At first, the monster tide was dominated by monsters in the planetary realm. Later, the demons above the stellar realm also appeared frequently.

After the battle lasted for an hour, the demon king of Hengyang realm also appeared.

Up to now, the high-level of the burning inflammation army can't sit still. After the appearance of the powerful demon king, the defense constructed by ordinary soldiers of the burning inflammation army is difficult to maintain.

Although the array based on a large number of troops is incomparably powerful enough to fight against the strong in the demigod realm, there are too many monsters.

If the monsters from all directions gather all their strength, let alone the demigod realm. Even the real gods don't have so much energy.

It's not easy for ordinary sergeants of the burning army to hold on to now.

After all, it was only one of the troops of the burning fire army that entered the kongxuan secret area this time. The army didn't put all its troops into it at one time.

Behind this army, there is the second group army, and the third group army is getting ready to go. Only when their vanguard troops give enough information, those large armies will march into the secret world of kongxuan and let the natural disaster like annihilation Legion really dominate the world.

In fact, Li Xingyun's side is also the same. Nowadays, only the Xiang vanguard army directly under his command is stationed in the secret world of kongxuan. All the major expeditionary army regiments are making final preparations. They are ready to enter the major battlefields to complete their missions at the command of mogana.

"How is the battlefield ahead? Has the tide of monsters shaken the position of the burning army"

Li Xingyun does not look back and ask about the view in the sky.

Behind Li Xingyun, a demon clan general kneeling on the ground was much taller than Li Xingyun, and respectfully replied: "the tide of demons and beasts broke out more smoothly than expected. So far, there have been demon king of Hengyang realm. Under the command of those demon beast kings, the first defense line of the burning army is in danger"

"do you want to call the demon clan generals in the front line With a breath of breath, more demon beasts will come to attack the defense line of the burning army "

the tall demon clan general with a huge rhinoceros head carefully inquires Li Xingyun.

As a demon clan, even if the restrictions are severe, there is still a visceral instinct for danger. For example, the rhinoceros demon will sense a dangerous breath that makes him tremble from Li Xingyun.

He did not even feel the strong natural disaster like smell on his own half god demon clan elders. This absolute suppression from the level of life made the rhinoceros demon deft. He used words carefully for fear that he would annoy Li Xingyun.

"Not for the time being. If we force them too hard, the burning fire army will choose extreme ways to fight. Under the heavy casualties of demon beasts, the three big guys will not be able to sit still. At that time, they will not care whether we are a group of people with the burning inflammation army. I can't carry the three demigods who are crazy."

Li Xingyun smiles and gently waves back the name The demon general who reported the news.

For the burning fire army that goes deep into the monster territory, boiling frogs in warm water is the best way. Only by letting them sink deeper and deeper, can xuanyiyan's forces be attracted to the world of kongxuan.

Only in this way can Morgana's plan go smoothly.

Li Xingyun gives a glance and walks away cleverly. The rhinoceros demon will shake her head gently. The demons in this world are really without any domineering power belonging to the demon clan. They are like a little sufferer, which makes Li Xingyun look at them with no breath.

If the demon clan in kongxuan secret world really breaks out the real combat effectiveness belonging to the demon clan, where does mogana need to be so timid and crush it directly with violence.

It's a pity that the demon clan in kongxuan's secret world has been abandoned in captivity. The tyranny and tyranny in the demon clan's bones have almost disappeared.

The only thing left is a belly full of conspiracy and calculation, and the so-called "wisdom" of being submissive is putting the cart before the horse.

However, the demon clans in kongxuan's secret world do not have such self-consciousness. They think that after the birth of the demon clan's wisdom, the power of wisdom should surpass the power of the demon clan's instinct. Only advanced wisdom can lead them out of today's predicament.

In fact, today, those demon elders who think they are extremely smart are still very proud of their decision to surrender to mogana.

They paid a very small price for the protection of a god level strong man, and they did not have to worry about the coming of doom all day.

Moreover, after the world's connection, the business of the demon clan has also been flourishing. After various kinds of unique natural materials and earth treasures are traded to other worlds, they get more precious resources.

This makes the demon clan think more about the importance of wisdom, and the more they reject brute force.

In their opinion, if they can use their brains to solve problems, they should not use force. This is the real way for the demon clan to survive.

At the beginning, Li Xingyun realized the "peace" love of the demon clan, and felt very incredible, even a little strange.

A race which is famous for its power has come up with this idea, and the whole nation is still proud of it. It is a wonderful flower to the extreme.They don't want to think about how their brain, which can't turn around, could have done those businesses so successfully without the help of someone. It's good not to be sold but to count money. How can they make such a big profit as now.

After shaking her head, Li Xingyun ignores those members of the demon clan who are obsessed with it, and focuses on the study of monsters.

As the original form before the evolution of the demon clan, the power of monsters is obviously much more pure. Without too much wisdom, they have exerted the aesthetics of violence to the limit.

Even the most common monsters are also the winners who come out of the sea of corpses and blood. Every ordinary combat skill of these monsters is obtained with blood lessons.

Even today's Li Xingyun feels the beauty of power.

Now Li Xingyun is paying close attention to every move of these monsters in front of her. She has absorbed some fighting skills that she did not notice before, and makes up for her own shortcomings in fighting skills.

After waiting for another period of time, Li Xingyun calculated that the battle between the burning burning army and the monster tide should be about to break out to the most intense level.

Then Li Xingyun left the garrison and went to the battlefield alone.

By the time Li Xingyun arrived at the front line of the battlefield, those demon generals who fought with "brains" had already eaten their own fruit and were drowned by the boundless demons.

Among the hundreds of demon generals in the star realm, only a dozen of them survived quickly, and the others became snacks for the demons. , the fastest update of the webnovel!