Finally, there was no other way for the senior level of the demon clan, such as Lu Chang, who had no other choice but to open a secret treasure room, and began to use all kinds of details left over from the ancestors' time.

In addition to the semi divine fire Unicorn that was sent out before, the demon clan has two of the most powerful dependents in recent years.

One of them is that the monster God of kongxuan's secret world left a remnant when he became a god beast.

After being contaminated with the power of the gods, this remnant body became more powerful than the body of the demon beast God at the time of the false god realm. In addition to the continuous sacrifice of the demon clan over the years, this remnant body has become more powerful than the semi God magic weapon in the general sense.

In addition to dealing with this strange remnant, another dependence of the demon clan is a semi divine magic weapon level array.

Generally speaking, as a means to assist practitioners, most practitioners will be involved in the array, even Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming are more or less proficient.

But few people are proficient in the array.

In order to enable the layman to exert the array power to the limit, the array chart was refined.

Ordinary arrays are easy to obtain. There are many spare space rings of Li Yun Yun.

However, the magic level array is very rare.

Because it is very difficult to make it, the value of the ordinary Chu Yang level magic weapon level array is comparable to that of the Hengyang level high-level magic weapon.

And the semi God level array is even more rare than artifact.

If something is precious, its power is extraordinary.

As soon as this map is opened, after adding three demon clan elders from the semi divine realm to sit in it, even if mogana, who is all-out, has no way to deal with them for a moment and a half.

Mag's eyes were straight when he saw the appearance of demigod level array.

He really can't think of how these demon clan elders' old brain circuits are turned, and why they still want to become such a powerful magic weapon.

If all these treasures were in his hands, those people in the burning army would have been in a headache and didn't know what to do.

"Damn it, zhente are some old foxes who don't see rabbits and don't scatter eagles. No wonder Mo Zun forced them to this point. If it wasn't a disaster, these babies would not know where to eat ash in that corner."

after Ma Ge secretly scolded, he quickly started to cooperate with elder deer to rearrange the defense line.

Because of mutual distrust, the area where the demon army was responsible for defense was completely separated from the vanguard army, and they did not interfere with each other.

Fortunately, the vanguard army will not be in short supply with the addition of the defeated general of the demon clan army before.

After the two armies were ready for battle, the atmosphere was suddenly suppressed to the limit, and the strong and murderous air gradually diffused divided the sky into two distinct parts.

Among them, the sky full of dark purple lead clouds belongs to the vanguard Legion and demon clan, while the blood red flame covers the side of the burning army.

A big war is imminent.

At this time and the distant horizon again came the deafening roar, faintly could see the sky and the earth began to shatter under the powerful force.

As we all know, this is the final battle of the four legions on the front battlefield.


in the roar, the soldiers of the burning army roared, which started the final charge.

As they moved forward, the breath of each other became linked. Finally, under the control of their demigod army commander, they became a giant Dharma form thousands of feet tall.

At the moment of the appearance of the super giant Dharma form, MAG and them were a little bit silly, because the appearance of this super giant Dharma was eight or nine points similar to the previous semi divine fire kylin monster. It was as if the fire Unicorn monster had become bigger after it was resurrected.

"Some experts in the burning fire army extracted the most powerful power of the Banshen demon beast and refined it into a one-time Rune treasure. By borrowing the strength of the soldiers of the burning fire army, the power of the Fubao was exerted to the limit"

"Damn it, can't those pig teammates of the demon clan do something that is not worthy of the enemy"

"first of all, they sent so many heads to the past to let a large number of demon clans The soldiers were made into corpse puppets, and now they let the demigods fall into their hands. Now, people have used these powerful means without any reason "

after Ma Ge hammered the wall in front of him in anger, he quickly ordered his subordinates to turn the defense politics and law of the demon tribe to the strongest state, and moved out the star blasted cannon.

As one of the defenders of the city, how can there be less powerful war magic weapons? With 100 guns enough to kill the strong in yaoyang, it is specially set up for the moment.

Besides dealing with the big guns, Ma Ge still has many magic weapons of war in his hands. These powerful magic weapons are also his confidence in sticking to the demon tribe.

With the sound of a hundred big guns, the whole demon tribe seemed to jump on the earth.

A hundred beams of light with a diameter of 10 meters across the sky hit the fire kylin Dharma phase.

The fire kylin Dharma phase, which is thousands of feet high, seems to have a hundred rising sun, which completely submerges the Fire Kirin Dharma."The sky is burning, the nine hell war is burning"

a melodious and magnetic roar suddenly rings out in the fire kylin Dharma phase. The fire clouds in the sky suddenly turn into funnel shape, and strange flames seem to cross the distance of time and space and come to this battlefield.

Huo Qilin, who had been hit by the firecrackers, insisted on the idea, and immediately his eyes flashed with flaming lights. Then he opened his mouth and spewed out flames that were hot enough to melt the space.

After two kinds of strange flame meet in mid air, immediately burst out the astonishing change.

Only in the middle of two different flames, a strange life body was born.

Cool elements of fire, the spirit of life filled with evil spirit, even under the cover of the flame began to condense the body of flesh and blood.

"Is this a demon?"

MAG looked at the birth of these strange creatures with a look of surprise.

The state of the fire life body in front of us is very similar to the star language spirit in the star forest world, but compared with those spirits, these life bodies are obviously more irritable.

As soon as Fang was born, these flame demons burst out a strong murderous spirit, and their eyes were filled with a pair of dark green flame, and their strong and strong killing opportunities reached the extreme.

After the birth of thousands of flame demons, they have turned into a monster in the state of fire and rushed towards the demon tribe.

Each of these flame demons has the combat effectiveness of the star realm. In addition, the condensed body of the flame can be gathered and dispersed. The degree of entanglement is definitely more severe than that of the general star realm war.

But fortunately, there are very strong walls outside the demon tribe, plus various defensive measures, so they are not afraid of the flame spirit of this force.

But the next second, mag's face changed again, and many strange flames appeared in the fire cloud funnel in the sky. , the fastest update of the webnovel!