Beside the lava pool, at the foot of the volcano, and deep in the magic Valley, high-level hell refining demons with strong breath also began to wake up under the command of the big devil of hell refining demon clan.

These guys are obviously much smarter than those with a single brain. After realizing that things are not right, these high-level hell refining demons have begun to gather friends and friends, and also start to gather those running around the mountains and fields.

Since the great devil of the dungeon Valley issued an unprecedented order to close the valley, these powerful demons will feel a constant surge of undercurrent.

although it is not clear what the specific reason is, it does not prevent these crafty and powerful demons to be vigilant secretly.

The great devil of hell demon refining clan obviously knew what kind of temperament his subordinates were, so he didn't rashly go to the front line to command the battle.

instead, he issued a vague order and immediately walked into the holy land of hell demon refining clan. He knew where there was enough energy to really let them through the disaster.

Not long ago, the low-level hell refiners in the dungeon Valley and some high-level hell demons who were not awake met the waster alliance.

On the one hand, there are bloodthirsty and belligerent hell refining demons, and on the other hand, there is an agitated and surging coalition of the wasters. There is no sign that the war will break out directly.

In the sound of fighting, two groups of powerful troops began to fight madly in the dungeon valley.

The demons refining clan in hell occupies a geographical area. They can extract energy from the dungeon Valley at any time to recover their consumption and even heal their wounds. They can be in the hell Valley, and their combat power should be doubled at least.

This is one of the reasons why the powerful angels like Yaoguang can't completely solve the demons refining clan in hell.

However, compared with the unorganized and undisciplined hell refining demons, the biggest advantage of the alliance of the wasters is that each race has its own battle array and means.

The forces of all the people in the general array of the Terran army of the Guangming Empire gathered together to form a huge whole. They could easily defeat the enemy several times stronger than themselves.

The mutated vampire of the dark castle connects the vitality of all soldiers with a strange blood chain. Only if the nearby comrades are not killed by seconds, they can survive and continue to fight with the enemy.

The head of the corpse clan in the wet and slippery bone forest is covered with black clouds of disaster and epidemic disease.

The elemental elves of dreamland sprinkle magic aura piece by piece, attacking the enemy and putting various kinds of gain aura on their teammates at the same time.

With the ingenious cooperation of the major races, the forces of the United forces of the wasters broke out with incredible power, which constantly devoured the demons of hell who came to fight like a meat grinder. The superiority of the war even biased to the direction of the Alliance Army of the wasters.

Seeing that the demon refining in hell, which is often talked about, is so vulnerable to attack, the momentum of the Alliance Army of the wasters has been raised all of a sudden, and the fighting is even more fierce.

After the United forces of the wasters played their momentum, it can be said that they were close to the depths of the dungeon valley.

Once the wheels of the army are on the road, the power is beyond the ordinary people's ability to stop it.

If the high-level hell demons in the dungeon Valley did not stop at the first time, they might be able to stop it. Now it's too late to say anything. The army of the waster alliance has killed the deep part of the dungeon valley like a locust.

"Is the dungeon valley also infiltrated by the people of the twilight organization? How can a high-level race that has been able to fight against the angel clan for thousands of years have only this fighting power"

Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming are hiding behind the United forces of the wasters, looking at the valiant and high spirited allied forces of the four ethnic groups, they are surprised and speechless.

They have been to heaven mountain, where millions of angels gather together to fight, even if they dare not break through.

It is an army composed of millions of angels with more than five stars on the planet. Moreover, under the leadership of their star level archangels, these armies can also form a powerful army of angels. Even the strong at the peak of Hengyang can only retreat.

In addition to these armies, not to mention the super powers like archangels and archangels.

I'm afraid that if all the angels under them can go out to kill the enemy at once, I'm afraid it's not necessary to kill all the angels under them.

The angels rule most of the territory of the throne in secret, not by virtue, but by absolute force.

In the same way, the fighting power of the hell refining demon clan, which is famous for its belligerence, is not much worse than that of the angel clan.

But now it shows another extreme.

Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming were surprised by the poor resistance of the demons refining clan in hell.

"The star level demons are not more than double digits. Most of them just roar at the back and then run away. They say that they are bloodthirsty and aggressive, which is really teasing me"

Li Xingyun looks depressed and looks at another Magic general in the shining sun turning and fleeing, and feels that the development of the situation is a little wrong.

The expected bitter battle is now so easy that even a fool will feel wrong.However, the four clans soldiers who have been forced into the battle can not stop even if they want to stop.

If anyone stops, he will be the iron hoof of countless double comrades in arms. Before the enemy has killed him, he must be trampled into flesh and mud by himself.

Moreover, before the general gave a stop order, no one dared to stop.

Disturbing military discipline is a big taboo in the army, especially when facing the enemy. If he dares to disturb the military discipline, he can only be the sword of the law enforcement team.

With the deepening of the waster alliance, there are more and more low-level hell demons besieged. At this time, they finally feel a little pressure.

Although those low-level demons are basically cannon fodder level existence, but when the number is enough, it is also a problem. When the evil appears all over the mountains and fields, the advance pace of the waster alliance has to slow down a bit.

"There should be something wrong with the beheadless demons of hell, and their great devil will not be assassinated"

after thinking about this layer, Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun can't sit still.

Their goal was originally the artifact parts controlled by the great devil. If they were taken away, all their plans would be in vain

then Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun did not follow the pace of the alliance of the wasters, and then they flew all the way to the depths of hell valley.

On the whole, Jigou Valley looks very similar to the world composed of volcanoes. One after another, huge active volcanoes form the outer space of the valley. , the fastest update of the webnovel!