Chapter 118 Shop Talk

Name:Blessed by Night Author:
Chapter 118 Shop Talk

", I'm just gonna go ahead and warn you right now, just ignore whatever stupid shit they say."

"Aww are you telling me this because you're afraid you'll be embarrassed?" Bianca asked teasingly. Malachi glanced at the shop they were about to enter out of the corner of his eye and debated changing his mind. "Yes, I am 100% sure these motherfuckers will try to embarrass me."

Bianca giggled and wormed her way past him like some kind of serpent. "Okay well know I HAVE to go inside."

Malachi tried to stop her, but his attempts were all in vain. This was their second official day as a couple, and the two of them were spending it running all sorts of errands in preparation for Luna's Gala in two days. While Bianca, Sei, Luna, and Anna all had to have dresses custom made and go shopping for accessories and pick out a good hair dresser and make-up artist and a gaggle of other things...

The only items on Malachi's to do list were :

A. Get a nice suit. B. Get a haircut. Leading to the current scenario where, after going to some fancy store that Malachi couldn't even pronounce that was on the other side of the country, they ended up here outside of Malachi's barbershop. Bianca pushed open the door and Malachi wearily followed her inside. The familiar homey atmosphere, the smell of wave grease, and the sound of low playing music that could barely be heard over the raunchy laughter. When Malachi and Bianca walked inside, the sound of laughter and clippers immediately ceased as everyone stared at the two newcomers. "Shit, I know that ain't Preach!"

"Hide ya momma's y'all! Don't let that boy get a hold of em!"

"It look like Mr. Famous done remembered where he came from!"

"What's good little bro? Is your sister still single?"

In the blink of an eye, Malachi was being greeted by men young and old, all eager to see him after such a long time. However, they paused when they noticed an equally famous and beautiful young woman standing next to him. Bianca shunt back a bit due to the sudden influx of attention, and Mal took it upon himself to make introductions.

And give well needed warnings. "This is my girl Bianca... Act like y'all got some sense."

Malachi knew just how out of pocket these men could be when it came to pretty women. He would hate to send this shop up into flames because one of them said her body was cornbread fed. "Umm, hello." She said shyly. One by one, a few of the man came up to shake hands with Bianca and embrace Malachi, allowing him to make introductions. The first to step up was an older man with dark skin and an afro, wearing a orange dashiki and sandals that showed off his feet that were slathered in coco butter. "It's nice to meet you, sister. And it's good to see you again, brother Malachi." He said in a smooth, preacher-like voice. "B, this is Hotep. He's good people, just don't ask him anything about religion, politics, or sports if you wanna get outta here in under two hours."

"Oh, um okay. It is very nice to meet you." Bianca said kindly as she shook his hand. The next person to step up was a young man around their age who Malachi immediately dismissed. "Hell nah, get back."

"Mal? You really gonna do me like this now that you famous?" The man said in a tone of feigned hurt. "Fame ain't got nothing to do with it. You the last person I want around my girl, Triple D."

Bianca tilted her head in confusion as she lightly tugged on Malachi's shirt. "Umm.. why do you call him Triple D?"

Malachi leaned down next to Bianca's ear and whispered teasing words. "I like it better when I make you girls sing for me instead."

Initially she did not understand, but soon her cheeks started to warm up and she put a short but necessary distance between them. Tone chuckled as he patted the chair and gestured for him to sit down. "Those powers of yours come with help talking to the ladies?"

"Nah, nothing like that." (Yes they do.)

Evidence of Mal and Tone's close relationship was in how he immediately knew the kind of cut he wanted without even needing to ask. Bianca took a seat in front of them and watched with interested eyes and even took a few pictures in the process. Tone was more of the quiet and reserved type, and maybe that was why he and Malachi always got along so well. He didn't ask Malachi for any favors, or try to start kissing up to him, instead they just talked about regular things without even mentioning his societal status. It was an extremely refreshing change of pace. "What's been going on with y'all boys lately?" Mal asked. He was immediately besieged with a flurry of answers before they suddenly trailed off and lost steam. The men glanced silently at Bianca before giving vague responses. "Nothing much..."

"I'm straight."

"My wife put me out, but I'm not tripping."

Bianca noticed that the atmosphere was almost uncomfortable and it wasn't hard to determine the reason. "Are you guys acting like this because I'm a girl...? Because you can talk comfortably, I don't really care."

The men glanced at Malachi out of respect and he merely shrugged in response, and it was all out of control from there. "Craig got his bitch fucked by somebody else!"



While Malachi made a face like he'd been punched in the gut, Bianca doubled over in her chair as she tried to suppress a snort. Sitting in the corner of the shop, a tired looking man with a bald head looked like all of the life had left his eyes. "I confronted her about it but she tried to lie to me saying they ain't do nothing cause it ain't fit."

"DAMN!" The collective shock erupted from everyone in the barbershop with functional ears, and they were all looking at the broken hearted man with pitiful looks. "And I'm like what the hell you mean it didn't fit? I fit don't I?! Why the hell he don't fit!?" Craig cried. "You don't want me to tell you why he don't fit, Craig."

"Don't worry big bro, you just gotta have your villain arc."

"He too old to be talking bout a damn villain arc, he just gotta kill himself and start over."

The conversation quickly became wilder and more uncut, and Malachi wondered if it might have been too much for the innocent Bianca. Although after taking a look at her, he quickly dismissed such a conclusion. His girlfriend was laughing harder than anyone else, and it was clear that she was feeling right at home in the atmosphere. He was initially a bit worried to bring her here but now, he was glad that he did. The beautiful smile on her face made it all so worth it. -

Outside of the window, a very beautiful woman who seemed to be imperceptible to those around her was watching the young couple fondly. "The two of them are so cute... I should say hello."