For the three newly rising deities, mogana is still the best.

Because the artifact was inherited from her mother, the matching degree was extremely high. After Morgana got the artifact, she did not worry that her artifact would be taken away by others.

After relaxed, mogana is more successful in practice than the other two. So far, mogana is half ahead of the other two.

Compared with the real old seven strong, mogana is not so strong.

However, apart from these seven people, very few people could threaten her. Even if the will of the black prison and the warden of the dead were directly against Morgana, they could not take advantage of it.

In short, as long as she does not die to find seven old strong or Luo Xia such a special existence, now she can run rampant in black prison colleges and other world.

Xuan Yiyan really began to investigate the Xingyu goblins and Xingyu forest secret world, and soon found many details that had not been noticed in the past.

For example, the intelligence quotient of the strong members of the star language demons clan has plummeted. For example, the abnormal behaviors started several years ago. For example, there are few pioneers in the top ten holy places that lead the astral demons to flourish.

All kinds of evidences have proved that the mysterious strong man who covets the secret world of starlanguage in mogana's mouth does exist, and has been manipulating the astral demons in secret before they started.

"Originally I thought that the Xingyu goblins were simple in nature, so they looked so simple that they didn't have any mental devices"

"now it seems that they have been used to become the idiotic appearance gradually"

"it is also true that a race that can defeat numerous competitors and go to the top of the world food chain, how can the whole race be stupid, white and sweet It's the true face of the Xingyu goblins "

Xuan Yiyan is more determined not to have a positive conflict with Morgana after he realized the existence of the behind the scenes of the Xingyu demons.

Subsequently, in Xuan Yiyan's acquiescence, the positive war between the two forces or smoothly opened in the plan.

In the two major organizations of mogana and xuanyiyan, except for a few Pro guards stationed in the secret world of Xingyu forest, most of the other armies orderly withdrew from the world of Xingyu forest secret land and went to the battlefield selected by each other to start the first round of God war.

The so-called one angry, blood spatter three feet, the son of heaven a fury ambush a million corpses.

And the God's anger is enough to shatter the earth and wash the world with blood.

Moganna and Xuan Yiyan, the two high-ranking gods, are already angry in order to fight for their own interests.

Only the blood of hundreds of millions of creatures can extinguish this anger.

At this moment, the Legion of millions of creatures from the two forces became a tool for them to calm down their anger.

The supremacy and ruthlessness of the gods are fully manifested at this moment.

The opening of the divine war, so that the star language goblins are both happy and worried.

Fortunately, if the battlefield is not in the secret world of Xingyu forest, the two armies of moganna and Xuan Yiyan are fighting fiercely, and they will not be hurt at all.

What is worrying is that the significance of countless visions before the opening of the divine war. The birth of the son of high position has changed the already clear future, and the fate of the star language demons is hanging in the air once again.

Don't mention the worries of the star language demons.

Li Xingyun is in great trouble in the secret land of Kong Xuan.

"Can monsters be so powerful?"

Li Xingyun looks at the giant tortoise with thousands of feet in front of him and smacks his tongue. It is the first time that he meets a monster so powerful that he can ignore his attacks. Unless the endless sword mode is opened, otherwise, his usual attacks are just like tickling the giant.

Just as Li Xingyun was surprised, the giant turtle opened its mouth enough to hold a whole space warship. The next second, a torrent of yellow mud washed down.

This kind of mud flow full of dense earth attribute energy is head-on down with great force, which makes Li Xingyun feel a kind of suffocating pressure.

"Purple thunder and scorching sun"

the purple thunder tide generally surges out of Li Xingyun's body. With the rapid convergence of thunder and lightning, purple black flames full of destructive power appear in the middle of thunder and lightning.

Finally, the two very similar colors of thunder and flame under the control of Li Yun Yun merged into a small sun full of thunder and lightning.

The torrent of soil and the purple thunder sun collide fiercely together, and the violent energy fluctuation like the star explosion diffuses out. The huge energy shock wave destroys thousands of miles in an instant and turns into a burnt red land.

The giant turtle, however, bravely carried the terrible explosive force and launched another attack on Li Xingyun. The mountain like front feet trampled down on Li Xingyun.

Before the giant turtle's foot had fallen, the plum nebula was shrouded in a yellow halo.

At this moment, Li Xingyun felt her body become extremely heavy, even the space around her seemed to collapse under the pressure of strange forces."Is this a demigod monster? At last, Li Xingyun, who had no choice but to open the endless sword costume mode, split the collapsed space and the earth yellow aura around him to escape from the battlefield.

At the moment of Li Xingyun's departure, the giant turtle's front foot fell to the ground. Strangely enough, it was a powerful attack that threatened Li Xingyun's life. Even a trace of dust did not rise on the earth. This absolute control of power is very difficult for mogana, who has the power of gods and battles.

On the way to escape, Li Xingyun, who turns back to see this kind of situation, is scared to increase the speed again.

After dragging her tired body back to the demon tribe, Li Xingyun is speechless.

Before coming to the secret world of kongxuan, Li Xingyun knew that the monsters here were so powerful that they could even hang and beat their ultimate evolutionary goal, the demon clan.

But Li Xingyun didn't expect that the monster in this secret world was so powerful.

In a short period of one month, Li Xingyun has encountered three powerful monsters in the semi divine realm in the mysterious world of kongxuan. These big demons who have given up their wisdom have exerted the aesthetics of violence to the extreme. Each of them is a powerful existence with rich combat experience.

After fighting with these three monsters, Li Xingyun found that it was difficult to really kill the demons in the demigod realm unless he started the endless sword costume mode to fight for the danger of his own companion.

When Xuan Yiyan's troops enter the secret world of kongxuan, how dare Li Xingyun do this.

In this way, the matter of clearing the battlefield has also reached a deadlock. , the fastest update of the webnovel!