As she said before, after helping Li Xingyun for the last time, they were clear.

If Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun want to contact the secret of the true God with her hand, they must pay the corresponding price.

The price is likely to be their lives.

Li Xingyun's various battles over this period of time have also proved this point. The increasingly high-end battles have pushed Li Xingyun's potential to the limit, allowing him to quickly grow into the most powerful group of people under the true God.

Moreover, compared with the hapless Hongyi, Li Xingyun's potential is more powerful. With his current strength, he can completely rely on the declaration of death, which further turns the power of the main artifact into a real God level combat power.

Of course, this is the latter part of the story. There is not enough time for Li Xingyun to digest the power that belongs to the true God.

But Mo ganna old far away to see Li Xingyun just smile, not a bit of unexpected color, also did not have any embarrassed look.

Think of how much you have to pay, Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming want to step closer from her, naturally have to be prepared to be used by her.

As for how much they can get and how much they will lose, it depends on Li Xingyun's own ability.

Just like gambling, it's just right to die. Only the strong can live on the gambling table with life as the bet.

Only by becoming a true God can he become a bookmaker who can get rid of the gambling game and become a bookmaker.

"Gamble with the world and make chess pieces with hundreds of millions of creatures"

"is this the spirit of true God? It's really a good method"

Li Xingyun watched the development of the situation with a cold face, and now he has nothing to say.

In the past, hundreds of millions of soldiers fought for their lives, and even the fierce fighting of demigods and hypocrites were just warm programs.

In the eyes of moganna and Xuan Yiyan, I'm afraid the real drama just starts now.

The appearance of moganna and Xuan Yiyan obviously makes the demon beast God feel bad.

Even if the monster God's poor intelligence quotient is low, he also bursts out all kinds of emotions when he is in danger of life.

Among them, the violent emotion outbreak is the most serious in the monster instinct.

The power of terror, circle by circle, spread out from the monster God's huge body.

With the power of the law of the black prison University, in front of this power, it is not enough to see, and the chain of the law of the light is also broken down.

Moganna and Xuan Yi Yan naturally won't look at the monster God out of trouble like this.

After the two people appeared, they were directly connected to the monster God without saying a word.

With the explosion of true God level power, powerful forces disturb the dimensional gap again.

Numerous strange crises are also approaching Li Xingyun.

At this time, Li Xingyun did not escape.

In the face of those strange and inexplicable dangers in the space of dimensions, he used all means to save his life, just to be able to watch the final battle here.

The battle at the true God level is no longer a match between magic and magic, but a confrontation between laws.

Originally has the empty Xuan secret place world as the backup demon beast God should have the absolute home superiority.

Don't talk about two false gods of true God's fighting power here, even if they are five, he has no way.

But everything has changed because of the black prison college.

Under the suppression of the law of the black prison University, the aid given by kongxuan secret world to the monster God was weakened to the limit.

Without the help of the law, the monster God sky has a powerful and unmatched body, but it is difficult to pose any substantial threat to mogana.

On the other hand, under the influence of the law power of the black prison University, they can be said to be like fish in water. All kinds of magical forces come at hand, and it's hard to beat the demon beast God.

All kinds of magical scenes are staged in front of Li Xingyun.

God level combat has gone beyond the common sense, and can even be seen as a collision between the world and the world.

The sun falls, the moon rises, the ocean goes against the sky, and the mountains go.

In front of Li Yun Yun, the images formed by numerous laws flashed past one by one.

After seeing this kind of picture, Li Xingyun realized that the monsters and beasts had not used all their strength to kill them before, and had always had great reservation.

In the end, this gorgeous feast lasted several hours.

Of course, for the dimensional gap, time has no meaning. The so-called time passing is just the subconscious statistics of Li Xingyun and other biological habits.

When they go out to normal time and space, they will find that the time they said before is just a blink of an eye for others.

In Kong Xuan's secret place, the vast and boundless world blockade disappears in a blink of an eye.

Heaven and earth return to their original appearance again.

But at this time, no one has the mind to continue fighting.

After the previous changes, all people feel that their lives are so fragile.It's so fragile that it can't stand any waves at all.

After the golden harvest, several legions began to cringe and lick their wounds.

At this time, we found out how strong the war was.

A short time of fighting, coupled with the previous changes, let the legions of both sides suffered heavy losses.

In particular, xuanyiyan's burning army is half disabled, and nearly half of its combat effectiveness is destroyed here.

This kind of sad mood until Xuan Yi Yan and Mo Gana's arrival, this just fades away.

When Mo ganna and Xuan Yiyan show up in empty Xuan's secret place, they hold up the body of the demon beast God which blocks the sky from the sun.

All the remaining sergeants burst into a roar of excitement.

For them, war and death have long been a daily life, but the appearance of the monster God completely destroyed their unyielding fighting heart.

Compared with death, the overwhelming existence of natural disasters makes them feel more desperate.

Now their leader, their God. Show the bodies of the previous natural disaster creatures in front of and behind them.

It's like putting confidence and courage into their bodies again.

At this moment, they felt that they had become the invincible annihilation army again.

"At the end of the war, I, Morgana, the demon God, hereby announce that I will share the kongxuan world and the ashes world with the burning army"

"after the war, I, the God of burning essence Xuan Yiyan, hereby announce that I will share the konxuan world and the ash world with the demon expeditionary army"

after the final words of the two gods, the war is over.

Although the previous moment is still fighting to death, but now become each other's neighbors.

And judging from the attitude of the two gods, they are not far away from the real alliance.

Many soldiers are glad that they survived, but also began to quietly clean up the remnants of the war.

The fragments of various magic weapons and the remains of soldiers are all things that must be recycled. For a long time, ordinary soldiers who were not injured or were not seriously injured were busy. , the fastest update of the webnovel!