The fusion of the warriors and generals of the blood jade warriors is like a finishing touch, which makes the spirit of the great spirit of the sun shine with astonishing brilliance. A powerful force driving to the top of the demigod suddenly appears in the body of the God.

"Although this momentum has not really reached the level of hypocrisy, it is not much different"

the senior leaders of the vanguard Corps such as Ma Ge could not help but tremble when they saw the powerful power of the sun god.

Their cards have been almost consumed. If the giant spirit God and Hongyi fight in person, they really can't hold on to much time.

After all, Li Xingyun, as their strongest fighting force, is not there. They really lack the high-strength combat effectiveness that can influence the war situation.

"The fire double star breaks"

Hongyi did not give MAG any time to prepare. After summoning the spirit of the sun, Hongyi and the spirit God of the sun worked together to release a big move.

Two small suns that resisted each other and surrounded each other appeared in front of them.

Then two small suns with spiral tail inflammation across the sky, hard hit the spacetime shield above.

In an instant, the sky and the earth lost their luster.

The last two hyperspace shields together sent out a "howl" on the verge of collapse under the impact of the sun's twin stars.

We should know that the characteristics of the hyperspace shield are that the fewer the layers, the stronger the defense. Especially, the last layer of the hyperspace shield is even stronger than the first nine layers.

However, such a powerful super space-time shield is still on the verge of collapse under the joint efforts of the great spirit of the sun and Hongyi. It can be seen that after the cooperation of the two, the combat effectiveness can be ranked under the real God.

"The super time shield is about to collapse. Sacrifice to the core of the battle Castle"

after feeling the feedback from the demigod magic suit, Ma Ge yelled at his men in a hurry.

After that, under the leadership of 30 generals of Hengyang realm, hundreds of thousands of troops sacrificed all their strength. With the huge energy, another semi divine magic weapon that had been buried in the demon tribe was also activated.

A huge mechanical core full of science fiction style broke out of the ground under the huge square in the center of the demon tribe and flew into the air.

In the next second, the demon tribe, which was converted into a war fortress, began to undergo severe deformation under the influence of the huge mechanical core. The whole building where the demon tribe was located was transformed into a flowing water like shape and began its final deformation.

After a series of deformations, the demon tribe completely disappeared, replaced by a super space warship the size of the moon.

Those bewildered demon warriors and demon elders are now placed on the outer splint of the Super Space warship, where the strength after the collapse of the spacetime shield has been condensed and turned into another kind of very strong protective shield to protect them.

The vanguard army, which was arranged in the front of the space warship, turned into sharp spears and pointed at the burning army.

After the appearance of the super warship, the three demigod elders of the demon clan also knew that the situation had reached a point of life and death.

I dare not hide the power and inject the whole body's energy into the array.

The demigod level array of artifact erupted a bright light and turned into an aperture to protect the Super Space warship. At the same time, the illusory figures of various monsters were attached to each key part of the Super Space warship, providing the blessing in all aspects for the powerful battleship that can easily kill the stars.

With the blessing of various monsters and ghosts, the Super Space warship has put out various powerful war magic weapons.

After many magic weapons of war have been adjusted, they have also aimed at the burning army. As long as one second, the powerful firepower to annihilate the planet can break out.

"Oh, it's a good idea to change a war Fortress into a warship with a mechanical core, but if you don't escape at the first time, it's the biggest mistake"

Hongyi grinned grimly, and then a dark blue light flashed in his eyes, and then a law force completely different from the law of fire appeared in his eyes.

"Ice age"

with the blue light in Hongyi's eyes, the super spaceship and the space around him were frozen.

The frost is floating in the air, covering millions of miles with a layer of ice color.

The Super Space Battleship, along with the space around him, was frozen in this area and could not leave again.

What makes them feel strange is that the thick ice seems to be nonexistent to the people of the burning army. They are allowed to come in and out, and even throw out various magical methods at will, without interfering with their appearance.

However, the vanguard army and the demon clan army suffered. All their far beyond attack methods were blocked by the outer ice. The great good form changed fundamentally in an instant.

The original initiative to attack, but now have to passively start defense, but before the heavy damage of the burning army army is now like fighting chicken blood as excited.

After the situation changed, the burning army had a strong protection of the ice, while the vanguard corps and the demon army had lost most of their defensive means and could only be attacked passively under the protection of Super Space warships.Fortunately, the war fortress refitted by the demon tribe has changed into a super space warship, and all kinds of defense measures have been improved. Otherwise, Hongyi's first-hand ice age will severely damage the vanguard corps and demon army.

"It's too strong. It's a foul for the strong people in the hypocritical realm to participate in the war"

MAG watched the situation deteriorate, but there were not many ways.

Mogana gave them the cards have been used almost, the last few cards are not suitable for use in the current situation, it can be said that the vanguard Corps has been trying their best to complete this order, the rest can only rely on life to support time.

Not long after, when the protective cover of the Super Space warship was also broken by the burning army, a fierce battle broke out.

The inflamed army, which had long been intolerable, would rather give up relying on long-range attacks to expand its battle results, but also to report the previous frustration.

After the outbreak of the bloody war, the shortcomings of the vanguard army and the demon clan army were also exposed. Without the "Castle" and other defensive means as a support, they were doomed to lose when they faced opponents with more experience and more forces.

At this time, both the elders of the demon clan and the senior leaders of the vanguard army had no mind to worry about each other. They had to integrate all their forces to fight against the invasion of the burning inflammation army.

At this moment, for the first time, the demon army and the vanguard army are on the same front without any worries. , the fastest update of the webnovel!