Sorry for the delay. For those who read MTL, you guys know that a famous raw site crashed down, so I lost my source for translating. I found another, but it’s taking me some time to get used to it. Yinsi being so salty is partly because he dislikes the fourth brother’s closeness to the seventh brother, as he feels it’s a political ploy, and also because he’s the hopeless second male lead. Side-note: In the beginning of this chapter, it’s night, and Yinzhen is helping Yinyou into his pajamas when Yinsi enters Yinyou’s tent. Thank you for reading

“Fourth brother, eighth brother, please go slowly.” Yinyou got up and sent the two out of the tent.

Yinzhen was expressionless, and Yinsi was smiling when they headed back to their tents on the left and right sides of Yinyou’s own tent.

Yinyou rubbed his chin and glanced left and right. What exactly were these two people here for? One had to assist him in dressing, and the other had to accompany him for a talk!

In the middle of the night, when Yinyou was in a drowsy sleep, he suddenly heard the sound of a horse and immediately turned over and got out of bed. He quickly put on the armor and helmet hat, took his saber, and went out of the tent. A bird flew out from the forest, which he found to be indescribably weird. He stared at the depths of the forest, and seemed to smell a faint smell of smoke.

“Sentinel!” Yinyou’s complexion changed. “Notify everyone to leave their tents and get away from the forest as fast as they can.”

Although the sentries who dozed off because of fatigue did not understand what was going on, they had seen the heroic character of the seventh prince since the march and respected him. Seeing his stern face, they didn’t dare to hesitate and hurriedly started to beat the gong, making the originally quiet military camp suddenly become noisy.

Fiyanggū came out of the tent and saw the scene of nightbirds flying away from the woods, and his face sank like water. He didn’t ask any more questions, and immediately told everyone to retreat.

When Yinzhen and Yinsi got out of their tent and saw the faint red light appearing in the west corner of the forest, their expressions changed, and they calmly followed Fiyanggū’s instructions.

The fire was unexpectedly large. Fortunately, it was discovered in time, and there were no casualties, but some tents were destroyed by the ​​​​fire, since it was too late to try and pick them up.

Yinyou rode on the horse, looking at the forest that had turned into a sea of ​​flames, secretly rejoicing that because the whole army was exhausted tonight, many things were tied up and not opened, and the army rations were hoarded in one place.

“Fortunately, the seventh prince alerted us early. Otherwise, the whole army might fall into big trouble this time.” Fiyanggū was terrified, thinking of the dozens of enemies who had been caught by the soldiers. Although Galdan’s plan was inferior, it was still effective. If the seventh prince didn’t find out, he was afraid the advance of the whole army would be disrupted.

“It’s just a coincidence,” Yinyou exhaled, stroked the mane of the dismounted horse, and comforted the frightened horse. The instincts of animals were always better than humans’.

“It seems that Galdan already knows our route.” Yinzhen on the side looked down at the fire in the distance, and his face darkened.

Staring at Yinzhen’s expression, Yinyou knew that Yinzhen was furious. On the other side, the smile on Yinsi’s face also disappeared. At this moment, they were not brothers fighting for the throne but imperial princes of the Great Qing.