Chapter 382: Time's Up!

Name:Black Onyx - Forgotten Magic Author:
Chapter 382: Time's Up!

"Father! Stop this, he's innocent!" Surprisingly, or perhaps not, Elly, or Emillyinn, burst into the hall while kicking one of the guards that tried to hold her back.

"Blinding Light!" she shouted and pushed her delicate palm into the man's face, triggering her magic.

"Aaaah! My eyes!" The guard fell to the ground holding his face in pain.

The hall became filled with loud whispers and murmurs as the people got something interesting to speculate about. Was this actually an affair? Or did the little princess get brainwashed during the time of her absence?

"Father! Stop this at once!" Emillyinn repeated herself. "I was the one that escaped on my own! He had nothing to do with it! Please! Let him go!"

The murmurs became even louder.

"Order! Order!" The judge beat the piece of wood with his tiny hammer while shouting. He was becoming red in the face as people were talking over one another, completely ignoring him. He was just an ornamental piece, after all, as the one with true authority as well as the de facto decision maker, was sitting right behind him.

"Silence!" came a stern and powerful voice. The sound boomed across the hall like an explosion, knocking those that stood up back down in their seats. The Emperor then shifted on his throne and spoke to one of his personal guards. "Take her away and keep her in her room until this is over."

The guard then quickly ran down towards the nearly crying girl. "Excuse me, princess!" He, as gently as he could, picked her up, hoisted her like a sack of potatoes over his shoulder, and ran out of the room.

"Noo! Let me go!" The action was so rapid that barely anyone had the chance to react. Before Emillyinn could even protest, she was already gone.

"What just happened?" Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

"The princess must have been brainwashed! There is no other explanation!"

There were many explanations, but none of them worked as well as the kidnapped princess one.

"This is taking too long, hurry it up!" The Emperor.

The prosecutor wiped some perspiration from his forehead and bowed. "Yes, your Majesty!"


Gerald loudly sneezed and then wiped his nose with his hand. "Man, it's so cold in here! I'm going to get sick! Can I get a cup of warm tea?" His complaints were just loud enough for people to hear, evoking a few quiet chuckles from the people who were more easily amused.

"Order!" the judge shouted and beat his tiny hammer.

"Oh, and add some honey! I don't like bitter tea!" Gerald called to nobody in particular. He was sick of the nonsense and decided to be a nuisance instead. "By the way, I plead not guilty to all of your lies! I have never kidnapped anyone, and especially not your princess! She joined my team of her own accord!"

"Silence! Your lies will do you no good here!" the judge shouted back, getting too heated for his own good.

"I didn't even get an attorney! What kind of court is this?!" Gerald innocently protested.

"Criminals like you don't get to defend themselves! Now shut it, or I'll order to get you gagged!"

At the judge's words, Gerald burst into laughter. It was quiet at first, but it soon devolved into a loud cackle.


Mages in blue made their way in as the panicked people rushed out. Immediately after, many layers of ice were formed out of thin air, blocking the advancements of the mysterious pieces of paper that floated across the hall.


The personal guards of the Emperor jumped down with swords in hand, and even the sneaky figures of the Dark Cloaks were slithering about.

"How can he use magic?! He is wearing three Void cuffs, for gods' sake!"

"Kill him quickly!"


Another head exploded, increasing the chaos in the already messed-up building.


A Dark Cloak came behind Gerald like a specter and aimed to stab something in his back. His movements were swift and accurate, just like he did it weeks before. It only took one strike!


The collision gave off a metallic sound as a golden luster was revealed beneath Gerald's clothes.

Gerald turned his head around with what seemed like incredibly slow speed in this chaotic battle. A wide bloodthirsty grin and wide opened eyes adorned his face.

"Nu-uh." He smiled. "Please don't insult my intelligence," he said and moved his cannon. "You didn't seriously think that would work twice, did you?"

The Dark Cloak panicked looking into the dark hole. "No! Wait! I wasn't-!"


His body now had another hole going through it.



Another cannonball found its mark, after which Gerald tossed a Fireball to finish the job.

"Thorns" he whispered, and a field of thorns grew around him by cracking the black granite floor, skewering the soldiers in the process.

Then came the Emperor's personal guards, swinging their blades with immense power.

"Time's up" Gerald smilingly announced.