"There are too many good days, and I forget my position. Ha ha, when my Lord's plan is completed, it's time for these idiots to have bad luck"

after Ma Ge sneered, he ignored the situation of the demon's "conscripts" and devoted himself to studying the marching route of the burning fire army, and issued corresponding orders.

It has to be said that Ma Ge is a fairly qualified commander of the army, and his rich experience in war is beyond the reach of Li Xingyun.

Under mag's military order, the vanguard army's soldiers contracted the defense line in a very rhythmic manner. Every step of retreat cost the soldiers of the burning fire Legion to pay for their blood, and gave full play to the defensive side's advantages. If it wasn't for the breakthrough of demon soldiers, the vanguard Army's defensive front would be more "perfect".

The soldiers of the Burning Legion were obviously aware of the difficulties of the vanguard.

As a powerful army with the same experience of conquering the world, the well-equipped vanguard army is more difficult to deal with than the ordinary indigenous army.

All kinds of means only you can't think of, without them can't do.

On the battlefield, the vanguard Corps even summoned a large number of curses and other difficult things. The soldiers in the burning burning army who harassed them suffered unbearably. It can be said that every step forward, they have to risk their lives and the price of blood.

In less than three days of confrontation, the soldiers of the burning army paid a very heavy price, which reduced the defense circle of the vanguard corps to the limit.

"In three days, 8634 generals in the star realm, more than 100000 soldiers in the eight star realm of planets, and soldiers and generals who were cursed and entangled in various negative states were more than three times as many as those killed in battle"

"it is worthy of the same spirit level that the strong group built a cross world army"

"this kind of combat effectiveness is just amazing."

in the burning fire legion, the commander of the demigod army who is responsible for commanding the attack on the demon tribe looks at the Casualty Report of his subordinates, and his face is warning and sighing.

Only in these three days, the number of officers and soldiers killed in the battle could catch up with that of conquering a secret world.

It can be said that if Xuan Yiyan had not given the order himself, the commander of the half god army would not have fought this kind of war. It was simply paving the battlefield with his life and blood.

"Change the tactics, gather the generals above yaoyang level in the army, use them as bayonet tactics, and use the weak fighting spirit of the demon clan as a breakthrough point to break through their defense lines"

"this time, we must try our best to reduce the number of dead"

the head of the semi God army of the burning army also sighed helplessly, even though the three days of fighting plus the previous Half of the Legion's soldiers, they're half crippled.

Even the death rate of generals above the stellar realm has reached one-third, and the only half god combat power worth celebrating has not been sacrificed. The high-level combat power still maintains this certain advantage.

With the command of the semi divine army commander, the burning fire army corps also made rapid changes. Ordinary soldiers bombarded the front line of the vanguard corps with full fire, while the strong people above the yaoyang realm quietly gathered in the demon family "volunteer" Corps under the cover of firepower.

A few minutes later, under the leadership of three demigods and ten generals of Hengyang realm, hundreds of generals of yaoyang realm turned into a sharp saber and stabbed into the demon clan army.

Those demon army generals who had been pretending to be confused by this round of attack. In addition, the commanders of the demon Legion lacked experience in battlefield command. Therefore, for a time, the demon "volunteer" corps did not organize any effective resistance.

This defeat can not be stopped, countless demon clan soldiers and generals scurrying under the enemy's slaughter, chaos to the soldiers do not know the general, will not know the soldiers.

With the penetration of the "sharp knife", the defense line of mogana was officially broken.

The rest of the burning army quickly bypassed the solid defense line in front of them, and attacked the interior along the gap in the defense line.

Compared with the demon clan Legion that was beaten to the muddle, the vanguard Corps is obviously much more experienced.

Millions of soldiers and generals of the vanguard army seemed to have known that the defeat of the demon army would come. They did not panic at all.

This time, it is to expose those demon troops which are constantly defeated in front of the burning burning army.

Who will let go of such a painful thing? For a time, the demon clan army was filled with grief, and a large number of demon soldiers died under the butcher's knife without even seeing who their opponent was.

At this time, the great elder of the half god realm of the demon clan was impatient. Seeing that the backbone of the demon clan tribe was being slaughtered, he ran to Ma Ge and questioned him.

"General MAG, why don't the vanguard army retreat without fighting? Fight back, or all our demon troops will fall"

the big elder of demon clan glared at MAG with anger in his eyes. He was almost half god's peak momentum and was released without any cover up. He was so angry that he even made a special appearance of beast Coming out, a pair of crown like antlers appeared above his head.Ma Ge snorted coldly, and released his momentum without showing weakness at all, and confronted the big elder of demon clan.

"Old deer, you can eat food without saying anything"

"your eyes saw that our vanguard army retreated without fighting. How many soldiers have been killed by the vanguard army in the past three days? You can't see them"

"the soldiers' bodies that are brought back every day are still on the square of the demon tribe tribe. You can't bother to count them"

"dare you, my vanguard army However, there was a coward "

" on the contrary, what did the demon army do during this period of time? In addition to retreating or retreating, even my commander's military orders did not even listen to the intention of resisting the enemy "

" now the defeated are the same group of wastes "

" I haven't asked you, what's the matter with the demon army? You're the first to come to the evil

"Laozi told you, don't rely on the favor of Lord Mo, since Lord Mo can keep your demon clan safe and prosperous, you can also suffer from disaster"

"if this war is defeated, don't blame Lord Mo for ignoring the past. It's not impossible to bloody your demon tribe when it comes to time.

mag After a few sneers, the demon elder, who did not pay attention to his anger, flew directly to the front-line barracks of the vanguard corps with his own pro guards.

Although the deer elder is highly skilled in cultivation, he is the most timid and cautious one. Ma Ge also expected that he would not dare to deal with the vanguard army openly, which broke his face with him, and even directly moved out of mogana to threaten him.

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