Chapter 736 Trouble at your door

Out of the Su's house, Gu Zhiqi walked for a while, and then used his mobile phone to book a car on the taxi app.

The distance is not very far, and you will be here in three or four minutes.

While waiting for the bus, Gu Zhiqi turned out the thoughts that needed to be repaired, stood on the side of the road while waiting for the bus, and typed deeply.

While typing, I remembered something, and continued typing while asking Feijiu, "Has the mentality of the Jin family been matched in the database?"

"Huh? Yeah! Ben Jiu forgot." Listening to Gu Zhiqi's question, Fei Jiu remembered that Gu Zhiqi made him match his mind, "Recently, Third Sister Gu always chatted with me, and I I have to connect with netizens, and I have to be busy studying, so I forgot."

It was so busy that it not only forgot to match the mind, but also didn’t have time to look for beauty stickers.

Listening to Fei Jiu's words, Gu Zhiqi remained silent.

Busy to study, she can understand, but to connect with netizens...

Forget it, when the child is older, it is normal to have friends of his own.

"Huh? The database seems to be able to... Zhizhi be careful!" Fat Jiu was halfway through speaking, when he saw a car parked in front of Gu Zhiqi, and a man rushed out to grab her into the car, so he immediately reminded .

Gu Zhiqi also noticed that he raised his foot and gave the opponent a kick.

The strong man who just rushed out of the car was kicked back into the car by Gu Zhiqi.

The strong man fell back into the car and sat on the seat with both hands, he was in a daze and didn't react at all.

The strong man was not the only one in the car. Seeing the strong man kicked back into the car by Gu Zhiqi, the strong man's companion didn't care about him, but laughed out loud, not forgetting to make fun of the strong man.

"Fifth, can you please?"

"You can't even handle a little girl, old five, have you been lazy again recently?"

Hearing his companion's jokes, the strong man came back to his senses, and his eyes were stained with anger, "Stinky bitch, how dare you hit me."

Got up cursing and rushed towards Gu Zhiqi again.

Seeing him rushing out again, Gu Zhiqi raised his foot and kicked him again.

This time the strong man was on guard, he put his two thick arms in front of him, trying to block Gu Zhiqi's feet.

Just now, when Gu Zhiqi kicked out, he did it subconsciously to protect himself, and didn't put any energy into it. This time it was different. Gu Zhiqi mobilized his energy when he kicked out.


The arm collided with Gu Zhiqi's foot, and there was only a click sound, and the strong man screamed and stepped back suddenly.

The joking sounds in the car that hadn't completely stopped stopped in an instant.

"It's a Lianjiazi, let's go together." Someone in the car spoke, and then five or six strong men came out of the car, and surrounded Gu Zhiqi in the middle.

Seeing this, Gu Zhiqi clicked his tongue lightly, and put the phone away calmly.

"Quick battle, let's talk about it after taking her into the car."

Originally, these people thought that to deal with a little girl, they could just take her away, but they didn't expect to meet a Lianjiazi.

There are often Changying troops in the vicinity, so a quick battle is necessary.

Following the leader's order, several strong men rushed towards Gu Zhiqi.

The division of labor is very clear, some rushed towards her legs, and some tried to grab her hands to restrain her.

When those people were about to grab her limbs, Gu Zhiqi tapped his toes on the ground, leaped into the air, completed a backflip in the air, kicked one of them in the back, and landed lightly.

The person kicked by Gu Zhiqi jumped forward and fell directly into the encirclement.

Those people fell in the air, and were tripped by the person who fell, two of them fell to the ground without stabilizing their bodies, and those who stabilized their bodies were stunned for a moment, turned to Gu Zhiqi, and rushed towards her again.

Gu Zhiqi didn't hide anymore, and started fighting with them.

During the fight, a car slowly drove up not far away.

Good night

(end of this chapter)