The ability of the weakening law of the original mysterious space-time does not play a very important role in the strong God state, and the weakening degree is not enough to cause any substantial threat to him.

However, under the influence of Ji Xiaoxi's fate law, the influence of mysterious space-time on him has been raised to the limit. Now, he has felt a bit of difficulty facing Chen Xiaoming's star annihilation gun alone.

To some extent, this can be called "dimension reduction".

"Tigers don't get angry, you should be my sick cat"

now Xuan Yiyan can't stand it any more. A shadow of a god bead embossed with a flame world appears behind his head.

Behind the six winged unicorn, a pair of new Phoenix wings condenses under the glory of divinity.

After becoming an eight winged Kirin, Xuan Yiyan's Dharma prime minister's combat power soared in an instant.

In terms of speed and strength, the eight winged Kirin has broken through the limit of the previous six winged unicorn, and there is also a kind of Shenyan on his body.

As soon as Shenyan came out, Chen Xiaoming's stellar annihilation gun disappeared in the blink of an eye, and he himself was also burned to a half cooked state.

But Ji Xiaoxi's invisible Fate law trick was ignited by Shenyan successfully. After it was eaten back to Ji Xiaoxi, the pretty girl immediately spurted out a mouthful of blood with fire on her face.

"Die, burning swallows heaven and earth"

the eight winged Kirin dragon's mouth is open, and the turbulent flames gush out. After Shenyan's integration into these flames, it turns into a wave like flaming wave that completely engulfs Ji Xiaoxi and Chen Xiaoming.

In the end, the ground, along with thousands of miles around it, burned into nothingness.

It also includes mountains and monsters that turn into monsters of all kinds.

A map gun like move almost completed the role of the screen, except Li Xingyun, all the creatures in front of Xuan Yiyan were killed by one move.

"It's so strong, even if I'm facing the Shenyan, I have to peel off the skin"

Li Xingyun's nine fold pupil slightly shrinks, and has a deeper understanding of Xuan Yiyan's strength.

Xuan Yiyan, who knows Li Xingyun well, has a bad feeling when he sees Li Xingyun's indifference to the death of Ji Xiaoxi and Chen Xiaoming. It's like the premonition that he has killed Li Xingyun at the beginning.

Sure enough, in the next second, two immortal Dharma Seals appear around Li Xingyun, and the figures of Chen Xiaoming and Ji Xiaoxi appear again.


after Chen Xiaoming revived, he took a breath of cold air and looked at his intact hands.

After a death, Chen Xiaoming has a better understanding of the power of the powerful in the divine realm. The irresistible power is like the oppression of the whole world, which makes people have no way to deal with it.

"It's no wonder that Shenjing looks confident when facing the fourth grade students at the level of hypocrisy. If this kind of power is not realized, who can bear it"

Ji Xiaoxi also looks at Xuan Yiyan's eight winged Kirin with a complicated face.

She has never been in contact with the disaster girl for many years.

She had only a vague idea of the power of the divine realm.

Now after living experience, Ji Xiaoxi knew that facing this kind of opponent, he should be ready to die all the time.

"The power of the law of life and death is so terrible that even those who have been annihilated by Shenyan theory can be revived"

after Xuan Yiyan said a black face, he chose to escape again.

In this area, it is obviously not wise to fight against Li Xingyun and others. Li Xingyun's infinite resurrection gives Ji Xiaoxi and Chen Xiaoming the degree to which he can be threatened. Therefore, strategic retreat becomes Xuan Yiyan's best choice.

"Want to run? Give Laozi another big move to attack me "

without the fear of death, Chen Xiaoming immediately raised his fighting spirit to the limit. Few of them could fight with the divine realm without any worries. If they miss this time, they still don't know whether there will be one next time.

So while Xuan Yiyan fled, Chen Xiaoming threw himself out of the room, and another powerful move had been used by him, and this time it was the desperate move to kill the enemy 1000 and lose 800.

I saw thousands of miles around, countless bright pillars of light condense out of thin air, and frame out a cage, Chen Xiaoming and Xuan Yiyan are trapped in it.

In the blink of an eye, the light column began to gather from all directions to Chen Xiaoming, and Chen Xiaoming also appeared the shadow of the deinocide mecha.

Under the extreme condensation of the light column, the deicider mecha and Chen Xiaoming's original are combined into one and become a real humanoid mecha.

The next moment, the deinocide mecha is transformed into a super cannon engraved with countless mysterious runes.

The muzzle of the gun is also shining with light countless times brighter than the star.

Chen Xiaoming's desperate attack successfully stopped Xuan Yiyan.

Because at the moment, Ji Xiaoxi's law of fate once again plays a role in him. At the moment, he is not only weakened by the mysterious space-time, but also affected by his perception, intuition and so on.And with the success of Chen Xiaoming's killing God attack, it came out.

Ji Xiaoxi's also with the use of their own another big move.


Ji Xiaoxi's sonorous drink, Xuan Yiyan's foot suddenly appeared a strange Rune array.

At the moment when the rune array rises, Xuan Yiyan's chaotic time and space launches the first round attack on his body.

This kind of space-time turbulence general attack, even if it is the peak of the false god realm people also dare not take it lightly, only Xuan Yiyan, this kind of God state strong person can not change his face to take it down.

However, this is just the appetizer of Ji Xiaoxi's attack. With the attack of chaotic time and space, a huge sword with the breath of fate also emerged from the chaotic space-time, and fell to Xuan Yiyan's head.

With the blessing of the law of fate, this huge sword of judgment has become a unique skill that must be hit. Even Xuan Yiyan, who is in the divine realm, can't avoid it. To some extent, it can be called a must kill skill to deal with the divine realm.

The fall of the ruling sword makes Xuan Yiyan unavoidable. He can only fight against it.

At the same time, it also successfully prevents the eight winged Kirin from avoiding the God killing attack.

With the cooperation of Ji Xiaoxi and Chen Xiaoming, the two moves almost hit the eight winged Kirin at the same time.

In an instant, the most dazzling light burst out.

Even with Li Xingyun's powerful eyes, it is difficult to see what happened in the center of the explosion.

The wave of the force field at the level of annihilation has also spread out with madness. If not for the various abilities of the mysterious space-time to weaken this kind of afterwave in time, I am afraid that the mysterious space-time would also be a wound that is hard to heal by the aftershock of the explosion. , the fastest update of the webnovel!