Therefore, Li Xingyun does not believe a word of the promise in fat tiger's mouth.

Panghu looks at Li Xingyun and ignores his words. His simple and honest expression turns chilly: "it seems that you have a lot of information to inquire about. Since you are not willing to be cheated, I'll take you first and ask slowly. I believe that you will be satisfied with my" hospitality "by then."

panghu's meat whip is pulled out before his voice falls.

When the meat whip extends hundreds of meters, the top of the whip begins to thicken, and a huge mouth full of ferocious fangs appears.

After the appearance of the tusk mouth, an incredible suction force burst out of Li Xingyun's mouth.

Li Xingyun, who was avoiding the attack of the fast ghost, was immediately entangled by a large number of fast ghost after being dragged by the suction force. In less than one second, hundreds of deep visible bone wounds appeared on her body.

In the low roar, the Dragon Wings behind Li Yun Yun turned into light wings.

At the same time, the wave like sword Qi surged out of his body, and all the speed ghosts close to him were torn into flying ash all over the sky.

After the appearance of Lei Yan's double winged dragon, Li Xingyun's momentum reached its peak.

But even so, the huge mouth of the tusks generated by the meat whip did not hesitate to bite it.

"Is this the mouth of the abyss that claims to be able to swallow up thousands of troops?"

Li Xingyun thought of panghu's second trick, and did not dare to have any hesitation to manipulate the thunder burning double winged dragon to swim.

Panghu's abyssal calculation is a very powerful secret skill in his hands. Once the strongest record was that he swallowed up tens of billions of ghost troops at one bite, including several powerful ghost people in the early Yang state.

In the face of such a big move, Li Xingyun does not want to resist.

With this extraordinary speed, after bypassing the abyss mouth, Lei Yan's two winged dragon rushed directly at the body of panghu, and the towering dragon horn twisted into a sharp holy sword.

"Hehe, abyss giant mouth duet"

panghu gave a strange smile to Li Xingyun, and a transverse stripe was suddenly split on his huge belly, and then an even bigger abyss giant mouth opened. The same strange suction force made Li Xingyun feel a little scared.

And now the great mouth of the abyss behind him came round.

Li Xingyun was in a dilemma in an instant.

The huge suction in the front and back directions not only did not cancel each other, but also tore the flesh of Li Xingyun, making the flash mode of Li Xingyun almost impossible to maintain.

"How strong, this is the real yaoyang realm ghosts? It's so terrible." Li Xingyun clenched her teeth and knew that if all the cards were not broken out at the moment, there would be no chance.

After taking out a lethal elixir and swallowing it, a layer of crimson flame burned out of Li Xingyun's body.

Li Xingyun can clearly sense that his life is consumed at an extremely exaggerated speed, which is the performance of Li Xingyun's burning blood to the limit.

Sensing the life consumption of more than a second, Li Xingyun began to smile bitterly.

He knew that this would be the result. In the strongest mode of the flash, it became extremely extreme and exceeded the limit that Li Yun Yun could control.

In this mode, Li Xingyun dares not to use other secret arts except for a flash.

Because he knows that under the effect of two kinds of secret arts, things beyond his control will happen, such as the burning blood.

Originally, the most common way to burn blood is to burn it once for ten years, which will bring out great potential, but now it is out of control.

Li Xingyun's life consumption rate of more than a second is like the torrent of burst dike, which makes Li Xingyun's potential explode unprecedentedly. At the same time, he feels extremely flustered.

Because he didn't know whether he could turn off the burning blood decision in this state after he started it.

After the crimson flame rushed out of the body, the whole Lei Yan double winged dragon was stained with a layer of light blood color.

Under the effect of this bloody brilliance, Lei Yan's double winged dragon began to expand, and in less than one tenth of a second, it became ten times larger.

The strong to exaggerated breath has finally broken through the limit and entered the realm of Hengyang.


In the roar of thunder flaming double winged dragon, boundless lead clouds appeared in the sky.

In the deep lead cloud, countless lightning arcs and electric lights jumped up, and the next second the thunder flaming double winged dragon opened and spewed out a purple thunder and lightning of waist thickness into the lead cloud.

After absorbing a lot of thunder and lightning power from the lead cloud, the purple thunderbolt turned into a ten meter lightning ball and fell down.

Full of destructive power, thunder ball appeared as soon as it ignored the distance between time and space.

At this time, panghu is still surprised by the change of Li Xingyun's body. In his surprised eyes, the thunder ball burst out.

Boom ...

a thunderbolt appeared between heaven and earth.Li Xingyun felt the power of thunder and lightning, which made her feel numb all over, concentrated in the column of thunder light. The crackling strong current just ejected out and was sucked back.

In the course of time, the power of the lightning column is not only not reduced, but also continuously absorbs the strong lightning power in the lead cloud and the free lightning power to enhance its own strength.

After seeing the fat tiger covered by the thunderbolt, a black strange flame appeared on the tail of thunder flaming double winged dragon as if it could swallow the light.

As the dragon tail swung, the flame just met the mouth of the abyss.

Then the black flame burst, and a small black sun swallowed the mouth of the abyss.

Thunder light column and the appearance of black sun let thunder flame double wing dragon all wither a lot, the body is the thunder Yan power, also one breath all used out.

In terms of pure destructive power, Li Xingyun is confident that both the thunder column and the black sun have reached the level of Hengyang.

However, Li Xingyun also knows that these two moves can not eliminate the fat tiger.

Sure enough, Li Yun Yun has not yet breathed a sigh of relief. There is a terrible suction inside the thunder column and the black sun. Li Yun Yun can sense that the powerful thunder column and the black sun are dissipating at a very fast speed.

the sound of Li Xingyun is emitted from the body of the double winged dragon, just like the real double winged dragon rapidly virtual, revealing the appearance of Li Yun Yun.

With a moon white robe and scarlet glow, Li Xingyun looks like a combination of angels and demons, which is incomparably contradictory.

However, with every move, the sun and moon revolve around Li Yun Yun, the sea is withered and rocks are rotten, and other strange scenes constantly emerge.

Especially on Li Xingyun's purple thunder burning sword, a vivid two winged dragon swam among them.

Before the sword was stabbed out, the space around Li Yun Yun appeared a great vibration, as if it would collapse in the next second. , the fastest update of the webnovel!