Hearing Li Xingyun's tone return to normal, the strong old man laughed.

"You stinky boy finally realized that something was wrong. My favorite shirt was almost covered with your snot"

the strong old man laughed strangely again, which disordered Li Xingyun's straightened hair again...

Li Xingyun: "time is limited, I will not make detours"

"being able to come here means that you have opened "I want to see a part of the world as it is"

"in this case, I will tell you all the secrets I know"

grandfather Li Xingyun smiles and holds up Li Xingyun in his childhood state with one hand, and puts him and Ji Xiaoxi, who is completely in puppet state, back on the windowsill.

"Thousands of years ago, the Terrans in the main universe could be said to be the most powerful hegemonic race in the whole universe"

"among them, the existence of the ancestor emperor of the Terran made countless eternal gods tremble when they heard of it"

"therefore, several eternal gods of the three major races, the ghost, the Zerg and the demon, collectively planned a conspiracy against the ancestor of the Terran"

"using people The clan likes to fight against each other, so they use their own hands to overthrow the rule of their ancestors "

" maybe it is because they have been invincible for too long, so that they can succeed in the intrigue of the eternal gods of the three major races. At the cost of hundreds of artifact, they succeed in overthrowing the rule of the ancestor emperor of the human race, together with most of the powerful God level experts of the royal family, After that, the rats, who had been resentful of the tyranny of the royal family, began to strangle the remaining Royal forces with the power of the other three races, In order to protect you from leaving, your father alone faced ten powerful alien gods and demons, and sealed them all in the fragmented space-time for thousands of years "

" after your father died, you naturally became the only direct lineal owner of the ancestral emperor in the universe "

"“ No matter the rebels or the gods of the other three races, they will not allow you to exist unexpectedly. They are also afraid that you will become the second ancestor emperor of the human race. Therefore, a killing order involving the strong man of the whole universe has spread all over every corner of the main universe. "

" as the guardian entrusted by your father, I have to use some special things The method is to seal the divine power contained in your blood and the special blood force of the ancestor emperor in the deepest space-time "

" and after making a deception that makes you pretend to be dead, then you can live in seclusion on the earth "

" and only in the star of special origin sealed in the depth of time and space by the human ancestor emperor, can you completely avoid the pursuit of eternal gods, Fall into the real eternal sleep "

" but it can only cheat you for a while "

" after that, the seal of the earth is loose, and you wake up again "

" after you are born, you have become an ordinary incomparable human baby. Although this allows you to hide more deeply, it also makes it more difficult for you to survive in the main universe I kidnapped the little princess of Phoenix clan and made her become your guardian. I borrowed her natural luck to make your luck more unusual.

"finally, when the seal of the earth was loosened and the gods of other races could detect it, I knew that you could not be hidden in the earth anymore"

"in order to eliminate future troubles, those guys didn't mind taking me here The last person who came into contact with the descendants of the ancestor emperor of the Terran family and everything around me was completely wiped out "

" so before the seal completely collapsed, I left you in advance, and used some special means to help you escape to the Hei prison University "

" now you also know the origin of the black prison University, which was the foundation of the black prison University Which ancestor emperor of your family is invincible, and the black prison college is also a back road left by him for the human race in the early stage "

" only later, he found that there were great defects in this back road, and finally he abandoned it. The black prison university has become a special "prison" wandering in time and space. "

" as the back road of the Terran, the black prison university can be said to be in the multi universe It's an extremely magical place "

" that's because the black prison University connects an illusory universe. The magical university can turn the illusory world into a real place where people can freely enter and leave. As long as they become the students of the black prison University, they can get extremely valuable experience from those false universe worlds "

" but the only way to return to reality is to return to reality The way of the multiverse is to come into contact with the "truth", only to realize the true self Only those who have achieved the true self can truly stand out from the illusory and return to the real universe "

" it can be said that inducing you into it can be said to be a big gamble. If you are totally deprived of your blood power and natural ability, if you die in that place, it will become a part of illusion and will be forever reincarnated in the illusory universe. ""So I tried to send Ji Xiaoxi in, and by virtue of her transcendence of the gods, she might be able to bring you back to the real world in reincarnation"

after telling Li Xingyun all the causes and consequences in a deep tone, the strong old man laughed bravely again.

"Judging from the current results, I still underestimate the ancestral emperor's blood. Who is your descendant? Even if you don't have any talent and ability to add bonus, you still rely on your own ability to come here"

"over the years, you must have suffered a lot"

Li Xingyun's "grandfather" sighed, gently touched Li Xingyun's head and looked for it The way of true self is actually the road of cultivation.

I can be understood as "God".

The true self is the true God.

Among the many illusory multiuniverses born from the black prison universities, only those who are really in touch with the power of the gods can realize the true self, experience the illusion of this world, and perceive the so-called reality.

And Li Xingyun, the students from the outside world, actually become illusory life from the real death.

For them, if they want to return to the original world, it is not much easier to become a God in this illusory universe.

And those who are entitled to return to the real world will know one thing, that is, after they go back, everything they get now will be destroyed, and even their memories will be erased.

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