The scene was extremely chaotic for a while, as shouts filled the entire private room, and unaware gamblers crouched down on the ground.

Jin Zhou’s brothers were even more excited than him. They went to capture Wang Darong with the air of a Hong Kong street fight scene from the 1990s.

Wang Darong had no chance to escape. Not to mention escaping, he hadn’t even reacted yet when he was surrounded by over ten big men. He was so frightened that he cowered with his hands covering his head, in a confused state throughout.

In just one minute, the task of apprehending him was already completed.

Tiger was given the task of cleaning up the aftermath. It was not convenient to ask questions with so many people around, so Jin Zhou took Wang Darong to the alley behind the bar’s back door.

The alley was far from the main road, with dim lighting and few passersby. Unlike the busy main entrance, the alley was secluded enough that if you kicked a stone, you might hear the echo.

“No, who are you guys?” Wang Darong’s voice broke the silence of the alley. It was already past eleven at night, with a drizzle falling from the sky. The night wind blew through the empty alley, carrying a hint of autumn chill.

“Do you know why we’re looking for you?” Jin Zhou naturally didn’t introduce himself politely. He tied Wang Darong’s hands to a pipe, the white zip ties sinking deep into his flesh, causing him pain and making him scream.

“I don’t owe anyone any money. Who are you people?” Wang Darong moved his wrists, trying to break free. Seeing this, Jin Zhou didn’t hesitate and slapped him causing Wang Darong’s head to collide with the rusty pipe, emitting a dull sound.

Yang Shiyu immediately grabbed Jin Zhou’s arm, pulling him to his side and whispered, “Don’t be impulsive.”

Usually, when Jin Zhou took his brothers out to collect debts, he was the one who stopped them from using excessive violence. But in the face of Wang Darong, he found it difficult to remain calm. If it weren’t for Yang Shiyu’s presence, he would probably have beaten him half to death already.

“I know what I’m doing.” Jin Zhou retracted his arm, and Yang Shiyu’s presence seemed to have a calming effect on him, allowing him to suppress his inner anger.

“Are you guys from the Wei Gang?” Wang Darong, who was slapped, seemed a bit confused. Even before Jin Zhou could interrogate him, he voluntarily gave out a name.

“Who is Wei Gang?” Jin Zhou frowned and asked.

“Not Wei Gang? Then who are you guys?” Wang Darong looked at Jin Zhou and then at Yang Shiyu. Unable to figure out the reason, he tentatively asked, “Are you sure you’re not mistaken?”

“I know everything about you.” Jin Zhou grabbed Wang Darong’s collar and pressed him against the wall, giving him a hint. “Why did you run away a couple of days ago?”

Wang Darong seemed to finally understand why he was being sought after. He swallowed and looked at the two men, saying, “You’re not the police, are you? Let me tell you, using vigilante justice is illegal!”

Jin Zhou couldn’t help but laugh. A lawyer and a judge , but a criminal lecturing them about the law?

Jin Zhou slapped Wang Darong’s head again. ‘In prison, you said you were being  instigated. So, who instigated you?’

‘I never said that,’ Wang Darong blurted out, as if he had rehearsed it countless times. ‘That brat made it up. If I was really being instigated, would I tell him?’

Jin Zhou naturally didn’t believe him. If it was just a joke, why would Wang Darong have fled? And why would there be people other than the police coming to his house?

‘Denying won’t save you,’ Jin Zhou raised his fist with a dark expression, ready to make Wang Darong suffer. However, Yang Shiyu behind him promptly grabbed his arm, stopping him from attacking. At the same time, Wang Darong suddenly widened his eyes and stared at him, stuttering, ‘You, you are… you are that family’s son.’

Jin Zhou and Wang Darong had met in the courtroom before. Jin Zhou was already eighteen at that time, and his appearance was already well-defined, so it wasn’t surprising that Wang Darong could recognize him.

‘I really wasn’t instructed by anyone,’ Wang Darong immediately changed to a sincere tone. ‘In prison, I was afraid of being bullied, so I made up a lie, saying that I caused the accident on purpose. That way, people wouldn’t dare  mess with me easily.’

