A new chapter, finally! Please enjoy and thank you for all of your comments. Makes me very motivated to translate~ Bambi

It was the end of the year again, and Yinyou was thriving in the Ministry of Works. Some farm tools and equipment had been tried in the suburbs of Beijing and the results had been good. Kangxi was so pleased he sent many rewards to Yinyou and the Ministry of Works’ officials. Along with it, they all received several compliments.

However, Yinyou hadn’t seen any of his brothers becoming jealous. It wasn’t surprising. After all, everyone knew that the Ministry of Works was a place with few benefits, not a good thing at all. If they really went to there, they had to be perfect,  there was no room for mistakes. If they failed, getting scolded and punished was just expected. 

In the Yangxin Hall1Hall of Mental Cultivation. Yangxin Hall was just an ordinary side hall next to the Qianqing Palace, which was the emperor’s audience hall. But the bed-chamber of the Yongzheng emperor and the next eight emperors located here, thus Yangxin Hall had become the most important place in the Forbidden City. It is no exaggeration to say that the Yangxin Hall was the center of national politics and power during the Qing dynasty. During Kangxi’s reign the side hall was mostly used as a workshop, wherein artisan objects like clocks were designed and manufactured. Source 1, 2., Kangxi looked at the report submitted by Yinyou, thought for while and then inquired, “You mean, these plows were used in large numbers on the plains, while the spinning wheels were mainly used in the Jiangnan and Sichuan areas?”

“Yes. The plains are the main places where grain is produced, and it is much more convenient to sow and harvest. As for the hilly and mountainous areas, there are not suitable for this kind of plow. Erchen2兒臣 ér chén. ‘Er’ is child while ‘chen’ means I, your servant (used in addressing the sovereign). This is the way princes address the Emperor. is discussing with the minister from the Ministry of Works about agricultural tools that would work for those places. The spinning wheel is mainly used in places that are good at silk and embroidery. Su embroidery in the south of the Yangtze River3Su Xiu (苏绣) – Suzhou embroidery is crafted in areas around Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, having a history dating back 2,000 years. It is famous for its beautiful patterns, elegant colors, variety of stitches, and consummate craftsmanship. Its stitching is meticulously skillful, coloration subtle and refined. Suzhou artists are able to use more than 40 needlework and a 1,000 different types of threads to make embroidery, typically with nature and environment themes such as flowers, birds, animals and even gardens on a piece of cloth. A rare subset is Su double-sided embroidery which requires ultimate skill and artistry. The front and back of the piece may have different designs, but the ends are not knotted but woven in so the back can’t be distinguished. has always been famous, and Shu embroidery in Sichuan4Shu Xiu (蜀绣) – Sichuan embroidery comes from areas around Chengdu, Sichuan Province. It is among the oldest known embroidery styles in Chinese embroidery history. Its raw materials are satin and colored silk, its craftsmanship painstaking and refined. The emphasis is on even stitching, delicate coloration, and local flavor. Sichuan embroidery is used to decorate quilt covers, pillowcases, garments, shoes and painted screens. is also a very unique kind. Moreover, the mulberry trees in Sichuan grow very well, which is also very important for the development of the sericulture industry.”

Yinyou narrated all of this in a flat, calm voice. One could tell he was very knowledgeable in this matter.

“Well, since you understand this, Zhen will let you and the people from the Ministry of Works take care of these things.” Kangxi nodded and asserted seriously,. “Farming is the foundation of the country, so do your job well.”

After Yinyou listened to Huang Ama’s words honestly, he started to work even more ardently. All of a sudden, the usually leisurely person was so busy that he couldn’t even see anyone, and even wanted to eat and sleep at the Ministry of Works. For the first time, the thirteenth brother and the fourteenth brother also found out that the seventh brother could also be too busy to meet.

Yinzhen always had in mind the forehead kiss, but Yinyou was difficult to meet. Even if he did see him, if was just for a quick bite together, following which Yinyou would rush to the Ministry of Works. It almost looked like the Ministry of Works was his home.

By the end of the year, things were finally arranged, and the busyness of Yinyou and the main officials in the Ministry of Works eased. Several of them were nervously waiting for the results reported by the prefects in various places in the coming spring.

Yinyou was much more relaxed than these others. After coming out of the Ministry of Works, he went back to his Mansion to bathe and change clothes, and then swaggered right into the Prince Yong’s Mansion house for a visit. Unexpectedly, as soon as he went out, he met the eighth brother and the third brother drinking tea together5A reminder that Yinyou lives close to the eighth brother and the fourth brother. They’re practically neighbors.. They also extended an invitation to him.

But Yinyou’s mind was all on the delicious things in Yinzhen’s house and had no intention of joining them. It was also fairly obvious that the two of them didn’t really want to invite him and were just being polite. What made Yinyou a little puzzled was that they went to drink tea together, and it was normal to have servants close, but why would they have a Taoist priest behind them? And this Taoist priest had a particular aura, giving people the feeling of being a Master from this world, like he had walked all places and knew everything about this secular world.

Such a person was either an expert conman or a high-level liar. If he was an expert, there wasn’t much issue, he knew so much, he could certainly continue to lie his way through his life. The problem was if he was a plain liar with no knowledge, if he was one, he would’ve obviously deceived people many times and would someday be unfortunately exposed. The aftermath…

“The Seventh Master is here, please come quickly. I will serve you tea.” 

As soon as Xiao Luzi saw Yinyou, he started to revolve around him with a smile. He also called a eunuch next to him to go to the kitchen to bring some snacks, especially emphasizing on the flavor and method for cooking.

