The highest leader of the spirit and ghost clan and the strongest of the corpse ghost clan are not so easy to kill, not to mention that their accomplishments are the highest level of Hengyang realm in the star realm.

The most important ghost and corpse king are usually in the deepest part of their respective territory and never go out.

It's not easy even for the top of the GUI family to meet them, let alone assassinate them.

So for thousands of years, the Terrans did not attack them.

This time, the unexpected intelligence excited the pioneers for a long time. If we can get rid of the ghost head in one round, the spirit and ghost clan will be in chaos, and the invasion of the expeditionary army will become easier.

The only problem is that they are afraid that this is a conspiracy of the ghost tribe, a super plot with the ghost head as bait.

The pioneer organization tried hard to confirm the reliability of this information, and a large number of pioneers died.

Finally, a conclusion is drawn.

This time, the ghost head on Ursa Major is the real ghost head, and it is also the biggest bait of the ghost clan.

The reason why the ghost clan is willing to pay such a big deal is that there is a very strong successor of the ghost head in the next generation of the spirit and ghost family. This inheritor has defeated the current Ghost Head secretly and becomes the real leader of the spirit and ghost family.

That's why the old ghost head is willing to risk becoming a bait.

"It's really a ghost tribe. What kind of conspiracy it is, it's a conspiracy. The Terran army must eat the bait of the old ghost head whether it wants to or not. Otherwise, the expeditionary army will have to worry about its advance"

Li Xingyun looks at the military newspaper in her hand with a bitter smile. This action is very important for the expeditionary army, so more than the pioneer organizations participate in it Among them, even invited foreign aid.

Li Xingyun was stunned by the names of some foreign aid. He didn't expect to see the woman who taught him his sword skills after so many years.

In addition to the dream of autumn rain, the reappearance of moganna also gives Li Xingyun a lot of confidence.

No matter how powerful the ghost head is, he is also a star level strongman. Compared with the peerless master like mogana, who has only half a foot outside the door of God, it is still not enough to see. Whether it is conspiracy or conspiracy, it is useless in the face of decisive strength.

Of course, Li Xingyun also knows that with the personality of mogana, unless it is forced to do so, she will not do anything until the last moment. She would rather watch the opera all the time, rather than expose her strength casually.

Finally, after several months of arrangement and arrangement, three armies were finally formed to attack the old ghost leader.

It is worth mentioning that under the operation of Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming, the partial division led by Chen Xiaoming was also lucky to become one of the three armies.

"132 generals of chuyang realm, 23 generals of yaoyang realm, and five war gods of Hengyang realm, this time the Terrans really lost their blood. If the whole army were destroyed, the expeditionary army would be half finished."

when Li Xingyun got the last notice, he could not help feeling the strength of the lineup.

Even if his actual combat effectiveness is comparable to that of yaoyang, he is nothing among the numerous masters. He is much more powerful than him.

Half a month later, the Crusade army finally set out.

The Crusade army is not a single twist into a rope and then attack the big bear star, but divided into three armies, from three different directions, close to the big bear star.

In this way, Li Xingyun and her did not really see the dream of autumn rain. They just videotaped her several times and chatted casually.

After learning that Li Xingyun has developed his own Kendo secret arts through her teaching, Meng Qiuyu is also pleased for a long time. She has arranged to consult each other when she meets again.

Li Xingyun is naturally hard to find. His Kendo root is the extension of Meng Qiuyu's sword technique. If he can fight with Meng Qiuyu again, it will be a great inspiration for his kendo.

Maybe Li Xingyun can learn from each other's strong points to make up for his own Kendo accomplishments to a higher level.

Three months later, Chen Xiaoming led by the pianshi finally went through thousands of difficulties to invade the Phoenix galaxy.

Li Xingyun and some experts in the pioneer organization also took advantage of the partial division led by Chen Xiaoming to successfully arrive near the big bear star.

Looking at a whole planet covered with strange black fog, Li Xingyun frowned.

"Such a thick fog, the ghost is enough to guard the death of ah," the leader of the pioneers, the red ghost looked at the big bear star in a haze.

Once the great bear was also a very prosperous planet in the Terran territory.

Because it is located on the main road of transportation, its prosperity level is no less than that of the capital. Among them, there are no more than 100 billion people and more than 90 billion people.

After an apocalyptic fusion, most of the local people of Ursa Major have already been reduced to bones, and only a few lucky people have survived.

Red ghost, the leader of our pioneer organization, is one of them.

In the Holocaust, all of his relatives and friends died in the big bear star. Only he and some lucky people escaped from the world in a spaceship for emergency escape.Today, thousands of years later, he is the only one who died.

Once again, I saw the red ghost in my hometown without the feeling of being timid and angry.

At that time, Ursa was a very prosperous commercial planet. More than ten orbits were built around the world, and the star ports on the three satellites were extremely busy.

But now the big bear star is completely changed. The orbit of the global space star has been completely abandoned, and become a piece of space garbage suspended in the low earth orbit.

The three satellites have also been completely transformed into a military fortress by the GUI people.

Ursa Major is covered by layers of fog, completely unable to see the shape of the interior.

It can be imagined that the homestead built by the Terrans for thousands of years must be completely different now,

the ghosts must have built their own homes on the ruins of human civilization.

"If you want to enter big bear, you must break through the blockade line of three satellites. Otherwise, even if you enter the big bear, you will be surrounded by the front and back. Outside the satellites 1 and 2, our friendly forces have been deployed in place, and now we are left behind"

after the red ghost said coldly, he looked back at his subordinates with a slightly relaxed look.

"I don't want to say more than that. This time, the ghost leader will be stationed in the big bear star with a lot of Pro guards. The first battle of big bear must be extremely tragic, and there will be no turning back arrow when the bow is opened"

"after the war, the brothers from all over the world are worthy of the cultivation of the Terran for many years. If you are willing to stay in the big family of pioneers, I am sure If you want to retire from the world, the red ghost will not insist on "

" finally, I hope that all the big guys can survive this battle and see the day when our Terrans reach the peak "

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