186 Episode 127: Tea Confectionery and the End of Relaxation

Sakya, who was sinking when I was told she was' normal ', came back to life.

"It's a mistake to expect lip service from your brother..."

"Lord Jen treated me so clutterfully... I envy Lord Sakya."

When Sakuya groans with a slightly dimpled face, the mental dm towel runs retarded.

I guess it's already a well-known fact to say that faces other than Lena and Meer have not drawn to what Tool said. Izmo Republic, are you okay?

"Then will you take my place?



Seeing the instant answer towel, the boulder sakuya hardens a little too.

"... sorry, no after all. Because I'm also communicating with your brother."

"It's mindless..."

Tool dropping his shoulder really carelessly.

Are you glad that Sakya was molested, too?... pervert?

"Because they're your brothers, right? Don't get me wrong, okay?

Sakuya, who read my expression, stabs me in the nail with a tundele-looking line.

Apparently, the head of Queen Castar is not a pervert.

After that, the tundeleposition is blue and character worn there.

Blue is a tundra in the right sense, and once it is, it doesn't go back to tung......

"It just helps if you give it some relief"

"We don't need any help!

It is a slightly hectic sakuya even after making a statement that makes you think it is OK to flirt.

Come with Don for the opposing towel! That's all I'm saying.

If they tell me I don't need any help, I have to be serious about the boulder.

That's why it activates an unattended fear against the towel.

"Ababa Bubba..."

With only 3 seconds of skill activation, Tool's face was no longer a good one for girls of her age.

It is an 18 forbidden face, mixed with fear and pleasure (Tool is 14 years old).

"Oh, brother. At the Tea Party seat, stop it..."

Sakuya, who sensed what had happened from how Tool looked, looks disgusted and looks at me.

Yeah. That wasn't what you'd do in a seat to eat or drink.

"I guess I'll have to use it. Anyone you can use?

That's what Rouge says and looks around.

"Well, you're gonna be fine... I've been wearing diapers."

"I don't think that's okay"

The towel, which is loosing all body power and leaning firmly on the chair, declares confidently.

Hearing it on the side, Katrea quickly denied it by shaking her neck to the side.

"What the hell do you expect from a tea party seat if this happens?

"Once or so, I thought I had a chance to get Lord Jen to shake it..."

And you're saying you've made that opportunity stunning.


"Not only Brother Towel, but I'm ready too. I want you to shake it physically."

My twin sister, Caorle, was just as dumb.

"Dear Jen, what are they saying...?

Lena, who doesn't know the twins' sexuality, asks as she pulls at a level she can see.

Meer, beside him, looked at it with a pocan look and went back to the task of carrying the treat into his mouth again.

"Some hobbyists say that. That's all."

"Ha ha... The world is huge."

He doesn't seem to understand, but he seems convinced for the first time.

If you wish, don't let Lena wake up to a weird hobby.

"Caorle, if you like it so painful, I'll lend you the Devil's Sword later"

"Brother, no way..."

Sakuya notices something, blues her face.

"Demon Sword? What effect?

"" The Devil's Sword/Eternal Payne ". Stabbing it has the effect of saying that severe pain will strike your body, but you will not die. It's perfect for you, isn't it?

"I knew..."

Traumatic Sakya squeaks in "Devil's Sword Eternal Pain".

"That's a nice effect. I'd love to borrow it."

I went half-jokingly, too, but Caorle agreed to this.

The depth of the twins' business led them to despair.

For the record, 'Demon Sword/Eternal Payne' was returned from Caorle two days later.

He said, 'I didn't think this was it. The only thing that hurt and made me feel good was at first, and then it was hard to die. I don't want to see any long-term pain...'.

"Dear Jen, how about a cup of tea?

"Oh, please"

The maids brew tea substitutes in anticipation of the loss of my tea.

Tool took off his seat once and changed his diapers. They're already expecting Wang Chang.

"Now, this cookie is delicious. No, it's really delicious like nothing else."

