In this really belongs to the demigod peak above the power of confrontation, Li Xingyun faintly found their own way forward.

Li Xingyun has benefited a lot from this adventure to watch the battle on the front line of the battlefield.

The giant tortoise was not happy to see the earth being destroyed like this. After raising his head and roaring, his front foot stomped down fiercely, and a yellow circle with the power of the laws of the earth series scattered in an instant.

The earth shaking earth waves subsided in a moment under the influence of the Yellow diaphragm, and the devastated earth mother of kongxuan secret land world has once again recovered her former calm.

After the giant turtle calmed down the "natural disaster", the black giant peak and the bright sun disappeared.

At the same time, all the members of the burning burning legion disappeared.

Giant tortoise also knew that he would never catch up with those crafty things. His tan yellow eyes, which were the size of a lake, scanned all directions angrily, trying to find something to vent his anger.

Looking at the giant turtle's eyes, Li Xing yundun felt bad when he was about to scan the place where the demon tribe and the vanguard army were.

"Little Turtle, look here"

Li Xingyun flies out of the hiding place and challenges giant turtle.

With Li Xingyun's provocation, a thundering dragon burst into the sky. With sharp sword spirit, purple black flame and dazzling thunder, a hundred Zhang size Thunder Dragon rushed to the sky.

Thunder burning dragon's sudden attack, suddenly let giant turtle was shrouded in the dense thunder and fire.

However, this level of strength is obviously not enough to really hurt the giant turtle. After a burst of flying sand and stones, Li Xingyun's thunder burning sword spirit was torn into several pieces and disappeared into the air.

After the discovery of Li Xingyun, the little guy who once challenged him, the giant turtle's anger was completely aroused to kill.

Under the cover of countless times colder than the cold winter, all the monsters within the tens of thousands of miles around Li Xingyun as the center die instantly but die again, including even three big demons in the state of Chu Yang.

It's also bad luck for those monsters to escape the slaughter of the burning army, the crushing of the earth waves, and finally die in the afterwave of giant turtle's killing intention.

"I'll go, this guy is killing"

after Li Xingyun sensed the change of giant giant turtle, hanmao stood up in fright.

Without even thinking about it, Li Xingyun opened the endless sword costume mode. Under the magic sword moves, Li Xingyun's figure disappeared in this space.

When Li Xingyun disappeared, the earth under his feet and the space he was living in began to vanish crazily. Once a chaotic space crack appeared, it was strangled and flattened by another stronger force.

At this moment, in a huge circular space centered on the place where the Li Nebula disappeared, all things found a mortal blow, even time and space were within the scope of the attack.

When this powerful and strange magic blow disappeared, Li Xingyun disappeared, and more than half of his broken body appeared.

It is the first time that Li Xingyun has suffered such a serious injury in the mode of endless swords.

At the moment when space and time were all strangled, Li Xingyun even felt the breath of death. The infinite approach to death gave Li Xingyun a magical power for the first time, which made Li Xingyun transform the hopelessness into vitality and successfully escaped the disaster.

"What a wonderful power, the mystery of the power of life and death is beyond my imagination"

after having such a strange experience, Li Xingyun's eyes showed a surprised look.

Li Xingyun has a premonition that if he understands the power of the law of life and death to a deeper level, he will be able to develop a more powerful form than the unity of Jiulong, and truly bring the combat effectiveness to the level of hypocrisy.

At that time, Li Xingyun will be able to become a god level master as long as he improves his cultivation.

Moreover, with the eternal artifact, his combat effectiveness is much stronger than that of ordinary gods. Maybe he can directly fight against the leaders of the seven famous forces.

After the surprise, Li Xingyun has to face the reality.

Although he escaped from death, his body was still badly damaged. Now that his broken body can maintain the endless Sword Clothing mode, he has done his best. It is wishful thinking to fight back.

Just as Li Xingyun is waiting for the second round of the giant turtle's attack, she finds that the giant turtle seems to be petrified and has been standing there for half a second before she looks at Li Xingyun again.

Taking advantage of this hard-earned gap, Li Xingyun took a breath and quickly turned into a secret sword Qi and escaped.

Giant tortoise saw this, also in the roar of a series of strides, cutting towards Li Xingyun in pursuit of the past.

Miraculously, with every step taken by giant turtle, the earth under his feet will shine with a bright halo, and then the giant turtle's huge body will appear in the distance as if it had used the magic power of shrinking into an inch.In this way, giant turtle's moving speed is not much slower than Li Xingyun in endless sword mode.

The Lee Nebula did not escape far away, but sensed another place where a very strong energy wave broke out again.

Under the cover of the power that obviously belongs to the demigod monster, the breath of the three demigod strongmen of the burning army appears again.

"Is it possible that these hapless men have not run far before meeting other demigods again?"

Li Xingyun feels the energy fluctuation which is more terrible than the natural disaster, so she wants to laugh. These guys are really unlucky.

If the giant tortoise was lured by their intrigues, the second demigod monster was completely hit by their three unfortunate men.

However, after looking at the giant tortoise behind her eyes, Li Xingyun couldn't laugh.

Originally intended to burn the army's demigod monster, but now in crazy pursuit of him, the feeling is like digging a pit to bury the enemy, by the way, to bury their own.

In this way, the pursuit of giant tortoise lasted for nearly a day and a night, during which Li Xingyun escaped two super weird strangling magic powers of giant turtle.

Li Xingyun, who has been attacked three times, has not sensed what power is attacking him.

Finally, Li Xingyun had no choice but to choose the direction of the sea to escape.

After entering the deep sea, Li Xingyun finally got rid of the giant turtle.

After being far away from the land, it is very difficult for the earth attribute demigod monster to maintain the fast moving mode similar to shrinking into an inch for a long time. Soon, Li Xingyun saw the time machine and completely got rid of his pursuit. , the fastest update of the webnovel!