Hypocritical angels are more dangerous than chaotic demons.

Of course, in terms of angels, Terrans are ungrateful.

But for the support of angels for many years, the Terrans of the Empire of light might have been exterminated by mutants many years ago.

It can be said that there are irreconcilable contradictions between the human race and the angel family, which are equivalent to slaves and slave owners.

After getting the information they wanted from the Duke of Houston, Li Xingyun did not embarrass the old Duke, so they walked away very happily.

He also took a letter of introduction from the Duke of Houston to iris Norton, king of the Empire of light.

I believe that through this letter of introduction, they will reduce a lot of trouble.

Three days later, although Li Xingyun didn't make a deliberate journey, they still crossed the vast territory of the bright Empire and arrived at the capital of the bright Empire, the city of light.

The city of light has a very long history in the world of the famine.

Before the war broke out, the city of light was a famous metropolis.

After the outbreak of the war, the city of light miraculously survived and became a stronghold for the settlement of the barbarians by the angel clan.

It can be said that the hundreds of millions of residents in the light Empire pushed forward several generations, basically all of them walked out of the city of light.

The Empire of light is also based on the city of light. The successful doomsday world has set up its own empire. After that, the forced intervention of the angel family and various kinds of fancy enslavement have taken place.

With this letter of introduction from the Duke of Houston, Li Xingyun and his three people arrived at the city of light without hindrance, and found that this city is indeed quite different from other cities.

In this civilized country in the middle ages of the west, most of the cities are extremely "barbaric", which is basically a human settlement made of irregular stones.

One of the sanitation and what is needless to say, even sewers have no city can clean where to go.

Now that they are in the city of light, Li Xingyun and the three of them have a very special experience. Seeing the buildings with high-tech figures and nearly perfect urban planning around them, they realize how thoroughly the so-called war of annihilation destroyed the world.

"Looking at the buildings around us, I'm afraid the civilization level of the Terrans before was not low, at least it was the level of the first entry into the interstellar civilization"

Li Xingyun has a large number of buildings around it, which is amazing.

"Maybe the war of annihilation broke out because of the threat to the angel clan and the demons refining clan in hell at that time, which completely destroyed the glorious civilization system in history"

mogana was quite indifferent,

as the great demon king, she was very familiar with such things as the death of the clan.

Especially after being promoted to the demigod realm, I also learned how terrible the destructive power of the demigod level is.

Destroying a world is a very incredible thing to others, but it is just a daily operation in front of the demigod strong.

If a demigod is really serious about something, few of the world can withstand his journey of destruction, unless there are other demigod strong to block it.

In other words, all the suffering in the world at present is probably caused by the aftermath of the battle between two demigods.

That kind of supremacy, a thought between the control of countless life and death of life and death in order to reflect a demigod really terrible.

Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming are obviously not aware of this.

For the two of them, although the short burst of power is enough to fight against the demigod strong, but the two who have not practiced for a long time still retain some common people's thinking.

The suffering of millions of people makes them think nothing of the destruction of the world.

After experiencing the exotic customs of the world, Li Xingyun and his three people no longer waste time, but walk directly to the palace of the bright empire.

A few minutes after the Duke of Houston's letter of introduction, the three of them were met by iris Norton, king of the Empire of light.

"Iris Norton, the king of the bright Empire, welcomes the arrival of the princess of the demon kingdom"

although it can not be met openly, iris Norton still gives Li Xingyun the biggest courtesy.

After the grand ceremony, iris Norton humbly welcomed the three mogana into the conference room and gave the first seat to mogana.

In the face of iris Norton, Morgana is also quite satisfied, slowly put aside the demigod level of pressure.

After mogana's pressure was removed, iris Norton's smile was even brighter.

Originally, after receiving the secret report from the Duke of Houston, he was still skeptical.

It was not until Morgana made a move that iris Norton let go of her doubts.

In the face of such a powerful man who can destroy the world, iris Norton really dare not have the idea of slighting him.Only when he becomes the peak of Hengyang realm can he really realize how terrible the demigod realm is.

That kind of great power which can be called the spirit is really not the ordinary people can resist.

Iris Norton knows that it won't take long for Morgana alone to destroy the entire empire of light if Morgana is not bothered.

For this kind of existence which is completely above power, iris Norton took 120000 caution at the first meeting, for fear of upsetting Morgana.

"Now that you have recognized us, I believe you also know the purpose of our coming"

the elegant appearance of mogana confirmed the identity of the first princess of the demon clan, so that no one could find any fault.

"Noble princess mogana, it takes three days to prepare for the opening of the angel's gate. Please wait with two adults. After three days, you will be able to enter the angel's door"

"but I have a worry, I don't know whether to say"

iris Norton looks at Morgana hesitantly and swallows back.

a faint smile on one's face, "

," said Norton, smiling at the king of the kingdom. "Norton, there is nothing to say, so as not to misunderstand later."

, "princess, you must know that after we seal the door of angels, we have broken away from the Angels and are on the opposite side of angels." Surely the angel army prepared to meet the challenge must be able to fight if the princess is in the door. "

king Erith Norton looked at Moganna with embarrassment after he finished speaking.

The door of the angel, which had been sealed with difficulty, was opened unconditionally. Iris Norton would not have liked it.

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