I drank tea and groaned when Lena, who was eating sweets, had a cookie that was a tea treat.

I thought it was quiet after the tea party started, but they've been pounding their tongues on cookies for a long time.

"Nino, can you explain the treat?

"Okay. Yes."

Sakuya prompted me, and our culinary maid lead, Nino, started explaining cookies.

"The basic ingredients like flour, sugar and butter came from a labyrinth farm and ranch, yes."

"All I can say is that there is such a thing spread across the hierarchy below where we are fighting for our lives whenever I hear it..."

Based on Rouge, who is an Explorer, there are things that do not fall from the ground up after 50 layers.

"Well, you're gonna stop eating, aren't you?

"... no, eat"

Asked by Tool, Rouge chose to eat at the stray quote.

I'm not allowed to complain more than I've chosen to eat.

"You go on. Yes, all of these ingredients are the finest. Recently, Mr. Midori of Doriad has also come to the labyrinth to nourish the soil"

I haven't seen Doriad's middleman in the mansion lately, I thought, but have you been to the labyrinth?

A: It looks like we've moved our base to the labyrinth as more people are getting restless in the mansion. The generation of secret medicines does the norm. It plays a role in circulating nutrition just by being in a plant-based demonic disaster. It also has some effect on the flavour of the ingredients.

If you're just relaxing even if you're in the mansion, and saying that being in the labyrinth just helps, there's no doubt that's better. Midori, you have a nite temperament...

"That, too, is desperate to avoid being inferior to it because the eggs are so fancy. Yes."

"What eggs are they?

Lena asks, who never comes to the mansion and doesn't know what eggs are usually used in the mansion. Well, it's about me.

"It's a Harpy egg. Yes."

"Ha, harpy eggs!?

There are large quantities of harpy eggs that even royal nobles cannot eat in this world.

'There's enough to sell' in the right sense, so you can afford to cover the amount you use for cookies.

By the way, the Harpy daughters are currently living quite freely except laying eggs.

It varies from humanizing and doing maids, to humanizing and joining mercenary regiments, to eating and sleeping except laying eggs. The last one (Neto) has a slightly harsh egg norm.

"That's such a fancy ingredient..."

"It's a simple treat, but it's a cookie carefully selected from ingredients and made by skilled people. Yes! Maybe one piece lightly wipes out the general aristocratic month's income. Yes!"


Royal at first, but Lena never seemed to eat Harpy's eggs. The Kingdom of Narnka is not that big a country, and I guess there weren't any luxury goods out there that far.

Until now, I had eaten normally, but suddenly I began to treat it politely as if I were handling even jewelry.

... but I won't stop eating!

By the way, Toddler Girl (Meer) carries cookies to her mouth without stopping her hand since she started eating sweets once, swelling her cheek bag like a squirrel.

I can see the maid in the back mentioning the subtraction in the notebook.... Live strong.

"Well, there's a little bit of it in Castar via the Advanced Chamber of Commerce, but it's in circulation,"

"Same goes for Estea"

Queen Castar and the Kingdom of Estea are like my homeground, so I give them some preferential treatment in various respects.

One of them can be the distribution of Harpy's eggs.

"Na, be sure to give it to the Kingdom of Narnka too!

"We want the Izmo Nation too!


The royal families of the untouched kingdoms of Narunka and Izmo become desperate.

Meer, formerly of the kingdom of Eldia, said to leave me alone. I guess I'm not interested in domestic distribution because I'm not practically royalty treated.

"It has nothing to do with me leaving the country. If only we had enough to eat at Jen's mansion."

"We're the same. It will not be possible to cover the boulders for everyone in the secret, nor will we be able to prepare anything to be considered..."

"I'm glad I came to your husband."

Rouge leaving the country, Blue and Leaf not responsible for 'The Secret Border of the Dragon Race (Dragon Newt)' is an easy-going thing.

"Can we afford Harpy's eggs enough to flow to other countries right now?

