Li Xingyun's powerful strength really makes many strong people in the wilderness world have to pinch their noses to admit that Li Xingyun is indeed the strongest existence in the stellar realm, which has become a recognized fact in the wilderness world.

In addition to the title of true demigod cultivation, the angel level strong man, Li Xingyun is already invincible in the world.

In the case of Kyle and a small number of demigod super strong people do not fight, Li Xingyun's name is indeed worthy of the name.

We should know that Li Xingyun is still the cultivation of the yaoyang realm. If Li Xingyun really promotes his cultivation to the semi divine state, I'm afraid the real gods will have to let him have three points to see.

"Thunder and lightning"

"burning nine broken"

in the magic shadow projection screen, the battle picture of Li Xingyun and burning eye is shown.

The two men's subtle moves to the top caused a series of time and space level vibration, even if played slowly thousands of times, the audience felt that the screen was full of Li Xingyun and burning eyes, as if in a moment, Li Xingyun and burning eye ignored the flow of time, and fought countless times.

In fact, this is just the result of Li Xingyun's instant match with his burning eyes.

Only one of the swords on the screen is a real sword of thunder and Yang.

It's just that the subtle moves cause time and space ripples, which makes the audience have countless illusions, and see the possibility of countless rehearsals before the two people's moves compete, which is what ordinary people call empty moves.

Of course, this is a little different from the simple empty move.

If anyone takes Li Xingyun's and burning eye's release moves as false, he will experience what to do with regret.

Li Xingyun and the innumerable virtual shadows of burning eyes are actually hundreds of thousands of possibilities that they produced before the real match of moves. They experimented with these hundreds of thousands of kinds one by one at the moment of their hand, and finally they chose the best way to fight together.

It can be said that Li Xingyun and the most common blow of the burning eye are enough for many monks in the stellar realm to take them back to study for decades.

It contains enough fighting skills to compose several different secrets.

When the audience was dazzled, the battle between Li Xingyun and burning eyes had already upgraded to another level.

After several hard confrontations with Li Xingyun, it is found that Li Xingyun's fighting skills and experience are almost impeccable. He can even predict his moves in advance and make the most appropriate response.

In the face of this kind of suppression, burning eye felt extremely uncomfortable. After each attack, he felt that his moves could not give full play to the original power, leading him to fall into the downwind step by step.

"Since the fighting skills are not as good as before, I'll crush you on the energy level"

looking at the fighting Li Xingyun with scorching eyes, she grinned grimly, and then a red light appeared in her white pupil, and a mysterious line also appeared in the blood pupil.

With the opening of the special pupil technique of burning eyes, there are bursts of orange red glow on the body of burning eyes.

Then, under the twining of the sunlight, the shape of the burning eye changed greatly. The blood colored lines appeared on the snow-white body, and the two small horns on the top of the head also became the crown like horns.

The size of ordinary people's body is blown balloon like expansion, suddenly become more than ten meters tall giant.

After transforming into a giant state, the red pupil of the burning eye blooms with dazzling brilliance again, and then a piece of energy of divine level appears on the body of burning eye.

All of a sudden, he wrapped his enlarged body tightly. Finally, when he pulled out a long knife with the same divine power from the void, the transformation of burning eyes finally ended.

At this moment, the breath on his body has also undergone a fundamental change. In the blink of an eye, he broke through the existing limit and became a real semi God level strong man.

With the addition of his original combat skills, he has become a semi God top level super soldier no less than the ghost king, especially the long sword containing the power of gods, which makes Li Xingyun feel a strong sense of crisis.

Even Li Xingyun didn't expect such a powerful force in her body.

"The super transformation form can be constructed with the spirit's dharma as the armour stomach, the body of the semi divine peak strong as the energy, and the highest pupil's blood burning eye as the carrier. At this moment, I already have the invincible power under the gods. If I can use this form, you can be proud of yourself"

after the transformation, the burning eye seems to have the mastery of victory and the arrogant and domineering God State appeared again in his face, looking at Li Xingyun also took a little contempt.

"It's very strong. From this guy, I feel the pressure of Meng Qiuyu. If there is no accident, this guy should master the powerful God killing power"

Li Xingyun looks at the new form of burning eyes, and his pupils contract. It is the first time for him to feel that his life is threatened.You know, when he was two demigods in the first and second world war, he didn't have the pressure now.

With the special sense of death declaration, Li Xingyun also decided not to stay.

With a flick, the sword formed by thunder flash collapses into the purest attribute of thunder and fire, which is reintegrated into Li Xingyun's body.

Then the long black sword appeared in Li Xingyun's hands.

Holding the sword of death declaration, Li Xingyun burst out a powerful flame that made the world pale.

In the shadow of the flame, Li Xingyun's momentum is also crazy to climb up.

After the fierce momentum rose to the top, the fighting field made up of world debris seemed unable to withstand the soaring power of Li Xingyun and trembled. Large pieces of broken stones broke the law of gravity and floated into the air, as if there were countless invisible hands holding these stones in the void.

"The second form of endless sword suit · jiulongguiyi"

with Li Xingyun's drinking, a loud dragon song appeared on him.

The nine dragon patterns were combined one by one, and finally turned into a virtual shadow of the dragon, which wrapped up on the sword of death declaration.

The character character on the handle of the sword of declaration of death seems to echo the arrival of the virtual shadow of the dragon. The mysterious power invisible to the naked eye is transmitted to the shadow of the dragon from the character text, which makes the Dragon shadow with divine power become more solid. , the fastest update of the webnovel!