If it were nine years ago, Jin Zhou might have believed what Wang Darong said. But now he just sneered and asked, ‘You wanted others not to mess with you, so saying you intentionally killed someone would be enough. Why did you also lie about being instructed by someone? Did you think intentionally killing someone wasn’t ruthless enough?’

If he wanted to appear tough, he could say he had killed someone intentionally. Why would he go a step further and claim that someone instructed him? It didn’t make sense.

Wang Darong’s expression revealed his uneasiness. It was evident that he only half-constructed the lie and hadn’t figured out how to cover it up. 

‘Fine,’ Jin Zhou released Wang Darong’s collar, stepping back to Yang Shiyu’s side. He gestured with his chin toward Wang Darong and said to Yang Shiyu, ‘You do the asking.’

However, an unexpected situation occurred, as Yang Shiyu remained motionless in his place and unresponsively said, ‘keep interrogating him.’

Jin Zhou felt a strange sensation in his heart. He furrowed his brow and asked Yang Shiyu, ‘Don’t you have any questions?’

Yang Shiyu responded, ‘You’re asking the questions I want to ask.’

Jin Zhou’s expression darkened, and he fell silent for a moment. He walked back to Wang Darong and changed his approach, asking, ‘You know someone is after you, right?’

This was only Jin Zhou’s speculation, but since Wang Darong refused to admit being instructed, he had to trick him.

Wang Darong’s expression indeed showed subtle changes. His lips stiffened, and his eyes twitched uneasily.

Seizing the opportunity, Jin Zhou continued , ‘If you tell me the truth, I’ll help you deal with the person after you.’

Upon hearing this, Wang Darong immediately turned his head to the side, looking at Jin Zhou with suspicion. ‘Do you think I’m stupid?’

As soon as the words came out, Wang Darong seemed to realize that something was amiss and quickly shut his mouth, refraining from speaking further.

If he wasn’t being instructed by anyone, he shouldn’t have followed Jin Zhou’s words and should have just denied being chased. But by going along with Jin Zhou’s statement and responding with ‘Do you think I’m stupid,’ he exposed his own foolishness.

Jin Zhou took a deep breath, suppressing his anger. He couldn’t believe that his parents had died at the hands of such an idiot.

He exhaled the pent-up frustration and continued to ask, ‘So, you think I can’t handle the person chasing you?’

Wang Darong, realizing he had slipped up, tried to persuade Jin Zhou, ‘You know that someone is causing trouble and is after me . If I tell you, don’t you think that will make me a snitch and be in even more trouble?’

Jin Zhou, unable to bear it any longer, raised his fist.

The drizzle had turned into a light rain, and in the damp and cold alley, the sounds of Wang Darong’s wailing and Jin Zhou mercilessly beating him echoed.

Yang Shiyu quickly stepped behind Jin Zhou and pulled him away from Wang Darong, saying, ‘Calm down.’

‘Let go of me!’ Jin Zhou tried to rush forward, but Yang Shiyu held his chest with one hand and firmly grasped his waist with the other, preventing him from getting any closer to Wang Darong.

‘Hitting him won’t solve anything; don’t be impulsive,’ Yang Shiyu’s voice was cold and low, ‘Listen to me, Jin Zhou.’ “Listen to me.

Those were the two words Yang Shiyu used to say to Jin Zhou most often.

Suddenly, Jin Zhou felt weak and hung his head, adjusting his breathing. Yang Shiyu stood behind him, embracing him, as the drizzling rain fell upon them, extinguishing all warmth.

After a while, Jin Zhou slightly turned his chin and said to Yang Shiyu behind him, ‘Let go of me.’

Yang Shiyu silently observed Jin Zhou for a while, confirming that he had indeed calmed down, and then released his hands.

Jin Zhou walked to the side, took out his phone, and dialed 110 (emergency number in China).

His initial plan was to ask him questions and then hand him over to the police.

