The dark voice of the big devil of the hell refining clan made all the strong men of the hell refining clan tremble for it.

For the terror of Yaoguang angels, these evil demons are not aware of it. Now, outsiders who do not know where they come from seem to have been riding on the angels of Yaoguang. Then what will happen in the future.

When more outsiders come, they will not become fish in the hands of others and be slaughtered by others.

For the fear of the unknown, even the demons can not avoid.

The great devil of the demon clan is also a generation of heroes. After seeing the angels' advice, they didn't rashly send people to occupy the territory left by the angels. Instead, they ordered the demons refining clan to withdraw from the main plane and return to the dungeon valley.

In order to concentrate all the fighting power, the great demon of the demon clan even made a compromise to the dark castle, allowing them to govern themselves, but only on the condition that a large number of sacrifices were offered.

The ancient mutant vampires of the dark castle celebrate their escape from the hellrefiners without knowing that they have been betrayed by the hellrefiners.

It is when the strong men in the world of "survival of the desolate" feel the terrible battle between moganna and Yaoguang angel.

The battle between the two of them also went on to the most intense moment.

Relying on the artifact in their hands, Yaoguang angels forced their combat effectiveness to a higher level and reached the realm of hypocrisy in a short time.

After the release of the powerful power that made time and space tremble, not only did the mountain of heaven vibrate, but also the thematic plane and the level of the dungeon Valley in the survival of the desolate.

It can be said that Yao Guang angel's every move can cause a real natural disaster level disaster.

In the face of Yao Guang angel in this state, Mo ganna also used her all-out efforts to liberate the Fallen Angel form, and a strange halo enveloped her.

Moreover, under the influence of the magic lamp of gathering and transportation, the power of these auras is perfectly integrated together, forming a qualitative change, which makes mogana's combat effectiveness fundamentally changed. At the moment, she, who is at the peak of demigod, has also broken through the limit and become a strong hypocrite.

After the two people urged their own strength to the limit, it was Mars that hit the earth and began to work hard.

The intense holy light collides fiercely with the strange energy of the pure light system in the evil.

At this moment, the sky and the earth are out of color, and no one can see clearly what happened in the dazzling light.

When people come back to their senses, everything is over. Whether it's the great devil refining devil in the demigod realm, or the other strong men in "survival of the waster", all people have a strange feeling in their hearts, which seems that they have lost a part of their time inexplicably.

As a matter of fact, the strong people in the novel survive in the wilderness are not right. They really miss a period of time, which is the last time that mogana and Yaoguang Angel fight each other.

At this time, only Li Xingyun can vaguely remember what happened before in "survival of the desolate". As for Chen Xiaoming, he can only barely remember the last moment of the super explosion that affected the river of time.

"How strong, the battle between them has gone beyond the limits of the existing dimensions, and the last trick even interferes with the existence of the long river of time, making the world of the waster survive forever lost for a period of time"

"this level of fighting has belonged to the real God level. I would like to say why the battle between Xuanyuan Qiming and Baishi Yanluo seems so" mediocre " It turns out that Li Xingyun has made a new change in the previous battle between Xuanyuan Qiming and Baishi Yanluo after they really saw the battle at the level of gods in the battlefield where they really fought.

I was a little surprised to see that Xuanyuan Qiming killed Li Xingyun in a short time. Now I know the reason.

In one second of their observation, it may have been a very long time for yuan Qiming and Baishi Yanluo, but those fierce battles took place in the space-time dimension that Li Xingyun could not see.

In the chaotic space outside paradise mountain, a trace of blood appears at the corner of mogana's mouth. Her arms collapse on both sides of her body, looking like a snake with bones pulled out.

But Yaoguang Angel looks better than mogana, at least the appearance does not have any obvious injury, even the clothes on the body have no wrinkle.

But at this time, the breath of Yaoguang angel was so low that it didn't seem as strong as that of ordinary Angel soldiers.

However, even if you can't see the power of the powerful angel in the past few years, even if you can't win in the past few years, you can't look at the power of the powerful angel in the past few years And it's getting weaker.

After reaching the semi divine realm, the invincible Yaoguang angel in the universe began to become arrogant and became a real God. He played "survival of the desolate" with applause.Now lost in the hands of mogana, Yaoguang Angel found that he was so ridiculous, like a toad watching the sky all day long to see his own acre of land, arrogant that the world is only so big.

"Kill me, my fall will give the world a final warning, just hope everything is still in time"

just as Yaoguang Angel closed her eyes and waited for her death, she suddenly found that Mo ganajiao was laughing.

"It's really a flower in a greenhouse. I can't bear this blow. It's really pathetic for the angel family to have such a boss as you"

after a few sarcasm, Mo ganna took away the artifact parts from Yaoguang angel, and then disappeared in front of her.

Yaoguang Angel looks at Mo ganna's disappearing figure, and looks surprised. Then she thinks of what makes her eyes very complicated.

"From the prophecy I got with my artifact, I sensed that the people who are related to me will completely change the pattern of the world. Originally I thought it was one of my nephews and nieces who had blood relationship, but now it seems that it is not necessarily "

" mogana. I remember you "

" from now on, there will be no Yao Guang angel, only me, Kyle "

" I will take back the lost glory with my own hands "

" we will meet again, moganna, my good sister "

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