"Unfortunately not. Yes, reduce the amount to be turned to the country on sale…"


"That's no good"

Sakuya and Katrea slash the cookmade-up line answering my question.

"If demand has increased, increasing supply is the best solution."

"Brother, what are you going to do?

"Why don't we just take an extra taste of Harpy?

If you don't have enough Harpy eggs, all you have to do is taste Harpy.

I feel a little sorry for Harpi who gets taemed for egg purposes, but if I care, I lose.

"Simply put, do you have Ate?

"If you go to the woods where Harpy was, maybe a few of Harpy's can handle it?

Surely the chocolates. Did Harpi say it was Mount Ende or something that made it his residence?

"Well, why don't you give me a little taste"

"Huh? Brother, are you going to go now?

He said, "Good is a hurry."

Acting alone makes me cry, so I call Maria in case and transfer her to Mount Ende on the 'portal'.


Five minutes later.

It was 21 Harpies and 1 Harpie Queen who had metastasized with me.

Harpy Queen is pushing her chest against my arm and rubbing her head with a thrill.

Apparently, I'm in the nature of being missed by Harpy Queen.

"Brother, aren't you coming home soon?

"I'm on my way to the tea party. I've been teeming with rolls. With all this, you wouldn't be invulnerable to Harpy's eggs, would you?

The harpies in the back are squeaking. Apparently, I'm telling you to leave it to me.

"Maybe enough...... What's wrong with that Harpy Queen?

"Apparently, the total annihilation bonus when I moved to the gray world was Harpy Queen, and it was the Harpy Forest again. It was smaller than it was in Chocolate."

Answer Sakya's question.

When powerful demons are created with a total annihilation bonus, the demonic realm itself is prone to overflow with demons of the same lineage as the bonus.

Continuing with the chocolate, Harpy Queen was born, so it became the Harpy Forest again. It's a delicious ending as far as I'm concerned because it has a higher profit margin than any other demon.

With that said, it looks like Asha, the Demon Man (Tamer), is tutoring (Tame) the annihilation bonus, but hasn't it all been turned around?

A: Harpy Queen is a formidable enemy, so she seemed to put it behind her.

For once, we were planning to fight.

Well, there's no other way to be taken by him than to leave him alone.


"Who's Chocolate? Oh, it's your senior Harpy Queen."


Harpy Queen, who learns of Chocolate's existence and is stunned.


"Looks like we're in this mansion right now. It's a training ground."


They asked me where Chocolate was, so I answered, and I said, 'I'll make sure which one's up there' and I left.

"The other Harpies follow the instructions of their seniors..."

"Kiyu" x 21

Except for Harpy Queen, he followed the instructions very carefully, and was taken by all the Harpies who called him.

Thus, even to the Republic of Izmo and the Kingdom of Narunka, a small but harpy egg was to be distributed. Of course, via the Advanced Chamber of Commerce.

They toured Harpy's eggs and had intense interactions with the big chambers of commerce everywhere, but that's another story.

After a while, Chocolate came into the room in charge of her new Harpy Queen.

Newcomers are worn out and in neat condition.

"Master, what the hell is he? I suddenly appeared and challenged the battle, so I lightened it up..."

There seems to be no mistake in saying 'light' and not a lot of damage for being worn out.

Soon, Chocolate seemed to be able to help. Inspirational.


"Who's older! You chick!

Newbie Harpy Queen hasn't been born for a month.

It would be nothing but a baby from a 400 year old chocolate.

Is it a good place to laugh when you're harpy but say 'chick', 'hiyoko'?

"It's the demon I Tamed. I went to Mount Ende to taste Harpy, so I finally did."


"'Me, are you coming?!?' You say? Of course, my husband already has me."

Well, just Tame Harpy, and I didn't even feel like defeating Harpy Queen.

Besides, Harpy Queen's eggs are priceless luxury, and they'll be too spared to defeat.

"While there is something to say to me, I feel like offering Harpy Queen to her husband who taemed her... I can't help what I've tasted. I can't tell you to kill me now."

