-"Big devil, give up. The world is doomed to be destroyed. It's better to gather the whole family's efforts to fight for a future than to bury them with them."

"now those low-level creatures outside have formed a large army and invaded the dungeon valley. There are just enough sacrifices. As long as we sacrifice all of them, we can build a skeleton boat with the power of artifact All the hell refining demons have taken away, but they can also take away a group of elite "

the Bone Demon of the demigod realm earnestly persuades the way outside the temple.

The customs of the demons refining clan in hell are totally different from those of the angel clan.

As long as the cultivation of the angel family reaches the level of demigod, they can take their own title and become the first and no two title angel.

However, there can only be one leader of the demon refining clan in hell, and he can only inherit the title of the great devil.

No matter how powerful the remaining demons are, they can't replace the big ones and become the leaders of hell refining demons.

Of course, in general, the devil who inherited the title of "great devil" is also the strongest one among the demons refining clan in hell.

Because the inheritance of the great devil is not only a title, but also a mysterious inheritance.

And the source of the inheritance is in this temple.

For this inherited mysterious power, countless demons are coveted for a long time.

Only the power of guarding the temple is too strong, and the strong can't break into it. In addition, every great demon has to guard against it, which prevents the ambitious from spying.

All hell refining demons know one thing, that is, the great devil in the temple is the real invincible existence.

Even the bone devil and the nightmare devil in the demigod realm dare to persuade the great one outside the temple, and dare not really rush into it and force the great one to call the artifact parts in his hand with tough means.

"Ignorant fool. Br >

"it's better for you to go out of the hell as if you were able to use the magic weapon as early as possible In addition, the artifact in our hell refining hand is just a part, and its power is not comparable with the real artifact. Even if the price is so high, who can guarantee the outcome to be as good as expected "

the young man with the incarnation of the great devil sneered and walked out of the temple. His eyes were crystal clear as amber and looked at the demons in front of the temple.

The demons were also shocked to see the great lord appear in this way.

"Are you the great devil? You shameful guy even gave up the body of the real devil, created the human body, and then entered the sacred temple in this way "

" you are insulting the spirit of our ancestors "

when the evil master saw the great devil appear in this way, his eyes flashed and he began to curse furiously.

The anger of the evil master also successfully provoked the hostility of other demons, and the only remaining awe for the great one disappeared.

"It seems that you are not only ignorant, but also quite pathetic"

"after living for so many years, haven't you found that there is a human blood line in your blood"

"the so-called hell devil refining clan is just the descendants of the human race and the demon clan"

"not only us, but also the birdmen on the heaven mountain"

"if you say us What's the difference with ordinary Terrans? That is, the blood of our ancestors came from a real God, that is, which legendary creator God "

" only the gods can successfully integrate the blood of multi-ethnic groups with the blood of human race, and create a diversified race as it is today "

after the big devil finished, he looked at the horizon with emotion He sensed that a powerful crisis was approaching rapidly.

And the words of the great devil brought a great shock to many demons. They said nothing because they were high-level races. They didn't expect that their blood source was actually a human race as weak as ants.

The most important thing is that there are people in such a weak family who have become the supreme gods in the legend.

"Now what do you mean by these words? Do you want to abandon our demons and join the Terran side of the camp"

the body of the real demon is constantly expanding, and in a blink of an eye, he becomes a giant monster with a big mouth of blood basin fangs, and he glares at the big devil, as if he is going to fight if he doesn't agree. He doesn't want to explain to the great devil The opportunity.

"Ha ha, I'm different from you. I'm the great devil of the demon clan. No matter how humble I am, I won't be reduced to other people's dogs"

"hateful devil, do you think the secret connection between you and those people is unknown? The reason why I let you be so presumptuous is to see what secrets are hidden behind the backs of those people"

"at present, those mysterious people haven't dropped much You idiots are already impatient. It seems that the creator God didn't put too much wisdom into it when he was cultivating the lineage of demons in hell. You guys were so shortsighted that they were all dying, and they wanted to win profits. ""Don't you think, even if you really kill me, will those people really allow you to get artifact parts and become the second great devil? Then it will be a bridge to tear down bridges and kill donkeys"

after shaking his head and laughing contemptuously, he doesn't intend to talk nonsense any more.

The demons who can come here to ask him are either greedy or have low IQ. Obviously, they can be more reasonable with these demons than with their mouths.

In fact, if it had not been for the fear of those mysterious people hiding behind the hateful devil, he would have jumped out and beaten them with his temper.

With the sacrificial Temple behind her, the great devil is not afraid of that one. Even in the heyday of the Yao Guang angel, who also carried the artifact parts, the great devil could press her to fight, not to mention the half bucket of water in front of her.

Although disdaining these idiotic demons in front of us, the great devil still doesn't want to spend the future of hell refining demons here.

After the scornful smile, the great devil used the power of sacrificing temple to use the magic power similar to the stars, and sent all the present demons to the horizon in one breath.

Then the great devil is so powerful that the sky is split up.

When the real devil who was so tall that he could be seen clearly from thousands of miles away, those demons who had been sent to appear suddenly found that they had underestimated the great devil who had been in charge of the dungeon Valley for thousands of years.

Such a powerful demon body, even if they gather all the power of their demons, there is no guarantee of victory.

"After relying on the power of the holy land, the great devil can have such a powerful power, and the level of this power is close to the legendary gods"

in this paper, the author points out that "the great devil can have such a powerful power after increasing the power of the holy land." www.novelhold.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!