"Death declaration, come out"

at the last moment, Li Xingyun summoned the death announcement, and the black sword with the rune guard appeared in front of Li Xingyun.

After part of the seal was removed by Li Xingyun's "grandfather", the immortal artifact finally showed its own style.

The Rune of life and the Rune of death emit a mourning sound similar to submission at the moment of the declaration of death.

Then the force of life and death began to become gentle in Li Xingyun's body, not fighting with each other.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Yun Yun once again roared and squeezed the two runes together. After a fantastic and colorful light flashed, a new rune with perfect cycle of life and death appeared in front of Li Yun Yun.

With the help of death declaration, it took less than half an hour for Li Xingyun to refine the new rune completely, and through the protection of the law of life and death, he directly branded his own original soul brand in the world origin of the black prison University.

At the moment when the original soul was branded, Li Xingyun felt that his title as a student in the black prison college had changed significantly. At the moment, the prefix in front of his students was no longer a freshman, but a fourth grade student.

There have also been earth shaking changes in various authorities.

If the president is now in a state of recovery, Li Xingyun will fully realize what degree of welfare can be enjoyed by the authority of the fourth grade in the black prison University.

That can be called emperor version of the intimate service, it is simply to let people linger on the existence of.

After feeling the change of authority, Li Xingyun breathed a sigh of relief. The biggest goal has been achieved, and then he can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

While Li Xingyun was refining the new rune, he did not know that fusion had taken place in the valley of death.

In all kinds of visions, such as electric sound, thunder, flame and so on, the statue of Li Xingyun slowly emerged in the deepest part of the valley of death, where there are three other statues standing in addition to the statue of Li Xingyun.

One of them is bang Sandy's, but compared with other statues, bang Sandy's is much smaller. Standing among them is like a dwarf running into the middle of several adult trolls, which is so abrupt.

After seeing all kinds of changes in the valley of death, bond Sandy's face changed wildly. One was relief, another was boundless jealousy, and then he was furious. All kinds of crazy expressions flashed by, making bond sandy look like a serious schizophrenic.

"I realized the real power of life and death. Who is that boy? I stayed in this valley for tens of thousands of years. By coincidence, I became the master of the valley of death"

"but it's good that I'll fulfill my promise. I don't have to be trapped in this place where birds don't poop"

Bang Sandi is crazy After a few crazy laughter, it turned into a dark smoke and ran out of the valley of death. I don't know where to go.

Li Xingyun left the strange place lightly and once again returned to the dimension gap full of bubble world.

"The time from a stick of incense. In two minutes, there is still time to find a suitable foam world.

Li Xingyun watched the illusion of burning at the low end and decided to enter the form of Kowloon again.

This time, the Jiulong Guiyi form, which integrates the power of life and death, has become more powerful. It has shown the power of the strong in the spirit level.

Li Xingyun frantically framed in every bubble world at a faster pace. Not long ago, Li Xingyun discovered another bubble world suitable for him.

It seems that the world named sword tomb appeared in the early days of the strong human civilization before it was destroyed. At that time, a group of talented people refined the Kendo method and built this sword tomb with years of inheritance.

It's a pity that Kendo practitioners failed to carry forward their skills, so they were lost in history. Even the hidden sword tomb was also destroyed in the final level of destruction.

For today's Li Xingyun, the power of this sword rune is not so strong. It can only be regarded as the icing on the cake for Li Xingyun, who is barely able to reach the semi divine power of Kendo rune, so as to further improve his existing kendo.

After racing against time to refine the final rune, Li Xingyun's "dimensional journey" is also over.

Then, guided by the will of all living beings, Li Xingyun returns to mogana again through the door of dimensional gap.

The next second, Li Xingyun saw Chen Xiaoming fall out of the door of dimensional gap.

After quickly holding Chen Xiaoming in a daze, Li Xingyun also sensed the tremendous changes in Chen Xiaoming's internal strength. At this moment, he is considered to be a real demigod, rather than the pseudo demigod who can only be upgraded by equipment.


Mo ganna walks up to the two with a smile.

She has already become a fourth grade student, and she is also obviously aware of the changes in Li Xingyun's authority. In addition, the two people's momentum is completely different from before, where can't see that they are really successful."Thank you very much for your help and great kindness.

after Chen Xiaoming finally regained his senses, he asked Li Xingyun to bow to Mo ganna deeply.

This time, the two of them really owe a big favor to mogana. Only when they go to the dimensional gap can they really realize how much chance they have this time. This is just like a big chance to change their life for anyone in the black prison University.

"Instead of thanking me, you'd better thank Mr. Luo Xia more when you meet him. If it wasn't for the equivalent reward he paid in advance, how could I help you so much? Don't forget that I'm the devil"

Mo ganna regains her charming and lazy manner again, playing with Li Xingyun.


after Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun successfully obtained the fourth grade authority and new strength, they did not worry about leaving mogana's power to seek their own way out, but chose to continue to work under mogana.

In addition to repaying mogana's kindness, the most important thing is to use mogana's power as a platform to truly intervene in the chaotic situation of black prison colleges and universities.

For the kind of war between the world and the world, unless Li Xingyun has the power of a real God level, otherwise it is really difficult to control the development of the situation. The power of the demigod peak is really powerful, but it is not enough to see in front of the world destroying army.

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