"Oh, you boy can do something"

Mo ganna turned a white eye at Li Xingyun and explained: "my mother has been entangled with Xuan Yiyan for such a long time. I didn't expect that you, the lucky guy, will pick up the fruits of victory before the good play starts."

looking at the face of Mo ganna, Li Xingyun also knows whether she seems to be in "Sister Mo, this is an accident. I don't know what the situation is. How can a good fusion of the accompanying spirits make such a big noise"

looking at Li Xingyun's ignorant appearance, Mo ganna's mouth twitches and says: "don't be cheap and be good, In the situation just now, if Xuan Yiyan happened to be out of the secret world of Xingyu forest, you and your contract spirit would have been chased to the ends of the earth by him. "

" do you know how rare the birth of plane sons is? Each plane's son is in that world. After experiencing this special "treatment", Li Xingyun finally knows why Momogana asked him to leave Xingyu's secret world with a little embarrassment.

If Li Xingyun and xiaojiong don't leave, it won't be long before Xuan Yiyan and the black hand behind Xingyu spirit will know that Li Xingyun's contract spirit has become the son of plane.

Under the protection of moganna, Li Xingyun is not likely to be what, but after such a blatant exposure of the identity of the son of the plane, he used to deal with the behind the scenes of the star language demon and Mo ganna's plan to deal with Xuan Yiyan will be in vain.

And after being watched, Li Xingyun's future life will not be easy.

It's certainly eye-catching to sit on a world with demigod's fighting power, especially for those behind the scenes of Xuan Yiyan and Xingyu spirit, especially Li Xingyun.

At that time, Li Xingyun will be assassinated endlessly unless he takes refuge under the wings of mogana all his life.

This is the truth that every man is innocent.

If Li Xingyun has the real pseudo God level, even the spirit level combat power, that is another matter.

Li Xingyun, who decided to stay away for the time being, didn't say much. After saying hello to Chen Xiaoming, Li quickly left Xingyu forest's secret world under the arrangement of Mo ganna and went directly to konxuan's secret world.

Li Xingyun's name is to serve as the commander of the world vanguard corps of kongxuan secret land, to prepare for the next battle.

Li Xingyun left Xingyu's secluded world in front of her foot, and Xuan returned to the world of Xingyu's forest secret land after her inflammation.

After hearing the report from his subordinates, Xuan Yiyan's ugly face found Mo ganna.

"Before that, strange phenomena broke out in all parts of the world, you know"

Xuan Yiyan stepped on the golden fire cloud, and the sun wheel behind his head was looming and glowing with hot light.

It can be said that compared with the "ordinary" moganna, Xuan Yiyan's momentum is bigger every time she appears. I don't know how much. Anyone can feel the power of Xuan Yiyan from a distance of 18000 miles.

Xuan Yiyan's momentum to some extent also represents his powerful strength.

However, this kind of power obviously does not have much deterrent power in front of mogana.

In the face of Xuan Yiyan's question, Mo ganna sneers and says, "I'm not blind again. Naturally, I see it"

Xuan Yiyan is stunned by Mo ganna, and her eyes immediately burst out with real "anger". Two hot rays that are comparable to the powerful hypocrites shine on her.

In the blink of an eye, the space around mogana collapsed and turned into a black space-time crack.

"Xuan Yiyan, don't be shameless. Do you think I'm afraid of you after my repeated concessions"

mogana, wearing a laurel crown, snorted angrily and walked out of the space-time crack undamaged, filling up the space-time cracks created by Xuan Yiyan.

This hand almost reverses the time and space means, lets Xuan Yiyan pupil shrink, so-called anger immediately extinguishes the majority, this time realizes that Mo ganna's strength is not weak than him.

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