Chapter 98: Forward, March!

Name:Black Onyx - Forgotten Magic Author:
Chapter 98: Forward, March!

In no time at all the guards gathered on the road in front of the Warrior's Guild. They were all confused as to why they were called on such short notice. Unfortunately, their commander didn't know much more than them.

"Thank you all for gathering so quickly!" the Guildmaster came out and stood at the front door and spoke with his powerful voice.

"You are probably all wondering why I gathered you here I won't waste any time explaining, just know this: I have received information on who is behind the recent attacks on our people!" The Guildmaster looked across the gathered guards, and as expected they were all shocked.

"The Guildmaster got some clues? I wonder who it is?"

"It's been so difficult these past few weeks, people are afraid to even go out of the city!"

"Our information gathering team didn't discover any clues, how did the Guildmaster do it?"

The guards started discussing among themselves.

"Listen up, men!" Guildmaster shouted. "The information I received points at the Serrell family! Specifically the City Lord, Egott Serrell! He was apparently working with a foreign force, the Blood Sun Viper sect, to ambush and kill our brothers and sisters!"


"It was that bastard Lord again!"

"My brother disappeared a month ago, so it was them?! Kill them all, revenge for the fallen!"

"We must bring them to justice, to answer for their crimes! Brothers! Charge at the Serrell mansion!"

A commotion erupted among the soldiers once again. Many of their friends and family members disappeared, and they were all worried about their safety. Now that they discovered who was responsible, the pent-up anger and frustration finally had an outlet.

It erupted like a volcano, and many bystanders got influenced by it, joining in the shouting.

"Silence!" the Guildmaster roared to get the situation under control. "The information is not confirmed yet! That's why I gathered you here, we are going to march at the City Lord's residence and get some answers! We will search for clues to either confirm or disprove the suspicion!"

He took a short pause for dramatic effect and then continued, "I promise you, we will search the mansion from top to bottom and question every servant and slave that works there! If they are indeed responsible, we will bring them to justice!"


The entire mass of more than one hundred men shouted at once in approval. The sound shook the hearts of all people present, imbuing them with courage, and lifting their spirits.

A few hours passed and the soldiers that entered the mansion carried out all sorts of documents. Most were your average business and city-related stuff, but a few of them indicated some shady business going on behind the scenes.

There was scamming in trade and tax evasion, as well as some other minor offenses, but nothing of what the Guildmaster wanted to see the most.

No records of aggression or secret missions, no letters of contact with the Blood Sun Viper, nothing!

The mansion was almost turned over, but there was no trace of the documents.

The Guildmaster was getting more irritated by the minute. Finally, he was unable to hold it in any longer and so he erupted, "Where did you hide the records you snake?!" He lifted the poor City Lord by the collar with a single hand and shook him hard in anger, "Speak! Where did you hide it?!"

"I don't know what you're talking about, I got nothing to hide! This is slander! I demand you leave my property right now!" The City Lord gradually gained more confidence as time went on. He was worried at the beginning, but now that the Guild's warriors were unable to find anything substantial, his confidence returned.

The Guildmaster was stuck between a rock and a hard place, he knew there had to be some hidden storage, a secret door, that would bring him to the documents he wanted. But apart from demolishing the mansion, he didn't know how to find it.

He was already considering torturing the City Lord to get him to spill the beans, but that would be too barbaric and it would tarnish his reputation as a just and compassionate leader.

"Maybe my friend can help with that small problem of yours" a lazy voice sounded out. It was, of course, Gerald who spoke out.

All eyes turned to him and Xilia who was standing beside him. Gerald was completely calm, meanwhile, she became extremely nervous being observed from all sides, like an animal in a zoo.

"Of course! I completely forgot about the young lady over there!" The Guildmaster's mood brightened immediately and he released Egott, making him fall to the ground like a sack of potatoes.

An all too familiar voice came from among the captured people "Hey, what are you doing to my father? He's the Lord of this city, you uneducated peasants! Show some respect!" It was Adelard who finally gathered enough courage to stop hiding behind his mother and spoke out arrogantly.

"Oh, fatty! You are here as well? What a coincidence!" Gerald teased him with a smile.

"You!" Adelard immediately recognized the voice of his sworn enemy. He glared at Gerald in disbelief, "How are you still aliv- Khm! What are you doing here?!"

"Hmm? Am I not allowed to be here?" Gerald casually replied, "I came with my friend here to look at what all the commotion is about!" He purposefully stepped closer to Xilia to show his stance on the matter.

In anger, Adelard pointed his shaky finger at Xilia, "You, you traitor!" His last hope of victory suddenly changed sides and was now working with his enemy, how could he not be angry?

"Wait, what's going on here? Why is she here?" The City Lord slowly stood up completely stupefied. 'What is she doing here?! Oh no, has she sold us out to the Guild?!' These thoughts traveled at a lightning speed through his mind. He was finally starting to understand the gravity of the situation.

It would be no problem if the Guild simply searched the mansion, but if Xilia helped them, he would be doomed! She knew all of their secrets!

"Well? Shall we?" Gerald asked the Elf with an evil grin as they both proceeded to walk toward the mansion.