Looking at xiaojiong's proud face, Li Xingyun puts a fruit in xiaojiong's arms again.

Another groan of satisfaction from the little guy in the incarnation of food mode.

Obviously, the little princess did not lead a good life after leaving the so-called holy land. She was almost irresistible under the temptation of Li Xingyun's sugar coated cannonball.

In other words, this little guy is also in favor of Li Xingyun. The appearance of the little guy is not only very similar to the appearance of a little girl of the human race, but also has a three-dimensional resemblance to Ji Xiaoxi when he was a child.

So Li Xingyun will decide to take this silly little star language fairy princess away from the tiger wolf nest without too much hesitation.

After that, Li Xingyun also learned a lot of information that he had not noticed before from his humble mouth, which provided very useful help for the subsequent action plan, which was also regarded as unintentional insertion of willows and willows.

Next, we need Mo ganna's cooperation. Li Xingyun's plan is only aimed at the star language demons. For Mo ganna, Xuan Yiyan is the real problem at present.

In the special period of ziyangyaori in the world of Xingyu forest secret land, Mo ganna and Xuan Yiyan finally meet at the highest peak of the world of Starwood forest on this day when Ziyang is in the sky.

This time, the two men did not bring any of their men, and no one knew what they had said.

When the two men returned to their respective base camp again, the place for the decisive battle between the two armies was determined.

"The two decisive battle sites are located in two secret worlds. The winner can not only get the actual control of Xingyu forest secret world, but also get the other party's Secret World"

"the bet between Lord moganna and master Xuan Yiyan is not so big"

Li Xingyun's face changed continuously after he got the news Several times.

From the information just obtained, it seems that moganna and Xuan Yiyan are also determined to use this war to divide a highland, so they do not hesitate to take out their own secret world again to make the bet more attractive.

The winner can not only get the secret world of Xingyu forest, but also get a secret world of the other side. The two forces are likely to widen the gap of military power between the two sides because of this war.

Mo ganna takes out konxuan secret world as a bet and battlefield.

According to Li Xingyun's understanding of kongxuan's secret world, this is really a perfect battlefield.

As a whole, the world of kongxuan secret place is in a very primitive era.

A large number of monsters dominate more than 80% of kongxuan's secret world. Moreover, due to the particularity of kongxuan's secret world, it is difficult for most monsters to become demons.

As a result, there are many powerful and violent monsters in kongxuan's secret world. Those monsters who are so powerful that they dare not even provoke the demons occupy one side, which obviously becomes a hidden danger in the world of kongxuan.

After conquering the world's largest demon tribe, Morgana did not intend to clean up the world, and finally gave up the idea for some reason.

Mo ganna didn't elaborate with Li Xingyun about the specific situation. She just reminded them not to go deep into the mysterious world of kongxuan to explore.

This kind of reminding Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun in the dark shows that konxuan's secret world contains powerful forces that even mogana is afraid of.

As a battlefield, Li Xingyun and his side knew the danger and would not act rashly.

Xuan Yiyan there don't know these hidden dangers. If Xuan Yiyan's army has stepped on the line, mogana can even win a game without spending a soldier.

However, Xuan Yiyan is not a good opponent. From the intelligence point of view, the secret world called the world of ashes provided by Xuan Yiyan may also contain great problems. Otherwise, Xuan Yiyan would not take it out so easily to make a bet.

Before the war really started, Mo ganna and Xuan Yiyan began to fight wits and bravery, trying to gain the maximum benefit from each other at the lowest cost.

Star Language goblin clan got the news, but also a big sigh of relief.

In order to promote the opening up of another battlefield, the star language demons have also tried their best. They have paid a certain price, whether in moganna or xuanyiyan.

Chen Xiaoming signed a semi divine realm of Star Language spirit elder, but let them heartache for a long time, Xuan Yiyan there is to let them pay more.

If Mo ganna and Xuan Yiyan repent and want to fight in the secret world of Xingyu forest, they will not cry.

"Xiaojiong, Congratulations, the position of the battlefield has been determined, and the secret world of Xingyu forest has been saved"

Li Xingyun summoned the little embarrassment sleeping in his body and told her the good news.

After hearing the good news, the little guy was happy to roll in the air for several times before stopping.

Looking at xiaojiong so happy, Li Xingyun's eyes flashed a trace of inexplicable look.After signing the contract with xiaojiong, Li Xingyun also has a full understanding of the star language demons.

Even Li Xingyun praised the magic of the life forms of these little guys. They are the masterpieces of most of the advantages of elemental life and demon family life, which can be called the beloved of heaven.

All astral goblins are born with planetary power. The drawback is that their life cycle is relatively short. Like ordinary Terrans, they only have a life span of about 100 years.

However, the special ability of the astral goblins to integrate the accompanying spirits makes up for this defect.

The vast majority of astral goblins, which are combined with accompanying spirits, have a life span of more than ten thousand years, while those with extraordinary talent or special accompanying spirits can even have a life span of one million years.

This kind of ability is just as abnormal as opening and hanging.

It's not over. As long as there is no accident with the accompanying spirit, then the star language spirit will not die completely.

Even if the soul is destroyed, the star language spirit can be born again from the accompanying spirit.

Although the newly born astrologer is the second generation, strictly speaking, it should be a father son relationship with the dead.

But this ability from the population, to ensure that their number will not be reduced by accidental death, over the years, the astral goblin clan will only become more powerful.

In addition to the special abilities of the two bugs, the astral demons have many unique abilities, such as the ability to make the spiritual plants grow and mature faster, and the Tiancai Dibao can be bred more quickly. For example, they can purify the ecological environment polluted by poisonous gas and filth.

Similar unique abilities are normal in astral goblins.

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