Chapter 326: Defeated?

Name:Black Onyx - Forgotten Magic Author:
Chapter 326: Defeated?

Could a bloody chaotic battle possibly get any worse?!

That was a rhetorical question, the answer is obviously yes. Especially so when you have a blind Giant trashing around in a berserk state, killing in his rage.

The damn beast was more than ten times the size of a human and rampaging around the battlefield like a headless chicken. Stumbling upon a lonely tree, the Giant uprooted it with a good pull and used it as a club, swinging it around, beating around, and killing anything that came underneath him, even if it was other allied monsters.

Gerald wasn't sure if they could also use Magic Eyes, since many humans appeared to be capable, but he didn't want to wait and find out after the Giant calmed down. Time was of the essence!

King Robart, of course, did his part and fought valiantly, continuing to bring his Sacred Hammer down on the massive, dirty, stinky, hairy toes, and pounded the Giant's shins without end.

Basically, he was a massive nuisance.

"Keep it up!" Gerald shouted in encouragement and wore a furry coat he bought for the occasion. He then rose to about two kilometers in the air, where the air was much cooler and the winds were stronger.

A giant boulder then appeared beside him in the blink of an eye, which he controlled with Telekinesis and dropped it from the sky after calculating the precise angles and speeds. Or actually, no. That would be too hard to do without proper equipment, so he just winged it.

And as expected from a lucky man such as Gerald, he was nearly on point on his first try! He just missed for a few hundred meters due to strong winds and squashed a Paladin of Innos.

"Ops" Gerald quietly said, seeing what has become of his first boulder by using the Eagle Eye, the new telescope-like magic effect he just created.

But such a tiny setback didn't faze him, and he had plenty more stones to try with anyway. But as it turned out, accurately predicting where the giant would be more than a dozen seconds later proved to be quite a challenge. Even if he was spot on with his drops, the bastard would just move, never staying in one place in his berserk state.

Well, it wasn't all bad. By missing the Giant, he instead hit a few Orcs and even an Ogre that managed to avoid getting trampled. It only got to live a few extra seconds though, as the falling boulder smashed its head to pieces.

After the smoke and dust cleared, the true destruction was visible. The Giant was still alive, strangely enough. However, he was not in a good shape.

The lower part of his face was completely gone, blown to smithereens by the explosion. Other than that, his neck and chest suffered the most damage, carrying deep lacerations from the metal shell of the Big Boy that turned into razor blades as it exploded.

The top layer of skin and flesh was straight up gone! The ribcage was exposed and shattered, caved inward, and punctured many organs.

Gerald flew closer, evaluating the damage.

The King also slowly climbed up the Giant's torso and stood on his shoulder, while still burning white-hot. The Elixir of Life and Fire was one heck of a strong brew.

The Giant then suddenly shook. The movement was not great, but it was a clear sign the beast was still alive. They couldn't let it do any more damage, they had to kill it!

King Robart jumped into the exposed chest cavity and swung his hammer above his head. Mana rapidly gathered inside, swirling and flowing in a chaotic motion.

Despite Gerald doing his best to decipher what the hell was going on, the randomness was just too much and his head started to hurt, so he stopped.

Meanwhile, the King struck down with his hammer, producing a powerful ripple that jolted the Giant and made him growl in pain. It seemed to be irritating the wounds and making them worse.

He continued striking over and over on the same spot, about where the heart should be. But the Giant just wouldn't die!

The King was becoming faster and more desperate as time went on, striking more often and giving it his all. Unfortunately, it seemed like his superhuman strength was quickly leaving his body, and his inflated Aura was quickly diminishing as well.

"Damn it! Just die!" he shouted, empowering the Sacred Hammer once more, only to be unable to finish delivering the strike. His body and Soul were exhausted, pushed way over their limit.

His body also started to quickly cool down as the Elixir's time ran out, hardening his skin into some sort of rocky shell.