Chapter 206: There Was a Gate

Name:Black Onyx - Forgotten Magic Author:
Chapter 206: There Was a Gate

Beliar stood there with eyes wide open, staring at the dark-purple ring.

The massive, hundred-meter tall stone ring suddenly stood up straight, and swirls of energy gathered inside it. It was powering up!


With a low hum, the ring shook and a transparent circular barrier of the same color expanded from it.

Beliar who was close to it was pushed aside as the barrier expanded to a diameter of twenty-five kilometers.

Shortly after stabilizing, the ring shook once more and the space inside it warped, greedily devouring the energy around it.

"You bastard! Stealing our Mana to power yourself, how dare you?!" Beliar was enraged. Not only did this thing rudely push him away, but it was now also using Mana of their world to power itself.

Beliar blasted forward towards the barrier and punched.


The explosion resulting from the collision was great, but the barrier remained unaffected.

"Hmph! It's strong" He took out a black greatsword with spikes protruding out from the sharp edges.

As he poured his energy into the weapon, the sword started to shine a dark light. Whenever the darkness touched, the light was devoured.

"Ha! Claw of Darkness!" Beliar swung his greatsword, producing dangerous lightning from the immense energy in his swing.

The sky turned dark as his power was released, and the wind howled while moving out of the way.


The sword struck the barrier and shook it slightly, making the whole barrier ring like a bell and produce thunder-like sounds.

Suddenly, the purple ring shone with a purple light, and a wavy membrane formed within. It was moving and waving, like ripples on a lake.

Then suddenly, soundlessly, like an assassin in the night, a hand came out of the purple membrane, then a face, followed by the entire head.

With the skin of ash-gray color, with a peculiar human-like face, and black horns curling backward, the being stepped out.

Two and a half meters tall, with wings like those of a bat on his back, and a tail of a lizard, the Demon stood straight.

It looked around the new environment inside the barrier with its amber eyes and then proceeded to jump up and fly around the place calmly.

It suddenly noticed Beliar looking at it from the outside and made a mocking expression.

Enraged, Beliar started an even more intense barrage of attacks but they turned out to be futile. More than a thousand attacks rained on the purple barrier, but all of that only resulted in a slight tremble.

"Cursed Demon! Get out here and fight me!" the High Elf roared.

However, the Demon simply laughed at him and turned around, floating above the newly-formed portal.

"A month?!" Beliar shouted wide-eyed. "Aren't you one of the best formation masters on the continent?"

The old High Elf Elder chuckled quietly, not minding his outbursts at all. "Well, in truth I only need a day, but this barrier is ever-changing. I need a month because that's when it will stop expanding and I'll finally be able to get to work," he calmly explained.

"A month" Beliar weakly said, sounding completely defeated. He kicked the barrier in anger, but the thing didn't even react.

Innos who was standing there shrugged his shoulders and said, "Since nothing can be done about it, I'll return to my studies. I'll see you in a month!"

Beliar sighed and flew to the barrier, sitting down on top of it. "That's fine One month, I can afford to wait that much"

"Shouldn't we just get a few more Elders and brute force this barrier apart?" the old man asked.

"No!" Beliar sternly shook his head. "I can deal with these weaklings on my own, I don't need their help! I just need you to open the barrier, nothing more!"

"Are you sure you don't need more help?"

"I'll be fine!" Beliar snapped back.

"Very well" the old man also sat down on the barrier and took out an old book, slowly reading it.

Beliar casually glanced over and lifted his brow, "Elemental Codex? Why are you reading that book for children? And is that Wyvren leather?!"

Answering with a gentle voice, the man said, "It is indeed precious beyond compare It reminds me of my youth, when I was still wild and full of energy, like you"

"Whatever" Beliar scoffed and turned away, "I'll just wait this month and then break these stupid Demons to smithereens! They are so weak, I don't get why they even bother attacking us"

As the month passed by, and the barrier continued to expand without any signs of stopping, Beliar felt annoyed and cursed the old man for his miscalculations.

"Shouldn't we just get some reinforcements?"

"No! I said I'll deal with them on my own! And stop reading that stupid book, you read it a thousand times already!"


As another month passed by, and the barrier still expanded, separating billions of monsters from the outside world, and even Beliar himself started to feel worried.


"It's fine, stop looking at me like that! Even if they continue gathering, it's just a few billion of them! I can take care of them in less than a day!"


After the third month of expansion, as Demons of Divine Rank started coming through the portal, the entirety of the Elven force finally took notice, and so they gathered and attacked the barrier at once.


As the purple walls broke, so did the peace on the continent, and a bloody war ensued.

And Beliar was the sinner, the sinner of their race, and the traitor of the world.