"There's no reason to do that more than once."


'Good -' he seems to be saying.

"So, what's he going to do?

"It doesn't seem like it's been long since I was born, and I won't have enough experience, so I guess I'll be training and studying in mansions and labyrinths for a while. Chocolate, as a senior at Harpy Queen, can I ask for an education?

I'm a senior of the same race, so I wouldn't be any more qualified as an educator.

"Okay. I'll work out with my men for a while.... but it's my job to offer eggs to my husband."

"Cucumber!? Kikyu, kikyu!

"'I want it to be my turn once every three days'? Don't get on with it. If you regret it, say it after it helps your husband more than I do."


'Cause you will never lose!!!' cries new Harpy Queen.

Keep it up, they'll take you to Chocolate.

Later, I named Harpy Queen alone. 'Mocha'.

The tea party went on unconnected afterwards.

Sakya's first mention of entertainment must have been some kind of joke.

Honestly, I don't feel entertained.

"It's been quite a while and I guess it's almost time to open up..."

"Right. So it's time to call you."

Katrea, who nodded at Sakya's remarks, left the room.

Check where you're going on the map...... I see. It sure is a noble tea party.

After a while, it was a dozen maids who showed up in the room.

They all came into the room with instruments. Yes, they are your musical team.

The musical corps, composed by interesting members there, such as the leader, the former Duke's Lady Feuille, Mira, who returned from vampire to human, is currently working sharply near Estea.

Either Feuille's talented business or all of her members are now boasting a high level of playing skills (also heard).

He is now said to be the best musical team in Estea, and he can also be tapping out quite a bit of money.

See, watching music is a noble hobby...

For once, royalty from all over the country is gathered on this occasion, but the members of the musical team started playing music without showing how nervous they were as one person.

It's been a long time since I've calmed down and listened to their music, but it was clearly different than before.

Previously, it was music with feuilles, and the sounds played by others were only ornaments to enhance feuilles.

The difference in strength from the other members was too open, so all I could hear was Feuille playing.

But that's not what I'm playing right now.

We can see that there is overall harmony and on top of that we have Fieux in the lead.

It is the same that Fieux is above the other members, but the distance between them is clearly shrinking, taking the form of a 'concert of the musical team' rather than a 'concert of Fieux'.

Yes, in a nutshell, this emotion… is' very good '.

My thoughts are in elementary school.

The performance was over and the musical team left with a big round of applause.

A concert is when you close a tea party and you do something that spills inside.

"Well, that's the end of the performance, shall we keep it open"

"Right. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming together today."

That said, Sakya and Katrea go in tight.

"It was fun."

"I want you to call me again. I've never had a friend my age before."

"Sister, I hope you don't make a public statement about your embarrassing feelings."

It's Sman's.

The twins of the Izmo Republic make a sad declaration.

"Well, it's not easy for royalty to have friends your age..."

"Oh, I have a close minister but when I become a friend... Knock..."

"Well, I have Sakura."

Stray bullets also hit Katrea, Rouge and Sakya. Only Sakya stepped on it.

It is only natural to say that Cattleya is right that there are no close friends in the royal family.

It should be noted that Lena and Meer are also slightly distracted.

You guys too...

"A human royalty can't even make friends."

It's sad.

There are two Dragon Races (Dragon Newt) who do not care.

Although a candidate for chieftain, friendship seemed normal. Is that it? I didn't ask you about Dora's friendship...

I stopped thinking because all I seemed to get was a sad answer.

"On second thought, I don't have any friends other than my brother..."

Sakuya said Sakura was a friend earlier, but when I calmly thought about it, I couldn't seem to think of any friends other than me, and I was disappointed.

As a result, royalties other than outsiders (dragonuts) were to recede.

"So, I had a strong rapport aspect today, and I'm going to have a tea party a little more into national circumstances in the future. Will you all join us?

Refresh your mind and Sakya asks the participants.

