In the face of Mo ganna's amiable manner, Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming are cold faced and silent, which makes the elders of Longxin and other star language spirits beat drums in their hearts. They don't know what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd of moganna.

In the end, Longxin secretly gritted his teeth and made up his mind. Suddenly, he fell down on his knees in a pathetic way.

"Lord demon, save the Xingyu demons, the two armies in the secret world of Xingyu forest will really make our family extinct"

"where is elder long saying? Can't you believe me? Since I said it won't hurt you, no one dares to cross the line. Instead of worrying about us, you'd better ask Xuan Yiyan's subordinates whether they will start first "

seeing Longxin's move, Mo ganna's face became cold, and the prestige of the God level immediately spread out.

Those star language spirit elders instantly climbed the ground. They were not good at fighting in front of mogana. They had no strength to fight back in front of Morgana, and their life and death were only between mogana's thoughts.

Seeing this, Longxin was frightened by the cold sweat, and did not dare to shed tears like before. He quickly assured Mo ganna: "great demon, I am like a mole ant in front of you. How dare I doubt your sincerity"

"but the people below are worried all day for fear that the day will bring disaster"

Longxin said, Star Language spirit The elders also with his sad and old voice, tears and tears, a poor to the extreme appearance.

A small group of cute little guys in front of them crying into a group of appearance, unspeakable pity.

When Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming saw this situation, they even felt unbearable. However, the next second, they looked at each other at the same time, and looked at the eyes of the star language spirit elders more vigilant.

They are now two people's cultivation has been unconsciously affected by these guys crying, which can be described as incredible.

If other young people are not mature and determined, they will soon join their camp.

This kind of ability can be described as terror. No wonder the star language spirit is good at dancing between the two big forces of mogana and Xuan Yiyan, and just uses the weak and unreasonable force to protect all the interests of the star language spirit family.

Morgana naturally knew that these guys were acting in front of her, and with this, she put her cold face away, as if she had been moved, and said in a soft voice.

"Well, well, I know your difficulties, and I also know that the days of the star language demons are not very peaceful, but the darkness and chaos will soon be over, and the dawn of light has already appeared. The arrival of the two little brothers around me is the best proof"

"with them, you can absolutely guarantee that you won't be hurt and win this war"

Mo After ganna said a lot of blah blah blah, Longxin also knew that if she didn't take out some dry goods, I'm afraid he couldn't achieve his goal.

"In this case, we can rest assured. Yesterday, members of our Presbyterian group discussed together. Although we can't completely rely on the demon lord, as the leader in the secret world of Xingyu forest, we should also contribute our own strength in this fight"

"this is a small respect of the star language demons, please don't Dislike "

Longxin takes out a stone full of spatial energy fluctuation and hands it to Mo ganna.

Morgana took the stone and glanced at it casually, and her smile became more brilliant.

"I've already felt your sincerity, so these things are not needed"

"if you really want to contribute a part of your strength, it's my two little brothers heard that the nobles can help the host play their hidden potential after signing the equality contract. If so, can we let our two little brothers choose a star language spirit to sign a contract to support each other After returning the stone shaped space magic instrument to Longxin, Mo ganna said in an undeniable tone.

Longxin's face changed several times.

Finally, under the gaze of mogana, Longxin compromised.

Morgana's request is not unreasonable. One of the most coveted talents of Xingyu spirit is to help the creatures who sign the contract obtain extra magical power, so that the contract maker can become more powerful.

Generally speaking, astrologers will choose all kinds of monsters that they have domesticated to sign contracts and let them act as their guardians.

However, when signing contracts with other intelligent creatures, this situation is likely to be reversed.

Because after signing the contract, the companion spirit of Xingyu spirit can be clearly sensed by the contractor. That is to say, the spirit of star language has exposed its most deadly lifeline to other people's eyes.

If the person with evil intentions, the sign of the contract of the star language spirit will be finished, the so-called equal contract immediately become an unequal contract.

After reaching her goal, Mo ganna turned her head and winked mischievously at Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming, just like a naughty girl who had just finished her own prank.

It's not the first time that the two of them have met. The transition from Queen's temperament to Maiden's temperament is extremely smooth, and there is not even much sense of disobedience. It seems that this high-ranking demon should have been so general.Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming were teased by Mo ganna for a while, and they went on the so-called partner selection.

All of these astrologers here are semi divine elder level astrologers. This kind of goods are generally optional or meet for the first time.

However, these little guys did not show too much anger and sadness, more really uneasy and curious.

To Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming, these star language demons with strong cultivation are like children in kindergartens. They have powerful accomplishments but no corresponding mind.

"It's a little strange. In addition to Long Xin's performance of wisdom, the rest of the elders of Xingyu spirit feel that they have great mental defects. Is this the case originally, or did something special happen to make them look like they are now"

Li Xingyun thinks in his heart that his actions on his hands are not stopped, and he tries his best to make the little ones more pleasant Holding it in my hand, I observed it carefully.

Chen Xiaoming also imitates Li Xingyun's actions, but secretly concentrates his mind on Longxin and observes Longxin's changes.

Ten minutes later, Chen Xiaoming picked out a favorite contract partner. He was also wearing a small bald head and a simple and honest half god level star language spirit. , the fastest update of the webnovel!