Li Xingyun's words gave Chen Xiaoming a flash of inspiration.

After the reaction, Chen Xiaoming quickly called out Xuan Yiyan's intelligence materials to check. Finally, after seeing Xuan Yiyan's famous magic power and the most famous pupil surgery, he frowned and said, "you mean this guy named burning eyes is Xuan Yiyan's disguise?"

Li Xingyun shook her head again and said, "no, the cultivation of fourth grade students will not only have a star realm. I mean, this burning eye is probably closely related to Xuan Yiyan"

"his pupil skill, his power system, and his final power to display the spirit of the divine sword probably came from Xuan Yiyan's hands"

"if If I guess it's right, Xuan Yiyan may have found his own artifact. Otherwise, the power of the artifact would not have been used by another person easily "

Li Xingyun carefully recalled the power of the soul of the ten fists and swords which was displayed at the last moment of scorching eyes, and then he confirmed his idea.

"Burning eye would have died here before if it had not borrowed part of the magic power of the artifact and forced its strength to the level of breaking space and time"

"but now, with the protection of this artifact power, scorching eye has successfully escaped into the turbulence of time and space, and escaped from the sky under my unique sword moves"

Li Xingyun's words did not do anything Then others who came to him heard what he said.

Kyle asked with a cold face, "so this man is probably from the black prison college?"

After seeing Kyle, Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming stepped back a little and made a modest gesture.

"Yes, this person should be a student in the black prison University. He came to the desolate world under an assumed name and openly challenged me"

"I think this person should not have known my real strength, otherwise he would not have made such a rash move. This battle is likely to be an accident"

Li Xingyun said to Kyle in honorific terms Avenue.

After decades of getting along with each other, the former Yao Guang Angel conquered Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun with absolute power, showing them what it means to have a heaven outside the sky and a person outside people.

in fact, when Mo ganna was away, Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming basically asked Kyle for advice if they encountered any problems in their practice.

As a senior demigod peak Super Master, pointing out Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming, two half bottle water guys, is totally overkill.

Li Xingyun's new transformation method of Jiulong's unification was developed under the inspiration of Kyle.

It can be said that during these decades, Kyle acted as the actual tutor of the two, so their respect for Kyle was only inferior to Rosa and mogana.

When Kyle heard Li Xingyun's words, he nodded slightly and said: "no matter what, our world has been exposed. That guy didn't die in your hands by the power of the artifact, but he successfully escaped. I'm afraid he will not be the only one when he comes back next time."

Kyle's words make the strong people in the rest of the wilderness world worry.

Since the progress of Morgana's expeditions to other worlds has progressed, they know how much they used to be.

Beyond the waster world, there is a sky beyond their imagination.

The wonder of each secret world has made the vast majority of people feel incomparable.

The black prison colleges and universities are full of endless mystery.

Now I know that my world has been discovered by other big men in the black prison universities. I don't worry about it.

"The waster world is on alert, and the eventful autumn is coming soon"

many strong people in the wasteland world also know that the situation can not be delayed, and they don't say anything more. They just look at Li Xingyun with complicated eyes and go to their own business.

For more than 50 years, the powerful people here are not the high-ranking people who have great power in the world of the desolate. Power is the responsibility. In order to suffer less losses in the troubled autumn, they have to start to be busy.

After the rest of the people were almost gone, Kyle asked Li Xingyun again: "do you feel that the former man has the smell of death and the people in the black prison. I always feel that things will not be so simple"

Li Xingyun said firmly after careful memories for many times: "there is no black prison and death prison breath on the body of burning eye, and the magic power used Magic is also biased towards the side of colleges and universities, but what makes me feel strange is that the burning eye is not simply a black prison, but also a student in the middle school "

" from the burning eye, I feel a lot of complex breath, including the spirit of demon clan and the breath of human race. In addition to the strange shape of his final transformation, I feel that the original master of burning eye should have a very close relationship with the demon clan "Big connection"

"I wonder if it is possible. Like her highness mogana, hot eye has become a strong student of black prison from the task world"

Li Xingyun's conjecture made Kyle silent for a moment."I am not very clear about the specific mechanism of the black prison universities, but from the understanding of these years, the black prison universities are more inclined to the force of the human race"

"it can be said that the root of the black prison universities is the human race. Those who betray the position of the human race are either demoted to the black prison, or they will suffer a lot of setbacks and tribulations"

"but strangely, the black prison colleges and universities also agree to it In recent years, I have been trying to collect the information of the students and the history of the university to analyze the specific purpose of the president of the black prison University "

" however, the result is not good. "

"in my opinion, this force is like a multi headed neurotic snake, with different purposes in each period"

"the first president's obvious clan faction, in his period, except for the pure human race, other races did not have the possibility to enter the black prison colleges and universities"

"all kinds of strengthened schools also tended to pure energy training In terms of refining and technology, instead of being able to implant the blood of other races to change their own power "

" at that time, the university president of the black prison was an extreme racist, and all races except the Terrans were mercilessly suppressed "

" but the second president was not the same. After the second president took office, he became more flexible The interface of blood exchange can be opened in an all-round way, so that those students with less talent can become more powerful by integrating into the lineage of other races "

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