However, making a statement and going through the process seemed troublesome. Perhaps the police would still find him afterward, but at least tonight he wasn’t in the mood for it.

After making the call, Jin Zhou made sure that the restraints on Wang Darong’s hands wouldn’t come loose. He then left alone in the alley and started walking toward the main road.

Yang Shiyu followed behind Jin Zhou, matching his steps.

The drizzle seemed to be turning into heavy rain, but Jin Zhou didn’t quicken his pace. After turning at an intersection, the busy main road suddenly appeared at the end of the road.

At that moment, Jin Zhou suddenly stopped in his tracks and said to the person behind him, ‘Yang Shiyu.’

Yang Shiyu almost bumped into Jin Zhou’s back. He put away his phone and asked, ‘What’s wrong?’

Jin Zhou took a deep breath in the direction ahead, then turned his body, looking straight at Yang Shiyu, his voice devoid of warmth as he asked, ‘Do you think I called you here tonight just to watch the show?’

His emotions were clearly off, and Yang Shiyu frowned , not saying anything.

‘I asked you to come because I know you know more than I do and can help me find out more.’ Jin Zhou paused expressionlessly. ’but you didn’t even try to question him.’

Yang Shiyu pursed his lips and calmly said, ‘Me questioning him would have had the same effect.’

‘It’s not the same,’ Jin Zhou said. ‘It seems you came with me tonight not to investigate this matter, but to control my progress and stop me from finding out more at the right time.’

Because  Jin Zhou couldn’t ask important questions, once Wang Darong was taken away by the police, Yang Shiyu could still find out the information as a judge, but Jin Zhou couldn’t.

From the moment Yang Shiyu made it clear that he wouldn’t participate in the questioning, Jin Zhou understood his intentions.

Both of them were clever people, and the situation had been exposed. There was no need to pretend any further. Yang Shiyu fell silent, tacitly confirming Jin Zhou’s speculation.

‘You’re quite interesting,’ Jin Zhou laughed at himself. ‘You prevented me from getting involved in my parents’ case. What right  do you have that i should listen to you, Yang Shiyu?’

The reason Jin Zhou beat Wang Darong so brutally was partly to vent his anger towards Yang Shiyu. And the reason he didn’t continue was that the two words ‘listen to me’ struck a nerve.

Yang Shiyu’s Adam’s apple moved, and he whispered, ‘Jin Zhou…’

‘I mean,’ Jin Zhou interrupted Yang Shiyu, ‘my parents weren’t killed by you, right?’

Yang Shiyu’s expression froze, ‘Why would you say that?’

‘Then why did you abandon me?’ Jin Zhou asked hoarsely, finally asking the question that had been weighing on his mind for a long time. ‘You don’t let me smoke, you don’t let me make friends .if I actually get involved in vices like gambling, drugs, or prostitution? Will you feel guilty, will you care?’

Jin Zhou didn’t want to admit it, but his decision to give up on repeating a year of school was actually because of Yang Shiyu.

Looking back now, his actions were incredibly childish, but he couldn’t help but wonder if Yang Shiyu truly remained indifferent as he appeared on the surface.

Yang Shiyu hung his head, and the brim of his baseball cap covered half of his face, hiding his eyes in the shadows, making it difficult to see clearly.

The drizzle had turned into a downpour, and raindrops fell on Jin Zhou’s hair, sliding down his forehead and reaching the corners of his mouth, leaving a bitter taste.

‘Fine, I’ll consider you ruthless,’ Jin Zhou sighed heavily. He shouldn’t have expected Yang Shiyu to open up to him.

Since everything that needed to be said had been said, Jin Zhou didn’t want to stand in the rain any longer.

He turned around, facing away from Yang Shiyu, and walked toward the busy main road. However, at that moment, his vision was suddenly shrouded in darkness, and the raindrops that were beating against his cheeks suddenly disappeared.

Yang Shiyu pressed his baseball cap onto Jin Zhou’s head and walked past his shoulder, saying, ‘Yes.'”