Chapter 270: Meditation

Name:Black Onyx - Forgotten Magic Author:
Chapter 270: Meditation

While ignoring Goblin's screams of pain, he pushed on the barrier once more, this time slower than before.

His hand went through normally at first, but as time went on, the heat increased, and the barrier around his hand was becoming increasingly solid, so much so that he had a feeling his hand was locked in a steel vice.

He almost couldn't pull it back out as his skin started to sting, but luckily with a powerful thought, the Mana around his arm was disrupted momentarily and he was able to retreat safely.

He looked at his hand with his brows furrowed, and then glanced at the screeching Goblin in his grasp. He tossed it at the barrier.

The monster flew through the wall of plasma, and it almost appeared as if it was going to completely penetrate it when it got stuck. Half of it was on one side, and half on the other.

Its screams intensified as seconds passed, and after around five seconds, the Goblins' waist exploded into a bloody mist of steam and smoke, with charred bones glowing like cinders along the wound.

Two pieces of the corpse fell, one inside, the other outside.

"Hmm" Gerald simply looked at it without much emotion as he mused over his experiments.

According to his tests, the barrier should have a fiery nature as a deterrent, but it was not that strong. It only worked as a passive obstacle, possibly to conserve energy.

However, after something disturbed it, or tried to get through, the area around it would be quickly enhanced to destroy any and all invaders. It was a good strategy, but with a major weakness.

Anyone that was stronger than the lowest garbage would have no problems breaking through the barrier with only minor burns if any.

Monsters that knew how to use magic to enhance their bodies could simply walk through if they wanted, and weaker beasts just had to be quick.

"This is going to be a problem" Gerald mused and returned back to the group.

"What was that? Did you discover anything?" Xilia asked when he came back. They all saw what he was doing perfectly well, and Kerius couldn't help but whistle at the sight of a Goblin exploding.

And when he remembered Gerald simply stuck his hand in, his stomach churned at the thought.

'He changed, he has changed alright! Where did that weak newbie go?' he thought while shaking his head.

'Oh my god, of course! I completely forgot about the benefits of meditation!' Gerald almost wanted to slap his forehead. He even forgot to teach his students proper meditation. His work would be so much easier if they could see Mana just like him.

"Aya" He quietly sighed and then gestured to everyone, "Alright, gather around people, you will want to hear this"


It was an interesting sight. Besides the most brutal battlefield, a bunch of grown-up men and women were sitting on the ground with closed eyes and meditating according to the instructions.

"Take a deep breath, empty your mind, and then release Let your feelings flow free Feel the heartbeat of the world, feel its gentle nature... Listen to the screams of the dead and dying, listen to their wails of pain, to the clashes of metal and breaking of bones"

"Wait, no! Forget that last part." Gerald was meditating at the same time and almost forgot his meditation was a bit different.

Having the ability to absorb the spirits of the dead was quite a boon for him, but not so much for the rest.

"My body feels itchy," Sera complained all of a sudden.

Gerald replied without opening his eyes, "I told you it's likely to happen, just preserve"

They meditated for a while in silence when another voice broke the peace.

"I don't feel so good, mister Gerald," Eneth said. "My head is spinning."

"Just preserve, you are almost there!" Gerald encouraged him. In truth, he had no idea if this would work. But hey, it was worth a try.

Silence returned once again...if you ignore the sounds of war going all around.

"I don't feel anything" Armaz said in a flat voice.

"Me neither," Ermaz, his twin brother added.

"Just keep going, just a little bit more" Gerald said and continued with his meditation.