After that, the sword returned, and thousands of dragon shaped sword shadows converged towards the place where Li Xingyun was.

After the sharp and dazzling white light, Li Xingyun appeared in space.

At the moment, Li Xingyun is wearing a cool jiulongwen Royal God robe. Behind her back, she carries these three pairs of gorgeous and beautiful light wings like aurora. The lacquer black sword in her hand is as weird as a black hole, which makes everyone feel that their eyes are swallowed.

Now Li Xingyun obviously has completely activated the power of death declaration in a strange way. After really activating the power of divinity, Li Xingyun's every move, even if it is just a look, has a melodious and ancient sound of dragon singing.

It is so terrifying that it distorts time and space. Li Xingyun's whole person is as fierce as a sword coming down to the earth. It is so powerful that the ghost king, who is at the top of the demigods, is afraid of it.

"Xuanyuan Qiming's gift to Chen Xiaoming is deinocide armor, so what's the gift for Li Xingyun? How can a person who has just entered the star realm become so powerful"

when Mo ganna looks at the latest form of Li Xingyun, everyone feels bad.

At that time, Li Xingyun was just a little guy who could hold and pinch at will under her hand, but now she is really strong enough to be equal with her.

If Li is able to break through the nebula at will, she will not be able to kill her.

Think of here, for the first time, moganna is afraid of Li Xingyun and the mysterious Luoxia.

When Luo Xia traded with her, she clearly realized that Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming would grow so fast.

Therefore, the simple conditions were relaxed again and again, so that Mo ganna found a lot of loopholes. Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun suffered a lot from their work.

Now that they have broken through the stellar realm, they have immediately turned their previous sufferings into powerful nourishment. They have become so strong that even the strong demigods can reach the goal.

"It's time to solve this guy. The hell of the hundred will come to this world in the near future. We have to spare some time to prepare"

when Li Xingyun introduced the sound of dragon chant echo into moganna's ear, the whole person disappeared in space.

The next second, the ghost King's huge body covered with the sun appeared a sword mark that almost ran through a whole tentacle. The sword mark hundreds of kilometers long looked so shocking.

After the first real injury, the ghost king made a shrill howl.

The shrill howl swept in all directions with the strange waves of the soul.

After being swept by the sound, Li Xingyun suddenly felt dizzy and swollen, and fell out of the fast flying state.

The invisible sword shadow in the hand slightly deviates, and the sword shadow shot out violently destroys a large fragment of the praying star from the molecular level.

When Li Xingyun is hit by the sound of her soul, mogana doesn't want to watch the play. The huge sword of the flaming sky surges up again and turns into a sea of fire, which rolls in the remaining tentacles of the ghost king.

At the same time, Morgana also almost recovered, and Chen Xiaoming was released.

Once again, he incarnated as a metal destroyer and put on the deicide armor. Chen Xiaoming also gnawed his teeth and bombarded the huge body of the ghost king. A series of light columns with a diameter of more than 10 meters lit up the dark space, and the body of the ghost King bloomed with gorgeous brilliance.

In the case of three to one, even if it is stronger than the ghost king, the existence of the demigod peak is in a desperate situation.

If the ghost king had normal consciousness at the moment, he would choose to give up killing Li Xingyun and flee quickly.

With his accomplishments, Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming do not dare to pursue them too deeply. If only Mo ganna is left alone, they will not pose a fatal threat to the present ghost king, and even one of them will be killed.

Unfortunately, the king of ghost with full fire power has become a collection of resentment and killing will, and there is not much self-consciousness left. Now, in the face of this kind of near desperate situation, he still chooses to be tough.

Various levels of energy explosion appeared in this battlefield.

The terrible aftermath of the battle swept through millions of kilometers of space.

The wreckage of the praying star is also gradually reduced to nothingness in this level of battle, and finally only a hard core is left to tremble and firm in space. After the

battle lasted six hours, the ghost King finally died in a desperate scream. The huge body was burned to nihility by Moganna's death. Only the most elite pieces of the trophy were carved up by them.

Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming, who are close to losing their strength, finally get in touch with the powerful transformation form. They are greedy like the dying fish and enjoy a moment of calm after the fierce battle in space.

"Such a fierce ghost demigod, even if Xuanyuan Qiming's sub body wants to win him, it will take a lot of effort. No wonder Xuanyuan Qiming would rather risk running away than kill him in person." after experiencing the fierce fighting power of the ghost king, Li Xingyun finally knew Xuanyuan Qiming's hardship.At the moment, Xuanyuan Qiming has put all his energy into the layout in order to deal with the coming of the hundred world Yama. He has no energy to deal with the guy outside the layout of the ghost king.

Fortunately, he also prepared a backhand, which is mogana.

With Morgana's seat, even if we can't really kill the ghost king, we can guarantee that we won't be able to raise much storm.

The biggest surprise is the appearance of Li Yun Yun. At the critical moment, Li Yun Yun has finally completed her cultivation and successfully advanced to the star state.

Li Xingyun's combat effectiveness has been substantially changed by the breakthrough of the great realm itself.

At that time, even if he did not borrow any external force, his combat effectiveness reached the peak of Hengyang realm.

It can be said that there are few rivals in the realm of stars.

What really makes Li Xingyun's combat effectiveness break through to the level of demigod is still the gift given to him by Xuanyuan Qiming, i.e. the Buddha beads.

To be exact, it should be a gift from Luo Xia. It was just handed to Li Xingyun by Xuanyuan Qiming.

In fact, Luo Xia paid a price for Chen Xiaoming's godkiller armor. Otherwise, Xuanyuan Qiming, a treasure of this level, would not have given it to Li Xingyun without any reason. , the fastest update of the webnovel!