When Aubrey said sit down, she actually meant it.
She and her brother were now sitting crosslegged in the middle of the room as they both stared at each other.
No matter how strong he was, Malachi would confess that he was actually feeling more than a little nervous right now.
"Everybody is worried sick about you, you know..." she began. "You're functioning like you're on autopilot half the time, it's like you're not even there.
You just go out to work, come home to check on Serana, and then go to sleep. I'd say you're like a ghost, but ghosts don't exactly run all over the base trying to do everything at once."
"I-I've been a little more active than normal, yea, but saying I'm like a ghost feels like a stretch. I'm still present." Mal defended.
Aubrey didn't say anything, simply nodded while she concentrated on her spell. "Cool... so you know Rose broke up with Aisha and I then?"
Malachi's eyes nearly rocketed from their skull.
"W-What!? But she was just in my quarters when I-"
"We're still friends and all, but we kind of just... want some different things. It's complicated."
Malachi's eyes narrowed. "What kind of diff-"
"It doesn't matter, I'm not talking to you about this because I'm in need of some pity. I'm just bringing this up to point out that in the past... there was no way someone as observant and nosy as you wouldn't have noticed."
Malachi felt like those words were more of a dig than an observation...
Nevertheless, he let his head hang low as he wrestled with the undeniable truth of what his sister was saying.
"I'm just... trying to keep everyone safe, Aubrey. Can you cut me a little break for that?"
"No. Not when you're lying right to my face and going on entire missions without backup or telling anyone!"
"Aubrey, I'm sorry for lying to you, but this is my cross to carry and I don't want-"
"Why!? Who told you that you had to do all of this by yourself with no help!? Is our value in your eyes truly so little that you-"
"No, but look at what has happened because of me, Aubrey! You are all going to lose your powers in a year just for siding with me! I can't ask you to lift even a finger more for me!"
Aubrey wasn't fazed by her brother's yelling, but she still stared at him like she was truly hurt.
"What are you blaming yourself for...? Nothing that has happened to you so far has been your fault, and you should know that already."
Mal covered his face with his hands as he sighed in true exhaustion.
He'd had a hard year.
Not only did he miss the birth of his daughter, but the entire world had kept on moving while he was somewhere off doing Chaos knows what.
Even if he didn't want to admit it.
"I guess... I can do that. I don't want her to think I'm ungrateful for all she does and... I owe everything that I am to her."
"Annnd..?" Aubrey prodded.
"I shouldn't keep all of you in the dark... you are not helpless and you are my partners."
"And I.. I dunno, what else?"
"The current rate that things are going is not your fault and is in no way related to your past actions."
"...Say it!"
"Malachi Jadou Saint!!"
Mal stood up and stretched his body before he started walking towards the doctor who was still frozen.
He lifted up the doctor by his ankle and dropped him headfirst into the shadows that were already looking at their feet.
"...Baby steps, sis. Give me a little time to grow too, yea?"
Aubrey sighed in exhaustion, both from her brother's attitude and the weariness of holding up such a big spell over the whole building for so long.
To save her energy, she decided that it was best to resume this debate at a better time.
"This isn't over, Mal."
"I know."
Malachi finally freed the girl who was sleeping while strapped to the table and lifted her into his arms. "Come on. I'm sure there are more in this place who are just like her."
Malachi started to leave the room when suddenly his sister called out to him in a much more serious tone than normal.
"You owe those girls an apology, Mal. Having multiple partners means that you have to be more attentive and present, not less. Do right by them."
Malachi paused without looking back, and Aubrey could've sworn that she heard his heart clench.
"I got it... thanks for trying to get my head on straight."
"Hey, what is family for if not this, right?" Aubrey smiled.