Every ghost Yan Jun's combat effectiveness is comparable to the peak of chuyang realm, and even stronger than that of yaoyang realm.

The appearance of more than 100 ghosts and Yanjun dragged five strong people here.

The arrival of more than 100 strong Terran stars, including Li Xingyun, has given five Terrans a shot in the arm to defeat them.

The next second, Li Xingyun and others each find an opponent to meet up.

Fierce to explosive fighting broke out again.

This time, after the five Terran gods of war gave up their hands, they immediately went to seek the trouble of the ghost head.

When a god of war with the ability of space system opened a space door directly, Li Xingyun knew that the ghost head had opened a strange space to hide in.

It's no wonder that after arriving at Ursa Major, more than 100 strong stars have not found the trace of ghost head.

Seeing this situation, Li Xingyun's eyes flashed, and quickly broke out to solve his opponent. Then he followed the five Terran gods of war and burst into the strange space.

There are many people with the same idea as Li Xingyun. Finally, in addition to the five gods of war, nine powerful human beings, including red ghost and Li Xingyun, entered the alien space together.

The rest of the people on the big bear star desperately to stop those ghosts Yan Jun to support their ghost head.

After Li Xingyun entered the alien space, she felt a chill in her soul.

It felt as if your soul had fallen into an ice cave, but there was no difference in the flesh.

Li Xingyun's face slightly changed, and quickly opened the burning blood decision, which was a little better.

But still feel cold, finally clench one's teeth, quickly took out a lot of panacea, into this just comfortable.

"A good method has integrated the power of the field into the different space, which is enough to resist thousands of troops and horses"

in the chilly female voice, the dream autumn rain stepped forward and released her own sword field. For a moment, the sound of swords coming out of the scabbard was heard all the time, and the powerful sword intention rising from the sky seemed to split the heaven and earth in two.

Meng Qiuyu's coming forward, will be the ghost head of the field of force and offset a small half, Li Xingyun this is only a sigh of relief.

Looking at Meng Qiuyu's valiant figure, Li Xingyun is also surprised. In those years, Meng Qiuyu was such a woman, and she was like a snow lotus on Tianshan Mountain, so pure and pure.

To this day, the dream of autumn rain is still as pure as not stained with mortal nine days Xuannu.

It's just that Kendo is so powerful that I don't know how many times. Li Xingyun feels a thrill when she experiences it.

He felt that if he fell into the realm of dream autumn rain's sword, he would have to peel off his skin to escape his life even if he used the strongest Lingxi flash.

Just as Li Xingyun was feeling the magic of the autumn rain, a sound of ethereal spirit, which seemed to have traversed hundreds of millions of time and space, resounded through the alien space.

"Worthy of being the favored daughter of the human race, it's really powerful"

"in just a few thousand years, we have reached the Hengyang realm, and the sword field is even more unique in the world. Even we, who have lived for many years, have to retreat from it. It's really amazing that we can find such an opponent today, and it's worthwhile for me to go this way in the future world"

" The voice of the spirit just fell, Li Xingyun and others suddenly appeared in front of a woman in white.

The red hair of a woman in white flutters with the wind, which is in sharp contrast to her plain white dress. It looks like a flower of hell in full bloom, which makes people feel frightened.

What makes people feel strange is that this woman has no eyes, no nose, no mouth and no ears.

When I looked at the past again, the woman in white appeared the deepest face in her heart.

Li Xingyun sees Ji Xiaoxi's face appear on the woman in white, her eyes can't help but suddenly, and then boundless anger is hooked up.

And so are most of the people around him.

An enemy with the appearance of his most respected person is intolerable to the individual, which is completely desecrating his most sacred pure land.

Just as Li Xingyun was about to be overwhelmed by anger, an old man of Hengyang realm snorted coldly and used his own power in the field to wrap Li Xingyun and others.

This is just like being drenched with ice water on a cool summer day. The cold feeling spreads all over the body from the beginning to the end.

Let Li Xingyun and other people's full of anger have disappeared completely.

At this time, the big guy knew that he almost got the ghost head's way.

This kind of silent but strange ability to affect their emotions is a bit scary.

If they are controlled by the anger, they may become the tool in the hands of the ghost head. In addition, with the influence of some illusions, it is not impossible to deal with Meng Qiuyu in turn.

"It's not so easy to stay in the field of ghost head. If you want to avoid becoming a burden, you should put forward 120000 spirit."The old man who had helped them look back at Li Xingyun's nine people before. His eyes twinkled with cold looks, as if they were looking at the dead.

Especially when we look at Li Xingyun, our eyes are dead.

Li Xingyun was also upset by the old man's eyes. Then she was shocked and found that she was secretly affected by the ghost head when she was extremely vigilant. She almost misunderstood one of her teammates' eyes.

After biting her teeth hard, Li Xingyun didn't care much about it. The people who were present thought that he was the only one who was a planet class other people, and the soul strength was far inferior to them.

Under the influence of Ghost Head's uncanny ability, I'm afraid he can't even play five levels of combat effectiveness.

If you want not to become a burden, you have to use more powerful cards to offset the influence of the ghost head field.

After a low voice in her heart, Li Xingyun's flying dragon flash pattern changed dramatically.

Two pairs of Dragon Wings slowly become wings of light, carrying behind Li Yun Yun. The flowing light and haze are suspended behind him like ribbons, and slowly extend to unknown places in the deep void.

Through two pairs of wings of light, Li Xingyun's dragon shaped armor changed, and soon a moon white Royal God robe was hung on Li Xingyun's body.

After the robe, there is a scene of the alternation of the sun and the moon and the flow of time. In a moment, it seems to see a strange picture of the world from the beginning to the end.

Li Xingyun's changes naturally fall into people's eyes. His sword sense of twisting the space around him is really amazing. Even the ghost head and the dream autumn rain also look at him.

Li Xingyun didn't expect her most powerful card to be exposed like this.

And still in the ghost capital has not officially started to force his cards out, under this form, Li Xingyun's face also changed ugly.

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