"Of course you are. You must actively participate in gatherings with friends."

The other participants snort, as they did in tune with Tool's remarks.

Perhaps the earlier declaration of no friends is in effect.

"Finally, I give you today's tea treat as a souvenir..."

"Is that true!

Lena rode herself out before Cattleya finished saying it to the end.

Did you like the tea treats (cookies) so much?

"Yeah, yeah. I'll give you one for each sachet."

"... you ever get two?

"Please don't"

Lena kneeling on the spot.

Our maids' dishes and treats work well against royalty.

I handed out the tea treats and Sakya talked to me where it was dissolved.

"Did you have fun today, brother?

"Oh, we had some fun inside."

"Well, that would have been worth the invite."

A less experienced type of relaxation, but this would be good for occasions.

Surrounded by beautiful princesses from all over the country, this tea party picks the finest treats and listens to the highest level of performance in the Kingdom of Estea.... I have a lot of luxury.

As we were eating dinner at the mansion, Mio and Serra, who were out, returned.

Serra was knightly equipped to go to the Elgant Empire, and Mio was on his way to crusade the demons to make sure he was comfortable with his mythical (Gods) bow.

He's not as big as Huang Long, but he seems to have slaughtered quite a few opponents.

"Welcome back. How was your weapon use?

"Yeah, that was pretty easy to use. I thought it was a little light, but I got used to it after a while."

Serra is not very used to light weapons because her usual gear is heavyweight.

That said, it's only a matter of getting used to it, so you seem to have overcome it already.

"How was the armor?

"I asked Mimi to make a few adjustments to fit my body. After that, you completely lost the discomfort you were wearing."

"You have no problems with both swords and armor. Then Mio is next."

When I turned towards Mio, Mio nodded cocklessly.

"Mio, automatic tracking was cheesy, just like I thought."

"It was amazing, wasn't it? They sweep the demons out of the woods. And don't do any damage to the forest itself."

"That's amazing. If I wanted to do something similar, the forest would be gone for sure."

From outside the woods, no damage is done to the woods, only demons in the woods are destroyed.

In my case, 'Don't Damage the Forest' is the neck.

"I'm surprised you did it yourself. Recommended for extermination."

"I feel that the annihilation battle is largely over, like the dragon hunt for" The Secret Border of the Dragon Race (Dragon Newt) "or the demon hunt for King Eldia's Capital..."

"Yeah, it's subtly slow..."

Mio drops his shoulder disappointingly.

There will be a chance of annihilation in itself.

But are there going to be an annihilation battle comparable to "Army of Over a Thousand Demons" or "Herd of Over a Thousand Dragons"? It is doubtful.

"Well, if there's a chance of annihilation, Mio will do his best, so thank you there."

"Oh, I hope so."

It is not an effect that will be wasted even if it is not limited to the battle of annihilation, so it is an expectation of Mio's future activity.

Still, a combo of maps and automatic tracking would be too assassinatory. Of course, I'm not going to let Mio do that...

"Hmm? If you look closely, why is Myao snuggling up on your husband's feet?

So Mio discovered Myao at my feet.

"No, after a while of moffing, you won't be able to leave me..."

There was no reason to take a cat (like a creature) to a tea party seat on a boulder, so I peeled it off, but the rest of the time was always snuggling by.

There appears to be a heart mark in its eyes.

Mio reaches closer to Myao.

"Come, Myao. Dear husband."


But Myao plays that hand with his tail.

"'Let me stay like this a little longer'? Hey..."


Mio groans with a desperate look.


Mio's terribly rude screams echo all over the mansion.

Since then, Mio has been pleading in the dugout, I gently intimidated Myao and adjusted my thing to think of him as a 'sweet but horrible man'.

Sometimes it snuggles up, but it's not as good as it sounds anymore.

Day 17 of relaxation.

Two days have passed since the Tea Party and Sakya contacted me to say I was leaving for the Elgant Empire.

Apparently, you're done relaxing.