For this semi artifact, Mo ganna worked hard for Xuanyuan Qiming for more than ten years. Finally, she even fought with the ghost king to destroy the heaven and earth.

It can be said that moganna also paid a lot of blood and sweat, which moved Xuanyuan Qiming and made him bear the pain to give moganna this treasure of fate.

With the magic lamp of juyun, Morgana's luck is much better, and at the same time, she can do many incredible things in a special period.

For example, this time the operation of sneaking into paradise mountain.

If there is no magic lamp for cover, the moment the angel door opens, I am afraid the whole heaven mountain will shake, then they will sneak in like this.

After dealing with the aftermath, the three moganna disguised as members of the angel family began to walk in the paradise mountain.

According to the map given by iris Norton, the three found the location of some of the most important institutions in the mountain in a very short time.

"Where there are intelligent creatures, there are battles, even the angels who are called Guangwei are no exception"

mogana looks at the inquisition and the Church of the heart of angels, which is opposite to it. Her face flashed a sneering smile, and then she put on a sweet smile when other angels came.

Morgana herself belongs to the kind of top beauty full of temptation. After becoming an angel family, her noble and holy temperament is not lower than that of a real angel.

Those male angels, and even many female angels, looked at mogana one after another.

However, because of the fact that Morgana is now exposed to the atmosphere of yaoyang realm, the angels on the street dare not come to chat up.

The class system of the angel clan is also extremely strict. In order to maintain a strong fighting capacity, the angel clan places great resources on the angels with talent and potential, and even endows them with rights.

The higher the cultivation of all angels, the greater the power and wealth they will have in the mountain of heaven.

Some powerful archangels even control their own independent armies.

This special decentralization system not only makes the angel family strong externally, but also makes the angel clan not so harmonious internally.

Among them, the most serious opposition is the inquisition and the heart of angels cathedral.

In a short period of time, according to the information obtained by the three mogana, the inquisition and the heart of angels Cathedral are almost incompatible.

One big reason is the attitude towards the light empire.

The inquisition insisted that the whole empire of light should be destroyed completely, and then a country loyal to the angel family should be supported on the ruins of the Empire of light.

The heart of angels Cathedral believes that in the Empire of light, those who rebel against angels are a few high-level Terrans.

Among ordinary people, the angel family still has great prestige, even faith.

Therefore, Angel Heart Cathedral advocates sending powerful Angel strongmen to wipe out the Terran high-level of the light Empire, and then support the puppet emperor to rule the light Empire again.

The difference between the two opinions has made the inquisition and the heart of the angels' cathedral a close fight between them.

It was not until the decree from the highest heaven came down that the two great forces in this family of angels ceased to exist.

"The angel family is really a big family. Only two forces have these six archangels in Hengyang realm. If you include the leaders of other forces, there are 15 archangels on the bright surface of Tiantang mountain"

"it is said that there are three archangels at the peak of Hengyang realm and the strongest Angel incarnating gods - Yaoguang angel in the forbidden area of the highest heaven"“ According to the description in ancient Angel books, this Yao Guang angel is also a demigod state for the most time. In addition, she holds half of the accessories of the artifact in her hand. Even if her real combat effectiveness is worse than that of Xuanyuan Qiming, it is not much worse "

after analyzing the current situation, Mo ganna looks cunningly at the religious inquisition and the Angel Heart Cathedral.

"Therefore, in order to achieve our goal, we should also make use of the power of the angels themselves. Only when they bite the dog and make the water thoroughly muddy, can we have the chance to fish in troubled waters"

after Mo ganna finished, she took Li Xingyun and they disappeared in the street.

Just when the three of Morgana were having a bad idea, the six archangels in the inquisition and the heart of angels Cathedral were filled with restless emotions.

after practicing in Tiantangshan for unknown years, these archangels had an indistinct connection with the heaven mountain. Together with Morgana's evil thoughts, they immediately had a feeling.

However, under the action of the magic lamp, the six archangels subconsciously attributed the source of their own upset to the holy orders of the highest heaven.

"Even if we can't hide ourselves, how can we command other races of the throne in the future?""If all the other races follow suit, wouldn't it be cheaper for the angels to work hard in the main plane world for many years than those inferior creatures"

the chief judge of the inquisition looked at the decree in his hand with anger. If it hadn't been for the Yin carving full of artifact breath on the holy decree, he would not have imagined that the powerful Yao Guang angel would have given such orders Unreasonable orders.

Like the archdeacon of the inquisition, the archdeacon of the heart of angels Cathedral couldn't understand the order of Yaoguang angel.

The bright empire is the most important source of plundering the resources of the theme plane for the angel clan today. If we give up the bright Empire, the angel family will lose countless losses every year, and even the resources for breeding cherubs will be greatly reduced.

So how can we continue to fight our enemies in the dungeon Valley.

Although he was quite puzzled by the orders of Yaoguang's angel, the archdeacon of the heart of angels Cathedral still didn't say anything. He was more gentle in nature and used to plan and move later, which was totally different from the group of coquettish bitches across the street who only knew how to kill people.

At the same time, the other forces in the paradise mountain, such as the head of the Fighting Angel Group in charge of foreign war, and other archangels also did not understand the Holy Spirit of Yaoguang angel.

Their accomplishments are not at the level of demigods, and they have not sensed the fusion of the world. Their memory still stays in the first second before being frozen.

At the moment, they are still struggling for all kinds of power and profit struggle. They do not realize that the world of "survival of the desolate" is about to usher in a great change, which is beyond the comprehension of all races. , the fastest update of the webnovel!