a thousandth of a second, and under the distraction, he locked in Li Xingyun's spirit consciousness, and there was a gap.

Flying in front of Li Xingyun saw that the ghost general was successful, and laughed. Taking advantage of this gap, his body shape twisted and changed, and disappeared in the air.

As long as there is one thousandth of a second, it is enough for Li Xingyun to hide and escape.

After the ghost general slapped those bluffing arrays and boundaries to pieces, Li Xingyun's figure could not be seen, and he almost vomited blood.

"Wow, little beast, I will surely hunt you down to the ends of the earth"

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