Yaoguang angel's voice is like a soul that can be washed. In the blink of an eye, those fierce Angel soldiers wake up and repent from their hearts for their previous mistakes.

All kinds of intrigues and traps set by moganna were cracked by Yaoguang angel in a word.

However, at the moment, Mo ganna's goal has also been achieved. The Yao Guang angel who walked out of the sky is no longer invincible. Especially after sensing the uncontrollable riot energy on the Yao Guang angel, Mo ganna was surprised to find that she had won the first prize.

I don't know why the most powerful Angel demigod was injured in a certain degree before he appeared. The balance between victory and fate this time unconditionally tilted to Morgana and their side.

"It is worthy of being comparable to the fate of ordinary artifact, and the blessing of this kind of luck is really wonderful"

after realizing the abnormal state of Yaoguang angel, Morgana's beautiful eyes almost became a line of happiness.

And Yao Guang angel in the induction of moganna's bad eyes, the same perfect to the extreme of the eyes shot two through the sky of the holy light shining in the past.

All the camouflage of Morgana could not be maintained in the light of the holy light.

The snow-white wings lit up a blaze, and the powerful and evil power of the demigod demons spread out. In a moment, all the angel soldiers in the square miles were turned into ashes.

Seeing the appearance of Morgana, those archangels felt a thrill from the bottom of their hearts, and the chill spread to the whole body.

"Demigod level big devil?

when Gana saw all kinds of hidden angels, they didn't understand what was hidden in the heaven.

Why, as archangels, the inquisition and the archangels of the heart of angels fight so recklessly.

Why are those Angel soldiers so heavy that they can't even persuade the archangels of all major forces.

Why did the war spread so fast.

All kinds of questions were answered perfectly at the moment of Morgana's appearance.

"I don't remember that there are such great demons who are good at demagogues in hell. Who are you and where do you come from when you come to Tiantang mountain"

after Yaoguang Angel found out the culprit, his face became more ugly.

The appearance of demons was not unexpected to her. What surprised her was that as a member of the demons, she had never seen her.

She fell in love with demons and wanted to kill for so many years, but she didn't believe that the demon refiners in hell had the ability to cultivate such a demigod level demon that she had never seen before.

"Hee hee, you don't want to fight at the end of saying so much, why nonsense"

with a charming smile and no intention of talking nonsense, Mo ganna flew directly into the air to confront the angels of Yaoguang. At the same time, she sacrificed all kinds of magic weapons unique to the demons.

It can be said that in order to solve the power of the real name and not use the juyunshen lamp, now mogana is in a state of all-out effort.

After the confrontation with mogana, Yaoguang Angel found mogana's meanness. The former mogana didn't take advantage of the chaos to give a fatal blow to the unprepared Angel family. However, the surviving Angel soldiers are now held by moganna in disguise.

If there is a war here, Yaoguang angel, who cast a mouse to protect the angel family, will not be the opponent of mogana.

And those archangels were obviously aware of this, and they yelled at the angel soldiers who came back to their senses one by one in terror: "everyone leave here immediately, stay away from this place at any cost"

but it is obviously late after the archangels' orders are given.

Mogana's map gun like attack has covered the sky. She is surrounded by sword in the fire of hell. Waiting for Yaoguang angel to rescue other members of the angel family, she will give Yaoguang angel a "heart attack".

"No matter what kind of demons, the means is this kind of filthy"

Yaoguang Angel snorted coldly, and six pairs of light wings emerged from behind.

The holy light, which was so strong as to be comparable to the explosion of stars, burst out from the body of Yaoguang angel.

After the dazzling light, the sky's flame and moganna have disappeared, at the same time disappeared the missing friend Yaoguang Angel himself.

"Lord Yaoguang has moved the battlefield beyond the heaven mountain. It's very dangerous. If the fire of hell just happened to cover us, we might be OK, but there are not a few of the little guys below"

an archangel looked at the place where Yaoguang angel disappeared.

The other angels are also looking at the direction of Morgana's disappearance with fear after sensing the disappearance of the disaster like attack.

Before, many Angel soldiers thought they were going to die. In the face of the map gun like attack, no one was sure to survive except archangels.

In the chaotic time and space outside the paradise mountain, a sea of fire appears here.The next second, the holy light burst in the sea of fire, drowning all the flames in the past.

Mo ganna's charming laughter also spread from the Holy Light: "hee hee, as expected, you can't turn a blind eye to the mass death of your descendants. But now that you are in such a strong state, you have to move again with the power of the artifact. Will there be any combat effectiveness after I have been sent here with the power of artifact" On the bright and clean back, two dark wings of light extend as if connected to the depth of endless space and time.

After she reappeared, she was forced to open by her powerful demigod power, which was enough to melt the stars.

At the moment, Morgana has untied the power of her real name and transformed into a second form.

Compared with the real devil's body, mogana's new form is much smaller now, but her strength is not weakened by half, and even strengthened a lot. In this form, even the ghost king in the strongest period can be singled out.

"You are the first person to see my new form. It's also coincidental that I have some marriage with your angel family"

between Mo ganna's smile and smile, there is a rune full of holy power at the center of her eyebrow, and the complicated and mysterious rune is embedded in her eyebrow like a vertical eye.

At this time, the mogana magic flame around the body was born out of the pure to the extreme of the light system power.

"Fallen angel?"

After Yao Guang angel saw the appearance of Morgana, her face changed with surprise.

From the power of the light system in mogana, she was shocked to feel the unique power of the angel family. In addition, the appearance of mogana now has many similarities with the angel family, so the Yao Guang Angel spoke out the identity of mogana.

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