Judging from the performance of black prison and death prison, these two people should have found them before, and even deliberately set up a bureau to lure them into the trap.

"Haha, the brain is turning fast"

"yes, we two deliberately led you here"

"however, you don't need to be afraid of anything. It's difficult to threaten the ordinary state of mind with our present state of mind. What's more, you are the superior God state of life and death law"

the black prison is recklessly buckled with a look of mischievous Li Xingyun's eyes are full of awe.

The next moment, nine stone tablets appeared on the whole island.

On the stone tablets, there is a strong spirit atmosphere, which makes Li Xingyun doubt that the stone tablets themselves are the result of the changes of the strong spirits.

"This is..."

looking at these stone tablets, Li Xingyun couldn't help but stare at them.

Although the spirit atmosphere on the stone tablet is different, the method of the stone tablet is the same, and the information it contains is enough for Li Xingyun to be shocked.

"The ancestor emperor of the human race killed the ghost God King and built a monument with his body. Later generations can enter the stone tablet to experience themselves and obtain the extreme abyss of ghost artifacts"

"Terran * *, kill the Zerg God King, build a monument with his body, and later generations can enter the stone tablet to experience themselves and obtain the source of the original Zerg artifact"

"renzu * *."

nine stones Without exception, the steles are all human beings who have killed some powerful people in the divine realm or even the powerful ones in the realm of God King. They are transformed into stone tablets from their corpses and stand here. Only after the later generations of people go in and practice, they can get their own artifacts.

This writing, it can be said that Li Xingyun three people were stunned.

Li Xingyun had a deep understanding of the power of the divine realm. It was extremely difficult to kill the powerful one.

This is true even for Li Xingyun, who has mastered the law of life and death among the three supreme laws.

What's more, most of the objects buried in these steles are the gods who have mastered the artifact, even the God King.

The existence of these levels, even the power of the Galactic explosion may not be able to kill them.

But their bodies are actually placed in front of Li Xingyun.

"Countless years ago, the nine stone tablets were placed in the square of the University of black prison"

"anyone can enter it to experience and seek opportunities to obtain artifact"

"in the past countless years, only five of the nine steles which were transformed by the corpses of the powerful people in the divine realm were successfully obtained by human beings"

"the remaining four gods, including the ancestor emperor of the human race However, Wang Shibei didn't wait for his own predestined person "

" at that time, the black hand of the foreign nationality and entered the black prison University, and successfully ended the first president, that is, the spirit of the super artifact of the Hei prison University "

" after integrating the law of life and death, the spirit of the spirit of the dead students in the University of the black prison was taken charge of guarding the spirit of the dead students in the University "

"And later, you probably know that"

"the black prison, that is, after my own body took up the post of president, I hid nine stone tablets here"

"its purpose is not to be found by those outside the world"

"but I didn't expect that Luoxia such a wonderful flower appeared in the black prison colleges and universities"

speaking of this, the black prison laughed bitterly.

He thinks that he is the hero of the people. He has a first-class existence in terms of both strategy and strength. In addition, he has always been the only one who has decided others and it is difficult for others to threaten him.

But Luo Xia broke his cognition again and again, broke through all kinds of impossible adversity, and drove him out of the throne of the headmaster.

Although there are foreign black hands behind the promotion, but also enough to prove that Luoxia has infinite potential.

The most unfortunate thing is that Luo Xia didn't escape the word of love, or trapped by love, and failed to get out of the behind the scenes tricks.

"Let's talk about the past"

"to lead you here is not to deal with you, but to give you an opportunity"

"the rise of Baiqi is irresistible. Although Luo Xia is still blocking him for a while, it will not be long before Baiqi will break through the blockade and the blockade will appear here"

"then, Baiqi will become a black prison University However, the black prison colleges and universities can't fall, at least not now.

"that's why they attracted you here and wanted to give you a chance"

"if one of you can get the artifact in the tablet of God King through trial, even the origin and inheritance of the God King, you will have the capital to prevent white rising"

"of course, all of these are You have to take a certain degree of risk. It all depends on your own choice "

after the black prison, the whole person relaxed and looked at Li Xingyun with a smile.

"Why should we believe you? You have always been playing the role of playing against the president. How did you suddenly start to care about the future of the black prison college?"Li Xingyun sneers at the black prison and the death prison.

The change of these two people is also too big. Before that, they did not give up the appearance of not killing the president, but now they play the role of guardian of the black prison University.

"We hope that the headmaster will step down because only his resignation can guarantee the emergence of this place. However, we do not intend to let Ren fall. If you have a close look at the statue of the current headmaster, you will find that there is no possibility of the existence of a remnant soul in the statue."

"this can only show one thing: the alien god state of the main universe is more than we imagined Their influence on the black prison universities has reached an unprecedented level "

" if the previous two terms of president's change were just a conspiracy, this one was a total murder "

" the life and death of the black prison colleges and universities has been in the middle of the day. What's the use of fighting for power and profit at this time "

after the black prison gave this explanation, No more words.

Every word he said before was said by the way of God's soul oath. There could be no lie at all.

In order to dispel Li Xingyun's doubts, he is also the limit.

Different from the guy who is about to die and has no residue left, the state of the black prison is not good, but he still has the possibility of rescue, so he does not want to accompany the black prison university to be buried with him so soon.

But many of his ambitions have not been realized.

Looking at the silence of the three li Xingyun, the prison of death opened.

"Although the dead prison guy is insidious and vicious, it is true that he is greedy for life and afraid of death. Now he is bound with the black prison University, he has no other choice, only this way can save him and the black prison University"

"when the black prison University is destroyed, he will be the first to die, so you don't have to doubt his intention. He hopes that the black prison University will be peaceful more than you In this way, they will have a chance to rise to the throne of headmaster again and revive successfully "

Ji Xiaoxi's eyes twinkled and said:" why choose us? Compared with the three of us, the seven old-fashioned Shenjing are more likely to pass the experience "

the twilight eyes of death prison looked at Ji Xiaoxi and said:" it's my proposal to choose you "

he said“ There are three reasons. First, you need artifact more than those who have already become divine realm. "

" secondly, the supreme law potential of Ji Xiaoxi and Li Xingyun is higher than others, especially Ji Xiaoxi's law of destiny. If they succeed in promotion to the divine realm, it will be more useful for the following help "

" thirdly, I did not choose you three The existence of Luo Xia can make you four more united to deal with those behind the scenes in the main universe. He is the biggest reason why I chose you "

after finishing the reasons, the death prison did not stop and then said:" as for whether you will sincerely help the black prison university after obtaining the artifact, I have no worries about this, as long as you Through the trial, you get the power in the stone tablet of the God King, and you are equivalent to signing a soul contract with the black prison University "

" the existence of this soul contract makes you become the school directors of the black prison University, and when the time comes, you can not avoid the responsibility of protecting the black prison University "

after saying these words, the death sentence stopped for a moment After giving Li Xingyun three half a minute's thinking time, he continued: "of course, if you agree to take part in the trial, I will also give you a hand, and use my last strength to help you obtain the power contained in the stone tablet of the God King"

"this is also the best end result for me to muddle along in these years"

after the last sentence, the death prison was silent Go.

He had finished what he could say, but he could not decide the outcome.

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