When Yinyou arrived at the study room, Yinzhen was inside writing something. Seeing him coming in, he put down his pen and joked with a slight smile, “It’s been so difficult to see even your soul these past few days and yet,, now that is such a cold day, you’re here.”

“I’ve been really busy the past few days,” Yinyou picked up the tea cup on the table and took a sip6This would be the teacup Yinzhen had been drinking from. (An indirect kiss!). “Fourth brother, today as soon as I left the Ministry of Works I went home to take a shower and change my clothes, practically rushing to come to your place. I didn’t even have a sip of tea so fourth brother, don’t tease me.”

Yinzhen’s eyes fell on the tea held in Yinyou’s hand. Seeing Yinyou taking another sip, he slowly looked away, “Have you eaten?”

As soon as these words came out, Yinyou felt that his stomach was empty. He didn’t even have time to eat breakfast today. It was almost noon now. He rubbed his stomach and said, “Not yet, fourth brother, what do you have to eat for lunch today?”

“I’ll ask someone to set the meal.” Seeing that Yinyou’s face was paler and thinner than before, Yinzhen immediately ordered someone to serve the meal and then he rose from his seat and said to Yinyou, “Let’s go and eat together.”

Yinyou followed him happily. When he saw the table full of southern-style food, his appetite became even better. After cleaning his hands, he picked a crystal goose paw without waiting for Yinzhen to move his chopsticks7It’s etiquette that since Yinzhen is the host, Yinyou would need to wait for Yinzhen to start eating. Not conforming to etiquette at this time is just proving how close he feels to Yinzhen, and how he feels comfortable and at home there. and started eating. Although his movements were still graceful and he followed the royal etiquette, the speed was just astonishing. 

Xiao Luzi, who was standing on the side, felt sad. What kind of life did the Seventh Master spend in the Ministry of Works?

When Yinzhen saw this scene, his movement of picking up vegetables froze. He sighed and put down his chopsticks. Instead, he filled a bowl of ginseng and pigeon soup with his own hands and brought it to Yinyou’s right hand. 

“Drink some soup to warm yourself up. You have been stuck all day on the Ministry of Works, now look at this appearance, how is this good?”

After Yinyou took a few sips of the soup, chuckled and declared, “Fourth brother, don’t worry, the work of the Ministry of Works has been completed. Now I can be leisurely for a while. Oh, this soup tastes pretty good.” 

After saying this, and drinking a few mouthfuls, he felt that the hunger in his stomach was gone, but it was a pity that he was only three-thirds full. After picking up two more duck tongues and swallowing, Yinyou spoke again, “If we succeed this time, the weaving speed in the future will be greatly improved. There are also newly developed steps…” 

But since there were servants around, Yinyou changed the topic promptly, “And those pieces of cloth, made with the new textile machine, feel no worse than the previous ones, but they can be done a lot faster. Isn’t this a good thing? And those plows, waterwheels, and harvesting knives may seem unimportant, but they actually play a big role.”

Seeing his beaming look, Yinzhen smiled, and did not interrupt him. After the meal, Yinzhen had already listened and knew clearly what had kept Yinyou busy.

The two returned to the study. Yinyou lazily spent the afternoon slouching on the Taishi chair. Suddenly, he thought of the Old eighth and the Old brother. 

He said, “Fourth brother, did you know that there’s a Taoist priest next to the third brother?”

Yinzhen lifted his gaze from the papers to him, one eyebrow raised, “Why, what nonsense did this Taoist priest say in front of you?”

Yinyou shook his head. Seeing that Yinzhen didn’t seem to care about it, he didn’t say anything else. He just leaned on the Taishi chair and yawned, closing his eyes. At this time, he looked particularly relaxed and lazy. 

TN: I love how Yinzhen is Yinyou’s safe space. He can be himself, he can unwind… Yinzhen also spoils him so much, kya~

This is a foreshadowing of the next events. I’m guessing the taoist man is Zhang Mingde, a fortune teller. He does not come to the forefront of the political struggle until after the Crown Prince is deposed for the first time. Around this time, the princes are fighting for the Crown Prince freed position. Yinzi, the oldest son of Kangxi, is one of the first ones to jump and be smacked down by Kangxi. He turns around and decides to support Yinsi, the eight prince, because Yinsi had been given to his mother, Consort Hui, to be raised on her name. 

At the behest of Yinzi, Zhang Mingde was sent to Yinsi. Zhang foretold that Yinsi was predestined for greatness. Yinzhi, long preoccupied with supernatural ways to influence temporal affairs, relayed Zhang’s seemingly auspicious predictions about Yinsi’s future to the emperor in an attempt bolster to Yinsi’s case for becoming crown prince. In response, the emperor, rather than rewarding Yinsi, sentenced Zhang to death in order to discourage others from becoming involved in the struggle for succession. The Zhang Mingde episode was a huge blow to Yinsi politically and resulted in his own house arrest. Wikipedia.

Btw, I don’t know if you remember, in Chapter 21: Barbecue we have already been told that in the eyes of the princes and everyone, Yinsi is on the side of Yinzi, the first prince (because he was raised by Concubine Hui). In this chapter, due to Yinzi saying something, Yinsi gets Kangxi’s disapproval. I’m guessing this is also a foreshadowing to the next events, lol.

Yinyou glanced at the still-calm eighth brother and remembered a wise saying: “not afraid of opponents who are like gods, but teammates who are like pigs”. Did the eldest brother really hate the eighth brother, or did he hate him, or did he truly hate him?