Chapter 283: Made of Money

Name:Black Onyx - Forgotten Magic Author:
Chapter 283: Made of Money

Otis' situation stabilized and so Gerald and Tabbris ran towards the group of Mages.

As they came to about one hundred meter distance Gerald almost collapsed by the sudden change. His Magic Eyes detected the massive Aura towering above the Mages, and the sheer volume of Mana nearly choked him.

It was so much!

Twenty or so people, each carrying multiple Crystal with hundreds of MP each, and all of it was concentrated into a single spell. What insanity!

He had to stop and simultaneously pulled Tabbris back. "Hey! Is this Is this one of those Elite spells?"

"Ding, ding! Yes indeed! That's exactly what it is, and I'm pretty sure the Grandmaster improved it over the decades." Tabbris confirmed without holding anything back.

"Holy shit," Gerald gasped under his breath. The energy of this spell was five, no, ten times greater than even he could hold.

'How the fuck can they do this?! They should burn up ages ago!' he was in absolute shock. But the time for thinking was over, as that's when the spell was finally completed.


There was a sound like distant thunder, as a pillar of flames, ten meters thick, shot into the sky. Like branches of a tree, the flames then spread across the sky below the clouds, hundreds of meters into the air.

Those branches started pulsating and seemingly fiery flowers began to bloom. As the petals opened, streaks of fire started to fall. The Rain of Fire officially began. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

And it looked so beautiful. Like shooting stars, the flames slowly descended and illuminated the sky. The sounds of war died down and almost everybody looked up at the light show.

Those long, thin threads of fire quietly fell on the earth among the gathered beasts. They appeared small and gentle, but in reality, they were giant balls of burning death! Each of them was the size of a watermelon and extremely dense, even more than Gerald's Greater Fireballs.


The ground exploded into a sea of flames, and the Orcs were torn to pieces in an instant. Goblins and Hobgoblins were straight-up evaporated as a Drop of Fire detonated upon impacting the ground.

'Wait! Can you even do that?!' he intensely scratched his head. He had no answer.

"Seems like the backlash was quite severe this time," Tabbris quietly commented with a furrowed brow.

"This time?" Gerald lifted an eyebrow.

"Well, of course! It wasn't the first time they did this I remember my father telling me that the last time they did it, Grandmaster Spark had to recover for a year. And he was much younger back then."

He turned to Gerald and said seriously, "Don't try to copy them. A spell of this magnitude cannot be sustained by one person alone. Even for the twenty of them, it was barely feasible."

"Dude, I'm not crazy!" Gerald protested, "They burned through at least 10.000MP in less than a minute and broke so many Crystals, there is no way I can do the same! I'm not made of money! ... At least not yet."

"That's not what I- Ah, nevermind"

The Paladins of Innos helped the Master Mages and brought them to safety where they could recover. Meanwhile, the two guys returned back to the group.

"It should take some time for the monsters to gather again and lunch an attack. Try to get some rest until then," Tabbris shouted to the warriors gathered. A few of them immediately groaned and collapsed on the floor by the fire. Quite a number of them were already at their limit.

"I'll be going now," he said to the Black Onyx group and punched Gerald in the chest in a friendly manner, "See ya."

"Yeah, yeah, buzz of!" Gerald barked and then burst into laughter.

Everybody could now finally relax. Too bad the sun just rose, so sleeping was a problem.

Gerald didn't mind though. He felt quite refreshed after the long night.

'So much to do, and so little time...'

He sat down by the campfire and closed his eyes for a bit. He deserved it.