However, many things are stopping him.

Their age, their family background, their identity, and even their field of development.

Although he already knows that there are many fantasy things in the world, he still firmly believes in and loves science.

And she...she is a mysterious master.

 Their preferences are very different, and even with a little liking, it would be difficult for them to get together in the end.

So, Zhong Li retreated.

However, when he really made up his mind not to let this feeling continue to grow and to stay away from her, Zhong Li realized that he had thought everything too simply.

As soon as he saw her, he couldn't help but want to get closer.

Just like that day, at the grilled fish shop outside Yancheng University, after his friend Luo Jingqiu pointed out Jinshilu to him, he immediately walked over as soon as he saw the person.

Like that day again, after meeting at the Nanxiang Resort, he paid careful attention to their itinerary. When he learned that they were going to the racecourse, he immediately took Luo Jingqiu with him.

That day was the first time he was so close to her because they rode the same horse.

Actually, Zhong Li knew that Jin Shilu could ride a horse, but he still relied on his knowledge of Jin Shilu's temperament and used the excuse of teaching her to ride a horse to trick her into riding a horse.

The moment her back pressed into his arms, Zhong Li knew that he was finished.

I'm afraid it's impossible to let go.

At that moment, he completely forgot about any plans to stay away from her.

He was very happy that day.

However, after that day, she began to avoid him again, and she did so for a long time.

After that, he didn’t want to do anything too transgressive anymore, but planned to boil the frog in warm water.

It takes more than a year to cook.

Every time, when he felt like he was about to cook that lukewarm stupid frog, she flew away again. Obviously he felt it, and she was different to him. He could obviously feel her wavering, but every time he came closer, she started to avoid him again.

Zhong Li couldn't figure out why even if he thought about it.

Had he not known that she never did this to others, he would have doubted whether she was raising him like a fish.

Furthermore, he also knew one thing.

Jin Ling was sent by her to protect him.

So, why?

If you don’t like him, why do you do this to him?

Zhong Li couldn't figure it out even if he racked his brains. It wasn't until that year that Angel's men invaded Ningcheng and Zhong Li got the answer he wanted.

During that battle, Jin Tielv also went to Ningcheng.

After learning that she was going to Ningcheng, Zhong Li rushed to Ningcheng immediately.

When she arrived in Ningcheng, the fight had just ended. Fortunately, she was still alive, but injured.

Although it was just some superficial injuries, they looked very embarrassed, and he felt distressed.

When we found her, she was resting against the city wall. She seemed to be in low energy. She must have been tired.

Zhong Li approached her step by step, and when he was about four meters away from her, he called her name, "Jin Ceng Lu."

Hearing the familiar voice, Jin Shilu suddenly raised his eyes and looked at Zhong Li.

Although Jin Shilu knew it was Zhong Li when he heard the sound, but when he saw his appearance clearly, Jin Shilu was still stunned for a moment, "Why are you here?"

Although such a long time has passed, Jin Senglu's temperament is still gentle, but after so many things, she is no longer the little girl who gets nervous when she sees him.

Zhong Li didn't answer her question, he just stood there and looked at her steadily.

Seeing this, Jin Shilu slowly stood up and said, "It's so dangerous here and you have no cultivation skills. You really shouldn't..."