Chapter 132: When Weaklings Attack

Name:Black Onyx - Forgotten Magic Author:
Chapter 132: When Weaklings Attack

'Was I discovered?' Gerald opened his eyes wide and tried to be as still as possible. Luckily the movement discovered wasn't from him but from something else in the other direction.

The mages and a few soldiers directed their attention to where the man was pointing.


A creepy laugh came, followed by many dark beings rising from the ground.

"Pah! It's Goblins! These little freaks tried to ambush us!" Spitting on the ground, one of the mages became angry. He considered himself pure and noble, so dealing with these ugly things wasn't exactly his favorite thing.

"Blast them apart! Don't let any of them escape!" said another mage. This one was much older, probably in his late fifties, with hair that already started to become gray.

But there was no weakness that came with old age on his face. No, instead he was brimming with vitality and his gaze was sharp like that of an eagle.

He wore a simple brown robe that reminded Gerald of what monks wore back on earth, it's just that the old man's robe was full of gold and silver, with dark-yellow gems all over.

"Hands of Stone!" the man yelled and the ground trembled. Two giant arms rose from the ground a dozen meters in front of him and mimicked each and every movement his real hands did.

The horde of Goblins was nothing before him as he crushed them like ants with his giant stone arms.

"Leave some for us, master!" A guy, dressed in fiery-red clothes with gold-trimmed edges shouted. He lifted his jewelry-decorated hand and gathered Mana for his spell, "Fire Storm!"


A streak of flame shot from his hand and split into many fire snakes mid-air. They each targeted one of the Goblins and swiftly struck them on the chest. The beasts were knocked back and burst into flames, dying shortly after.

"Woah! High-grade spells! These guys are amazing!" Gerald admired their work from afar. He watched the Water mage from before turn around and control Ice Spikes like a circular blade saw, mowing down Goblins as if they were grass.

It appeared that this spell used a lot of Mana though, as the mage had to soon stop his imposing display of power.

"Watch out! Ice Shield!" A female Water mage shouted and cast a defensive spell. Almost instantaneously a semi-circular glistening ice barrier formed around both of them.


Not even half a second later, a fiery explosion hit the ice, cracking it slightly.

"A Goblin Mage! Those bastards actually tried to pull a double ambush!" the mage in red clothes hollered in anger.

But it wasn't just a simple Goblin Mage. No, there were about another dozen Hobgoblins with crude bows and stolen crossbows in hand, ready to shoot a volley of arrows at them.

"Ow, you fucking bastard!" Gerald rubbed his back and cursed, "You are lucky I'm not a vengeful person, otherwise you'd be dead!"

The mage was stupefied when he saw that the target he attacked was actually human. But then he realized that the human was unharmed after his strongest single-target spell.

He shouted, "Wait, who are you?"

Gerald was covered with a hood, so his face could not be seen and he was not going to reveal himself just because some guy wanted him to.

"Hmph!" Gerald snorted and then jumped up.

To the shock of the people present, he didn't come back down, but instead just continued upward before changing directions and disappearing in the distance.

"Trevan! Who Who was that guy?" the red-robed mage ran close and asked.

The guy that shot the Ice Lance, Trevan, answered with a shaky voice, "I- I don't know Rayner, he- he...just...ignored my attackwith his body!"

"How can that be?! Your Ice Lance can pierce through iron armor easily! He had to have some expensive armor underneath his clothes!" Rayner quickly made a reasonable explanation.

Trevan opened his eyes wide in realization. "Oh, haha, that's right! I'm so stupid!" He slapped his forehead and laughed.

Just because people usually wore armor on top didn't mean that some people didn't hide it under a layer of clothes. "I can't believe I fell for his trick!" he said.

"Hey, you guys! What was that?" The female mage and the old man calmly walked over.

"Bishop Argoch, Lady Castri!" Rayner smiled warmly as a greeting. "We aren't too sure of it either. A person was hiding in the grass over there and when Trevan attacked, he flew away," he explained.

"Fly?" The old man, Bishop Argoch frowned. "Was it a fellow Mage using a high-ranked Wind spell perhaps?"

"We aren't too sure either," Trevan interjected. "But if he is using Wind magic, is it possible he's a High Elf spy?"

"That's unlikely." Shaking his head, Bishop Argoch continued, "Elves wouldn't go so far south, besides there is still the Empire between them and us. They have no reason to be here."

Rayner nodded, "I agree with Bishop Argoch, it's more likely to be a spy from the Burronian Empire than an Elf. At least they have a reason to be here, what do you think, Lady Castri?"

The woman didn't have much of an opinion and just shrugged, "Beats me Let's just clean up here and return back to the Fort."

A few more words were said before the old man spoke again, "You boys and girls finish things up here, I'll go and speak with the commander."

"As per your orders!" the youngsters spoke in unison.